Best Way To Create Pressure Inside A Container

In summary, using a compressed gas such as CO2 or N2 is the most efficient and effective way to create huge, steady amounts of pressure inside a container.
  • #1
What is the most efficient and effective way to create huge, steady amounts of pressure inside a container: simply having a compressed gas tank, and hooking it up to the container, or making a combustion reaction occur inside the container?
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  • #2
What do u mean by steady? And what do u plan to do with it? If i understand right, then just get a compressed gas tank. If the size and shape of the container doesn't matter, then simply get a CO2 cartrige from some paintball gun store, or some sports store. I don't sugest doing a combustion reaction inside a container...definitly don't do that.
  • #3
Well I know how I could do it, I'm just wondering which would require the smallest amount of gas: Using a compressed gas such as CO2 or N2; or simply making a combustion reaction with probably hydrogen. By steadiest I mean which method would maintain a pressure X inside a container while using the smallest amount of gas possible.
  • #4
Using a combustion with hydrogen is no a very good way to create high pressure. When you burn the hydrogen it will give off energy because its an exothermic reaction, that will create very high pressure but only for a very small amount of time. Right after the explosion, you willl only have water, because H2 + O2 -->> H2O (not balanced). So, bascily you have water vapor in the container, which quickly condenses and becomes liquid...pretty much decreasing the pressure. In terms of "smallest amount", there can be many ways to think of this. One is the volume of the gas at that temperature and pressure. Another is the mass of the gas. Hydrogen is the lightest, its only 1g/mole, N2 is in the middle with 28 g/mole, and CO2 is the heaviest with 44 g/mole. Dont do the hydrogen...i think the easiest way is to use compresed CO2, its cheapest and easiest way. If u have any douts about how much you need or how much volume it will occupy and stuff like that, just use the ideal gas law, PV = nRT. If you need help with anything, just let me know.

FAQ: Best Way To Create Pressure Inside A Container

1. What is the best way to create pressure inside a container?

The best way to create pressure inside a container is to introduce a gas or liquid into the container and then either increase the temperature or decrease the volume of the container. This will cause the particles of the gas or liquid to collide with the container walls more frequently, creating pressure.

2. Can pressure inside a container be created without adding a gas or liquid?

Yes, pressure inside a container can also be created through a chemical reaction. This reaction can produce gases that will increase the pressure inside the container.

3. How does temperature affect pressure inside a container?

Temperature and pressure are directly proportional, meaning that as temperature increases, so does pressure. This is because an increase in temperature causes the particles of a gas or liquid to move faster, resulting in more collisions with the container walls and an increase in pressure.

4. Is there a limit to how much pressure can be created inside a container?

Yes, there is a limit to how much pressure can be created inside a container. This limit is determined by the strength and integrity of the container itself. If the pressure inside the container exceeds the container's capacity, it may rupture or explode.

5. How can pressure be measured inside a container?

Pressure inside a container can be measured using a pressure gauge or a manometer. These instruments measure the force exerted by the gas or liquid inside the container and display it in units of pressure, such as pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals (Pa).
