A Satellite in Sun-Synchronous Orbit

In summary: Your picture looks like the satellite is about 1/6 Earth radii.The maximum time in view is the time it takes for the satellite to move from the subsatellite point to the horizon, which is half of the orbit's period. This is not the same as the swath width divided by the satellite's speed. In summary, a remote sensing satellite deployed in a circular sun-synchronous orbit with an inclination of 96.85 degrees has an orbit altitude of 349km. The spacecraft coefficient is 200 kg/m^2 and the solar flux during launch is F10.7 = 90. To determine if the orbit altitude is sufficient for the estimated 2-year lifetime, the atmospheric density must be calculated using a chosen
  • #1

Homework Statement

A remote sensing satellite is deployed in a circular sun-synchronous orbit with inclination 96.85 degrees.

A. Calculate orbit altitude. I did this and got 349km.
B. The spacecraft coefficient is 200 kg/m^2. Solar conditions during the spacecraft launch are characterized by the solar flux F10.7 = 90. Is the orbit altitude sufficiently high for the spacecraft to operate through the estimated 2-year life time? What would be the spacecraft approximate lifetime if it is launched during solar maximum?
C. What is the maximum distance from the spacecraft to the horizon? I got 2139 km.
D. What is the maximum possible swath width? I got 12094 km.
E. What is the maximum possible time in view? I got 1560 seconds.
F. What is the ground speed of the subsatellite point? I got 7.3 km/s
G. The ground communications station is located at the satellite ground track. What is the communication time if the local conditions limit spacecraft visibility to elevation angles larger than 18 degrees?

The Attempt at a Solution

Assuming I got A,C,D,E,and F correct, I need help with B and G. For part B, I know the solar flux is related to the atmospheric density. If i get the atmospheric density I can use that, the radius of orbit and the ballistic coefficient to calculate the change in radius per revolution, and can calculate # of revs in a given time period since I know orbital velocity. I just don't know how to find the atmospheric density, rho, in the equation below which relates what I just talked about..

delta R(per rev) = -2*pi*(1/ballistic coeff)*rho*R^2

For part G, I have no clue where to start or what to do.
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  • #2
This picture might help. The elevation angle is epsilon. lambda_0 is the swath angle. rho is not the same as the rho in part B.

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  • #3
Check your answers for D and E. Do these make sense given your answer for C?

For B, you must have been told to use some atmospheric model. This site, http://modelweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/atmos/atmos_index.html , is a good reference point for a number of atmospheric models.

For G, use the law of sines: sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b = sin(C)/c.
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  • #4
Damn, I don't know what I am doing wrong here. We are given

[tex]cos(\lambda_0) = \frac{R_e}{R_e + h} = sin(\rho)[/tex]

I got [tex] sin(\rho) = .9481[/tex] using [tex]R_e = 6378 km[/tex] and [tex]h = 349 km[/tex] calculated previously.

So [tex]\rho = 71.46[/tex] degrees, and [tex] D = R_e cos(\rho) = 2139 km[/tex]

For part D, swath width, [tex]S_w = 2 \lambda_0 R_e[/tex], and since [tex]sin(\rho) = cos(\lambda_0)[/tex], and since I got [tex]sin(\rho)[/tex] to be .9481, [tex]\lambda_0 = arccos(.9481) = 18.54[/tex]. Now our professor said this was in radians, so does that mean [tex]\rho[/tex] is in radians too? If so, is part C incorrect? However, [tex]S_w = 2 \lambda_0 R_e[/tex] = 2(.9841)(6378 km) = 12094 km. If I used degrees for lambda_0 this number would be absurdly huge. So how would this calculated answer not make sense in light of what I calculated for part C?

And what is wrong with part E? If part D is correct, isn't the time in view just the swath width divided by the speed of the satellite?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  • #5
The swath width equation [itex]S_w = 2 \lambda_0 R_e[/itex] is valid only if [itex]\lambda_0[/itex] is in radians. Your result, 18.54, is in degrees. Convert to radians.

Look at your own picture. The length of the circular arc from the subsatellite point to the horizon is half the swath width. How could that distance be three times the distance from the satellite to the horizon? BTW, your picture is a bit exaggerated. The satellite's altitude is 349 km, which is about 1/18 Earth radii.

FAQ: A Satellite in Sun-Synchronous Orbit

1. What is a sun-synchronous orbit?

A sun-synchronous orbit is a type of polar orbit where a satellite's orbital plane remains fixed with respect to the position of the sun. This means that the satellite will always cross over the same area on Earth at the same local solar time, typically once or twice a day.

2. Why is a sun-synchronous orbit important?

A sun-synchronous orbit is important for Earth observation and remote sensing satellites because it allows for consistent and repeatable observations of the Earth's surface. This is particularly useful for monitoring changes over time, such as with climate studies or crop monitoring.

3. How is a satellite placed into a sun-synchronous orbit?

A satellite is placed into a sun-synchronous orbit through careful planning and precise maneuvers. The satellite is first launched into a low Earth orbit, and then uses its onboard propulsion system to gradually adjust its orbit to match the desired sun-synchronous parameters.

4. What are the benefits of a sun-synchronous orbit over other types of orbits?

In addition to providing consistent and repeatable observations, a sun-synchronous orbit also offers benefits such as reduced fuel consumption and longer mission lifetimes. This is because the orbit is designed to minimize the effects of gravitational perturbations and atmospheric drag, allowing the satellite to maintain its orbit for a longer period of time.

5. Are all Earth observation satellites placed in sun-synchronous orbits?

No, not all Earth observation satellites are placed in sun-synchronous orbits. Some satellites may have different mission requirements that necessitate a different type of orbit, such as a geostationary orbit for constant coverage of a specific area. However, many Earth observation satellites do utilize sun-synchronous orbits for their advantages in data collection and mission longevity.
