Exploring the Mystery of Heat to Current Transformation

In summary, this device creates an electric current by using the physical principle of attracting charges.
  • #1
Hi all.

Imagine one negative charged dielectric rod into a copper solenoid, and rounded coaxially by another positive charged dielectric. Then we have an E field radially directed passing through the coil.

Now put one magnet on top of the coil and another magnet at the bottom of the coil, so we have a B field axially directed passing through the coil.

The copper coil has electrons inside, and these electrons are not static ones, they have random movements due to ambient heat.

Now, by virtue of the crossed B and E fields, these electrons will tend to flow with a preferred direction on the coil.

The E and B fields doesn't increase nor decrease the kinetic energy of the electrons of the coil, but changes direction in a perpendicular force fashion, so no work is added or needed. The resultant effect is "focusing" the random kinetic energy of the electrons to flow on a preferred direction, so we can add all the randomly directed kinetic energy into one preferred direction, and thus a useful kinetic energy appear from zero kinetic energy net resultant.

Now, if we put a load on the coil ends, the electrons will flow. The load will convert the ordered flow of electrons into random kinetic movements, so power is dissipated again as heat.

Then, the heat of the environment will go again into the device, because the ordenation of the electrons by E and B fields convert "heat" random movements of the electrons of the coil into kinetic useful work, so the coil goes cold...

So there are an electric cycle and a heat cycle.

The device transforms heat into current, (then the device goes cold), and then the load transforms current into heat, and finally the device takes that ambient heat.

What's the problem with that?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
The physical principle of the device is well known.
Take a look to this page:

(if it doesn't work, type:www3.ltu.edu/~s_schneider/physlets/main/cross_eb.shtml)

you can play with the values, and realyze that it doesn't matter the initial direction of the charges, they finally follow the same direction (so finally, in a properly designed device, charges could create a current or voltage).

This page talks about the same. I think i have posted it before, but take a look:

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  • #3

There are a few potential issues with this concept. First, it is important to note that the E and B fields described in this scenario are not constant, but rather are changing due to the presence of the magnets and the movement of the electrons. This means that the device would need a constant supply of energy to maintain the fields and continue the cycle, which would likely come from an external source.

Additionally, the efficiency of this device would likely be very low. Converting heat into current requires a significant amount of energy, and the process of converting current back into heat also results in energy loss. This means that the amount of useful work generated by this device would be minimal compared to the amount of energy put into it.

Furthermore, this concept also violates the laws of thermodynamics. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In this scenario, it appears that energy is being created from nothing, which is not possible.

Overall, while this idea may seem intriguing, it is not a feasible or efficient way to transform heat into current. There are more practical and efficient methods available for this purpose.

FAQ: Exploring the Mystery of Heat to Current Transformation

1. What is heat to current transformation?

Heat to current transformation is the process of converting heat energy into electrical energy. This transformation is based on the principles of thermoelectricity and the Seebeck effect, where a temperature difference between two materials creates an electric potential.

2. How is heat to current transformation used in everyday life?

Heat to current transformation is used in many everyday applications, such as thermoelectric generators in power plants, thermoelectric coolers in refrigerators and air conditioners, and even in some portable chargers for electronic devices. It is also being researched for potential use in waste heat recovery and renewable energy sources.

3. What materials are commonly used for heat to current transformation?

The most common materials used for heat to current transformation are thermoelectric materials, which are typically semiconductor alloys made from elements such as bismuth, tellurium, and antimony. These materials have a high Seebeck coefficient, meaning they produce a large potential difference when exposed to a temperature gradient.

4. What factors affect the efficiency of heat to current transformation?

The efficiency of heat to current transformation depends on several factors, including the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric material, the materials used, and the design of the device. Other factors such as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and the geometry and size of the device can also impact efficiency.

5. What are the potential applications of further research into heat to current transformation?

Further research into heat to current transformation has potential applications in various industries, such as power generation, transportation, and consumer electronics. It could also play a role in reducing energy waste and promoting sustainable energy sources. Additionally, advancements in this technology could lead to more efficient and cost-effective ways of converting heat into electricity.

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