Designing 12V DC-220V AC Power Inverters

In summary: Hi Bob,Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear that the schematics and diagrams you sent did not help you solve your problem. I would be happy to share some of my experience and knowledge with you, but first I need to know a little more about your project. Can you tell me what type of inverter you are building, and what type of batteries it will be used with? I can then provide you with more specific advice.Thanks,Ismail
  • #1
Ismail Dari
How to design 12vdc-220vac 2000,3000,5000 and 10000watts. I need a circuit diagrams and detailed discriptions.Thanks Ismail Dari.
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Engineering news on
  • #2
First of all is your input AC or DC. Or just ACDC!

The design procedures for the vaious power levels varies quite a bit and is not somehting you can get by just 'googling it' The filter part of the circuit itself involves a lot of things. I suggest you catch hold of some expert or find a book written by an expert (not just theory, but practical also) to help you out.
  • #3
We sure are getting a lot of questions about this lately. Ismail, please read this recent thread where we had a discussion about AC Mains safety:

After reading that, could you please post a bit here about your background in electronics and project construction, and where the inverters will be used? Thanks.
  • #4
I am a new member i am working on one inverter but i am havering problems with connecting the emitters of the 2n3055 transistor to the negative terminal of the battery , can some help out with this please . Thank you
  • #5
michachn said:
I am a new member i am working on one inverter but i am havering problems with connecting the emitters of the 2n3055 transistor to the negative terminal of the battery , can some help out with this please . Thank you
Here is an old inverter circuit used in the 1960's for Capacitor Discharge (CD) ignition circuits, using two 2N3055's. Note that this circuit is for 6-volt batteries.

Bob S
  • #6
bob s thank you for your reply but the information you sent me did not hepl me with the solution but all the same i am greatful to you , but i will be happy if you can send me the origanal schemetic diagrame of a 12vdc to 240vac inverter 5oow, i have some other diagrams but they did not work at all, this is the information of what i am working on, i used 4047 ic to create the oscillation , LM324 IC sound chip for amplifing the oscillation wave for the base of the 2n3055 transistors and a ups transformer for amplifing the voltage, but i used 1ohm or 0.047 ohm but on the diagram i was to use o.1 ohm resistor to connect the emitters to the nagative terminal it is because i did not get 0.1 ohm, please helpe to get the origanal information i will be more than greateful.
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FAQ: Designing 12V DC-220V AC Power Inverters

What is a power inverter and how does it work?

A power inverter is an electronic device that converts direct current (DC) electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity. This allows devices that run on AC power, such as household appliances, to be powered by a DC source, such as a car battery. Power inverters work by using electronic components, such as transistors and transformers, to change the direction and amplitude of the electrical current.

What is the difference between a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter and other types of power inverters?

The main difference between a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter and other types of power inverters is the voltage output. A 12V DC-220V AC power inverter specifically converts 12V DC power into 220V AC power. Other types of power inverters may have different voltage outputs, such as 24V DC-110V AC or 48V DC-240V AC.

What are the key components of a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter?

The key components of a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter include a DC input source, such as a battery, a DC-DC converter to step up the voltage from 12V to a higher level, an inverter circuit to convert the DC power into AC power, and an output transformer to adjust the voltage and current levels of the AC power for different devices.

What are the important factors to consider when designing a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter?

Some important factors to consider when designing a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter include the power requirements of the devices that will be connected to the inverter, the efficiency of the inverter, the size and weight of the inverter, the cost of materials and components, and the safety and reliability of the inverter.

What are the potential challenges or limitations of designing a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter?

One potential challenge of designing a 12V DC-220V AC power inverter is ensuring that the inverter can handle the power demands of the connected devices without overheating or failing. Another challenge is designing an efficient inverter that can convert the DC power into AC power with minimal energy loss. Additionally, the cost of materials and components, as well as the complexity of the design, may also pose limitations for some designers.
