Transferring from EET to EE - Is It Possible?

  • Thread starter Jammin_James
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In summary, the person is currently studying EET and has been enjoying the program more this semester. They are interested in transferring their AAS credits to an EE program for a BS degree. However, they have heard that EET majors make less than EE majors and are wondering how easy it would be to transfer. After some research, they found that it may be possible to transfer into a BSEE program at their current school if they take advanced math and physics courses. They are advised to speak with their advisor for more information.
  • #1
*I posted this in the EE forums... whoops :-p*

Hey everyone!

I've been going to a school for EET and I've been doing pretty well so far. Something clicked for me this semester and I started to enjoy the program more and the challenges it presents. I have to say, I love working with MCUs and FPGAs; however, I do love my other course as well.

Recently, someone told me that usually EET majors make less than EE majors and my question is this:

How easy it would be to transfer my AAS credits in EET to an EE program for a BS. These are the classes I'll have taken after I get my AAS .

I guess I could wait until Monday to ask my teachers, but I really need to know now haha.

Thanks everyone!
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  • #2
To my understanding, Engineering Technology courses don't transfer well into a true engineering degree. However, the following quote was found on your school's website: "It is possible to transfer into BSEE programs if the student is able to take advanced Math and Physics while at SUNY Morrisville and special transfer arrangements are made."

Talk to your advisor and find out what needs to be done asap. You may end up going into the Engineering Science program if you haven't gone too far in the EET program.
  • #3
Honestly I didn't see any courses that really struck me as typical EE courses (Though I have no idea what electrical theory is), but of course the gen ed stuff like technical communications and calc will transfer if you decided to go the EE route.

FAQ: Transferring from EET to EE - Is It Possible?

1. Can I transfer from an EET program to an EE program?

Yes, it is possible to transfer from an Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) program to an Electrical Engineering (EE) program. However, the specific requirements and process may vary depending on the institution you are transferring to.

2. What are the main differences between EET and EE programs?

EET programs typically focus on the practical application of electronics and technology, while EE programs have a more theoretical and mathematical approach. EET graduates often work as technicians or technologists, while EE graduates work as engineers.

3. Will my credits from my EET program transfer to an EE program?

In most cases, some of your credits from your EET program will transfer to an EE program. However, this will depend on the specific courses and curriculum of the institution you are transferring to. It is best to consult with an academic advisor or admissions representative for an accurate evaluation of your credits.

4. Do I need to have a strong background in math and physics to transfer to an EE program?

EE programs do require a strong foundation in math and physics, but it is not a strict requirement for transferring from an EET program. Some institutions may offer remedial courses to help students catch up on any math or physics prerequisites.

5. Can I transfer to an EE program if I have work experience in the field?

In some cases, relevant work experience in the field of electrical engineering may be considered for transfer credit or as an alternative to certain prerequisite courses. However, this will depend on the policies of the institution you are transferring to and should be discussed with an academic advisor.

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