Michelson-morley interforometer.

  • Thread starter MathematicalPhysicist
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In summary: Reflection does not mean going back necessarily. Reflection means that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Both are 45° here.If you shine light on a mirror, which is turned around 45° from your point of view, the reflected light won't return to you as well. For white light and an arbitrary path difference, the fraction is generally close to 50%.Ok, as there was no path difference given, I assumed that.Anyways, my english might not be perfect, but I know that reflected means returned, goes back, and refracted means like in light refraction.
  • #1
Gold Member
I had a question in the exam that asked how much percantege of the photons are detected when the beam splitter, is a symmetrical beam splitter, i.e: |In>->(1/sqrt(2))(|Transmitted>+i|Reflected>)

well, at first 50 percentage is reflected and 25 goes to the right hand mirror, and quarter goes to the up mirror, afte the mirrors refelct the waves back, 50 percent form each wave is refelceted, and 50 percent goes through, (the detector is placed parallel to the up mirror), 50 percent from the 25 percent goes through which goes downside is getting detected, which mean 1/8 of the photons are being detected, is my reasoning correct?

if this question is suitable to HW then move it there, I am just not sure it's suitable for Advanced physics cause it's in a first year course, but then agian it's not for high school mechanics.

thanks in advance.
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  • #2
loop quantum gravity said:
well, at first 50 percentage is reflected and 25 goes to the right hand mirror, and quarter goes to the up mirror

No. This is wrong.
A 50/50 BS splits a beam in one half, which goes to mirror one (50%) and one half, which is reflected and goes to mirror two (50%). It does not split the beam in three parts as you suppose. Where should a reflection back to the source come from?

So during the second reflection 50% of each beam go to the detector and 50% are directed back to the source. This adds up to a total of 50% being detected.
  • #3
Cthugha said:
No. This is wrong.
A 50/50 BS splits a beam in one half, which goes to mirror one (50%) and one half, which is reflected and goes to mirror two (50%). It does not split the beam in three parts as you suppose. Where should a reflection back to the source come from?

So during the second reflection 50% of each beam go to the detector and 50% are directed back to the source. This adds up to a total of 50% being detected.

Remember that the interference of the recombined beams can be distructive or constructive toward the detector. So the fraction reaching the detector can be 100% or zero or anything in between, depending on the path difference between the two arms of the interferometer. For white light and an arbitrary path difference, the fraction is generally close to 50%.
  • #4
now as i look at it, it should be 100 percent.
here's my calculation:
which mean it's 100 precent, or am i wrong in my calculations?
  • #5
anyway my english perhaps isn't that good but i know that reflected means returned, goes back, and refracted means like in light refraction.

in the exam, it was written (in english!) reflected!
how on hell should i know, he means refracted, the TA and the Lecturer who also visited in the exam to answer to questions didn't see this mistake, i guess the other students understood as refracted.
  • #6
country boy said:
For white light and an arbitrary path difference, the fraction is generally close to 50%.

Ok, as there was no path difference given, I assumed that.

loop quantum gravity said:
anyway my english perhaps isn't that good but i know that reflected means returned, goes back, and refracted means like in light refraction.

in the exam, it was written (in english!) reflected!
how on hell should i know, he means refracted, the TA and the Lecturer who also visited in the exam to answer to questions didn't see this mistake, i guess the other students understood as refracted.

Reflection does not mean going back necessarily. Reflection means that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Both are 45° here.
If you shine light on a mirror, which is turned around 45° from your point of view, the reflected light won't return to you as well.
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  • #7
what about my post 4 in this thread is my calculation wrong there?
  • #8
In case, that the paths to both of the mirrors have equal length and the beam splitter is an ideal 50:50 BS, this is true, because there is a phase difference of pi/2 between the split light beams. This is quite remarkable as usual mirrors give a phase difference of pi.
  • #9
****, i could have got a good grade, i hate this when i know the material but get ****ed by trivialities.
btw, it wasn't given that the mirrors are placed with the same length from the splitter, although the picture does suggest that's the case, i thought you can deduce this solely by the algebra that iv'e done.

FAQ: Michelson-morley interforometer.

1. What is a Michelson-Morley interferometer?

A Michelson-Morley interferometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the speed of light. It consists of a beam splitter, two mirrors, and a detector. This device was used in the famous Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, which aimed to detect the presence of the "ether" (a hypothetical medium thought to be responsible for the propagation of light).

2. How does a Michelson-Morley interferometer work?

The Michelson-Morley interferometer works by splitting a beam of light into two perpendicular beams using a beam splitter. These beams then travel along different paths before being recombined at a detector. If there is a difference in the speed of light along the two paths, it will result in an interference pattern at the detector, which can be used to measure the speed of light.

3. What was the purpose of the Michelson-Morley experiment?

The Michelson-Morley experiment was conducted to test the existence of the "ether" and its effect on the speed of light. At the time, it was believed that light waves required a medium to travel through, similar to how sound waves require air. The experiment aimed to detect any changes in the speed of light as the Earth moved through the ether.

4. What were the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment?

The Michelson-Morley experiment yielded unexpected results - there was no observed difference in the speed of light as the Earth moved through the ether. This was a significant finding as it challenged the prevailing theories of the time and eventually led to the development of Einstein's theory of relativity.

5. How has the Michelson-Morley interferometer influenced modern science?

The Michelson-Morley interferometer was a groundbreaking instrument that played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the speed of light and the nature of space and time. Its results were instrumental in the development of Einstein's theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of the universe. The interferometer also paved the way for further advancements in the field of optics and spectroscopy, allowing for more precise measurements and experiments.

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