Discover the Potential of Hydrogen Metal: Properties and Possibilities

In summary, Israeli scientists have made a solid form of hydrogen. It is lighter than regular building materials, but it is not clear if it has the properties of a metal.
  • #1
I was reading sometime ago that the hydrogen in Jupiter's core was a solid "metal"(with one electon?). This may be an uunanswerable thought question, but its been troubling me! Let's say Earth's scientists found a way to make hydrogen metal. what would its properties be? Density, etc., (this is assuming that we could keep it from vaporizing and in a "metallic" state. I didn't know where to post this one!
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  • #2
I think what you mean is make Hydrogen a solid. Metal just means it has certain chemical properties - i.e. ease of donating all the electrons of it's outer shell, forming a positively charged ion.

For example, Mercury is a metal no matter if it's a solid, liquid, or gas.

I've done no research into whether it has properties in common with other metals (when a solid), such as good electrically and thermal conductivity, malleability, etc. It may not. Unlike all the other metals, it can also act like a non-metal (accept electron(s) to fill it's outer shell). It also forms molecular hydrogen in the form of H2. This would interfere with the normal sharing of electrons typical of other metals.
  • #3
Earth's scientist actually have found a way to make hydrogen a metal. Not in large quantitites or for a long time, but under laboratory conditions, it has been achieved. talks about the differences between metalising H2 as a solid or as a fluid. I read an article some time ago (probably in SciAm) about attempts to produce a stable form. The article predicted that the metal would be much lighter than current building materials. I never heard any follow-up, so I don't think it's been achieved.
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  • #4
Hydrogen as a crystal

I read that Israeli scientists have made solid form hydrogen crystal. I wonder if this would have properties of a metal.

FAQ: Discover the Potential of Hydrogen Metal: Properties and Possibilities

1. What is hydrogen metal?

Hydrogen metal is a theoretical form of hydrogen that has the properties of a metal. It is created by subjecting hydrogen gas to extremely high pressures and temperatures, causing it to transition from a gas into a solid metal-like form.

2. What are the properties of hydrogen metal?

The properties of hydrogen metal are still being studied and are not fully understood. However, it is believed to be a superconductor at room temperature and have high electrical and thermal conductivity. It is also expected to be malleable and ductile like other metals.

3. What are the potential applications of hydrogen metal?

If hydrogen metal can be produced and its properties fully understood, it has the potential to revolutionize industries such as energy storage, electronics, and transportation. It could also have applications in space exploration, as it is lightweight and abundant in the universe.

4. What are the challenges in creating and studying hydrogen metal?

One major challenge is the extreme conditions required to create hydrogen metal, which are difficult to achieve and maintain in a laboratory setting. Additionally, the properties of hydrogen metal are still not fully understood and require further research and experimentation.

5. Is hydrogen metal safe for use?

As hydrogen metal is still a theoretical concept, its safety for use is unknown. It is important to note that hydrogen gas, which is used in the production of hydrogen metal, is highly flammable and requires careful handling. Further research and testing is needed to determine the safety of hydrogen metal for practical applications.

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