Why do ice cubes stick together?

  • Thread starter zacsee2000
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In summary, when you pour water into a glass with cubes of ice, they will stick together because of pressure and temperature.
  • #1
I've noticed that when I pour myself a glass of ice water the ice cubes will stick together. I put them in my glass as individual cubes, and they seem to melt together where they touch each other. Can anyone explain why this happens? Thanks.
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  • #2
I'm guessing it's because applying pressure (due to the weight of the cubes) causes it to melt, but that it refreezes when water is poured into the glass. When it refreezes, it does so in contact with the other cubes so it sticks together.
  • #3
It could also be that a thin layer of water condenses on the cubes from the air and this freezes, sticking the ice cubes together.
  • #4
Hi zacsee2000,

You have to describe in a slightly greater detail as to how you pour the glass of ice water. Once you are saying that the cubes stick together, but then you say that they melt when they touch each other. Do they also stick together side by side? Do you put the water afterwards?

Defennder has interestingly explained it through regelation, but I doubt if a single ice cube will exert too much of a pressure on a lower one to cause sufficient melting and re-freezing .

Andy's explanation seems better because the temperature of the ice cubes when you take them out of the icebox (-20 C) is much lower than the room temperature. Water will definitely condense on the boundary, but are the ice cubes cold enough to "freeze" that water again?

So, a detailed description of what happens when you put them together without water would be helpful. (In the meantime, I can see myself taking too much of iced beer -- well, anything for a good cause...)
  • #5
It is possible that they just keep close because of surface tension. You would require some force to drag them apart because of water between them, so cubes stick together in their local energy minimum.

FAQ: Why do ice cubes stick together?

1. What causes ice cubes to stick together?

Ice cubes stick together due to a process called regelation. This occurs when the pressure from the weight of the top ice cube melts the surface of the bottom cube, creating a thin layer of water. As the pressure is released, the water refreezes, bonding the two cubes together.

2. Why do some ice cubes stick together more than others?

The amount of water present on the surface of the ice cubes and the temperature of the cubes can affect how easily they stick together. Ice cubes with a smoother surface and colder temperature will typically stick together more than rougher, warmer cubes.

3. Can anything be done to prevent ice cubes from sticking together?

One way to prevent ice cubes from sticking together is to use distilled or purified water to make them. This reduces the amount of impurities and minerals that can contribute to sticking. You can also try tapping the ice tray gently before freezing to break up any air bubbles that may cause the cubes to stick.

4. Do different shapes of ice cubes stick together differently?

Yes, the shape of the ice cubes can affect how easily they stick together. For example, ice cubes with more surface area, such as crushed ice or small cubes, will usually stick together more than larger cubes with less surface area.

5. Is there a scientific reason why ice cubes stick together more in some drinks than others?

Yes, the composition of the drink can play a role in how easily ice cubes stick together. Drinks with higher sugar content, such as soda, can create a sticky surface on the ice cubes, causing them to stick together more. Acidic drinks, like lemonade, can also contribute to this stickiness.

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