Intensity measured from a point and surface intensity

In summary: Hope that this makes sense.In summary, the surface flux of radiation from a star with a radius of 5.0*10^8m is 0.055W/m^2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An astronomer is trying to estimate the surface temperature of a star with a radius of 5.0*10^8m by modeling it as an ideal blackbody. The astronomer has measured the intensity of radiation due to the star at a distance of 2.5*10^13m and found it to be equal to 0.055W/m^2 . Given this information, what is the temperature of the surface of the star?
Express your answer in kelvins to two significant digits.

Homework Equations

I is proportional to Stefans constant * Temp to the power of 4

Surface intensity = Intensity measured from a distance * (Distance / Radius)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

With those two equations above the answer itself just falls out, however I only found the second equation while looking around for help on this question.

Can anyone explain to me in English why the second equation holds true? Is it already in its simplest form and I should just remember it?

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  • #2
i am not sure what distance/radius means, but i think i understand what you are talking about.

the intensity at a distance r from the star will be: I(r) = Is/r^2 , where Is is the surface intensity. this follows from the fact that the energy can be considered to be spread evenly over the surface of a sphere which is increasing in size. the surface area of the sphere is 4 pi r^2, so the area increases as r^2, so the total energy in any given area (since the total energy is constant) must fall as 1/r^2 as you move out.

hope this helps
  • #3
Distance/radius meant distance divided by radius, sorry for the ambiguity.

Your explanation although correct and very helpful would not produce the correct answer as it isn't accounting for the radius of the star. What I'm struggling with is the fact that when given this problem and not quite getting it I immediately googled the whole thing and was lead to this: which is the correct answer but I wish he would have just explained his working.

This should be trivial stuff for someone at my level and it's causing a lot of anxiety, maybe is due to me trying to work backwards from the answer to find out how, apparently it's just simple geometry which is why it's so infuriating that I cannot comprehend it.
  • #4
Chowie said:
Distance/radius meant distance divided by radius, sorry for the ambiguity.

Your explanation although correct and very helpful would not produce the correct answer as it isn't accounting for the radius of the star. What I'm struggling with is the fact that when given this problem and not quite getting it I immediately googled the whole thing and was lead to this: which is the correct answer but I wish he would have just explained his working.

This should be trivial stuff for someone at my level and it's causing a lot of anxiety, maybe is due to me trying to work backwards from the answer to find out how, apparently it's just simple geometry which is why it's so infuriating that I cannot comprehend it.

Hello Chowie. We astronomers tend to use the word "flux" (F) to label the quantity that is measured in W/m2, so this is just a head's up that that is the term I will be using.

For something that emits isotropically (the same in all directions) the flux from a source only depends on your radial distance r from that source. In other words, F is a function of r, F(r).

Now, the Stefan-Boltzmann law says that for an ideal blackbody of radius R, the surface flux (the rate at which energy is being emitted from a unit area on the surface e.g. from 1 square metre) is given by:

[tex]F(r = R) = \sigma T^4[/tex]

Therefore, the luminosity (L) of the source (the total power that it emits in watts) is just this flux (power per unit area), multiplied by the total surface area. For a sphere this is just:

[tex] L = 4\pi R^2 F(R) = 4 \pi R^2 \sigma T^4 [/tex]

Now, imagine you are at a distance r > R from the source. Again, the light energy from the source is being emitted in all directions equally. Therefore, at this distance, this same amount of total energy is now spread out in space over a much larger sphere of radius r. Therefore, the power per unit area (flux) being received at a distance r is just the luminosity divided by this total area over which the light energy is now spread out.

[tex] F(r) = \frac{L}{4\pi r^2} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{4 \pi R^2 \sigma T^4}{4\pi r^2} [/tex]

[tex] = \sigma T^4 \frac{R^2}{r^2} \propto \frac{1}{r^2} [/tex]

What I have just discussed above is an explanation of why the inverse-square law for flux is true (for sources that emit isotropically)
  • #5
Thank you very much for this concise explanation, it has really furthered my understanding.

FAQ: Intensity measured from a point and surface intensity

What is intensity measured from a point?

Intensity measured from a point refers to the amount of energy or power per unit area that is radiated or received from a single point source. It is usually expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/m2).

What is surface intensity?

Surface intensity, also known as irradiance, is the amount of energy or power per unit area that is received or emitted from a surface. It takes into account all the points on the surface and is typically measured in units of watts per square meter (W/m2).

How is intensity measured from a point different from surface intensity?

The main difference between intensity measured from a point and surface intensity is the source of the radiation. Intensity measured from a point only considers the energy radiated or received from a single point source, while surface intensity takes into account all points on a surface. This means that intensity measured from a point will be higher than surface intensity, since it is only measuring the energy from a single source.

What factors affect the intensity measured from a point and surface intensity?

The intensity measured from a point and surface intensity can be affected by various factors, such as distance from the source, type of radiation, and absorption by the medium. In general, the closer the point or surface is to the source, the higher the intensity will be. The type of radiation being emitted or received also plays a role, as some forms of radiation are more intense than others. Additionally, the medium through which the radiation travels can also affect the intensity, as some materials absorb more radiation than others.

How is intensity measured from a point and surface intensity used in scientific research?

Intensity measured from a point and surface intensity are important measurements in various fields of science, such as physics, astronomy, and environmental science. These measurements can help scientists understand the behavior of radiation and its effects on different materials and environments. They can also be used to calculate and predict the amount of energy received from sources such as the sun, which is crucial in fields like solar energy production.

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