Meter used before digital meter?

In summary: For example the voice coil of a loudspeaker is a magnet surrounded by a coil of wire. When the voice coil is driven with an electric current it will create a magnetic field. The magnetic field will be strongest in the direction of the driving current and will oppose the motion of the voice coil. The more current that is driving the voice coil the stronger the magnetic field will be and the less motion the voice coil will produce. The voice coil will have an impedance which is a measure of how much resistance it has to the magnetic field. In the case of an 8 Ohm loudspeaker the voice coil would have an impedance of 8 Ohms. So the real loudspeaker would have an input impedance of 16 Ohms.
  • #1
I didn't know where to post this question which is:
What type of meter, which had very good loading characteristics, were used to measure voltages before digital meters were produced?

I tried googling but it's all a jumble. can anyone guide me? thanks.

Edit: is it a voltmeter?
Physics news on
  • #2
kooombaya said:
I didn't know where to post this question which is:
What type of meter, which had very good loading characteristics, were used to measure voltages before digital meters were produced?

I tried googling but it's all a jumble. can anyone guide me? thanks.

Edit: is it a voltmeter?

Certainly it's a voltmeter, but I seem to recall that it had a special name when it had a high input impedance.

This is a school question, right? I'll try to see if I can figure it out, but if I do, I can only offer hints to help you search... Makes sense?
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  • #3
Okay, the Wikipedia article on Voltmeter has your answer in it. Does that help?

EDIT -- BTW, rather than searching the whole web with Google, often a search at Wikipedia will get you a technical answer quicker. Other tricks are to use Google Images (no help for this question), or add the word tutorial after your search terms in Google (also no help in this particular case).
  • #4
thanks i'll reread the wiki article.

Edit: Am I correct in saying it's the VTVM?
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  • #5
or a galvanometer could be converted to voltmeter using a high resistance in series.
  • #6
So were galvonometers invented before voltemeters? Is that it? I am sooooooooo confused -_-
  • #7
kooombaya said:
thanks i'll reread the wiki article.

Edit: Am I correct in saying it's the VTVM?

The VTVM used vacuum tubes, but yes it had high input impedance. I like the FET-VOM better, since that was one of the first meters I used. Kind of rolls off the tongue...
  • #8

  • #9
Oh hi there :) I wish to understand this question as well!
  • #10
Have you Googled Simpson meters? They have been in business for about 90 years. When I was working in pulp and paper mills the field electricians would check components with their Flukes, etc, but when the components came back to the shop they would be hooked up to Simpsons.
  • #11
Kooombya - Not quite sure what you are asking but...

Early analogue meters were originally powered by the signal they were trying to measure. When you connected them to a voltage source a current flowed through the meter coil causing it to try and rotate against the return spring. The coil impedance needed to be high enough to prevent the meter loading the circuit but low enough that sufficient current flowed to provide the torque needed to turn the movement. It was a compromise and the coil impedance could never be really large so there was allways some loading effect. You had to get good at working out when that was significant and correcting measurements to take into account.

When I went to collage (1979) you could buy multimeters in Tandy that were battery powered and used a FET amplifier to prevent the meter loading up the circuit. They were still called Multimeters although perhaps more correctly they were FET VOM's


I still have mine (from about 1980) in it's original box and it still works just fine.

PS: One problem I found was that when working on a radio transmitter the radio signal could be picked up inside the meter somewhere and stop the meter working. Usually easy to spot because the needle would typically try to go backwards to the stop.
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  • #12
Could you explain what input impedance is and how it can be found?
  • #16
The input impedance of a system stage describes what it "looks like" to the preceeding stage. If you like you can call it the load that the previous stage has to drive.

Consider an 8 Ohm Loud speaker. The simplest model of a loud speaker is an 8 Ohm resistor and in that case the input impedance would be 8 Ohms. However real loudspeakers are not quite that simple.
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FAQ: Meter used before digital meter?

What is a meter used before digital meter?

A meter used before digital meter is a traditional analog meter that measures electric or gas consumption in a household or building. It is a mechanical device with dials and hands that display the amount of energy used.

How does a meter used before digital meter work?

A meter used before digital meter works by using electromagnetic induction to measure the amount of electricity or gas passing through it. The spinning of a metallic disk or wheel inside the meter generates a magnetic field, which is then captured and measured by the meter's dials and hands.

Why were meters used before digital meter replaced?

Meters used before digital meter were replaced for a few reasons. One reason is that they require manual reading and recording, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Another reason is that they are not as accurate as digital meters, which can lead to overbilling or underbilling. Additionally, digital meters allow for remote reading and monitoring, making it easier for utilities to track and manage energy usage.

Are there any advantages of using a meter before digital meter?

One advantage of using a meter before digital meter is that it has no electronic components, making it less susceptible to power surges or other electrical disturbances. It also does not require a power source to function, which can be beneficial in areas with unreliable electricity. Additionally, some people find the analog display of traditional meters easier to read and understand compared to digital displays.

Can a meter used before digital meter be converted to a digital meter?

In most cases, a meter used before digital meter cannot be converted to a digital meter. This is because the internal mechanisms and components of the two types of meters are fundamentally different. However, in some cases, the meter may be replaced with a digital meter by the utility company. It is best to contact your utility provider for more information about upgrading to a digital meter.
