Help Requested: Cures for Final Stage Inflammatory Breast Cancer

In summary, the conversation mainly revolves around finding possible cures for a friend's wife who is in the final stage of breast cancer. Suggestions for natural remedies and alternative therapies are given, as well as information on benzaldehyde. Some personal experiences with cancer are shared, with an emphasis on the role of a positive attitude in battling the disease. The conversation also mentions the importance of support from loved ones in maintaining a positive mindset.
  • #1
My good friend's wife is dying of cancer. She has "final stage, inflammatory, breast cancer", or something like that. I need whatever information (perhaps some links or references) anyone has on the possible cures (particularly something "natural").

Also, does anyone have information on "benzaldynide" (not sure of the spelling)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Biology news on
  • #2
Sorry to here that. You should not rely on anything that anybody says in these forums; unless one is a certified MD. A professional has to be contacted; if money is a factor, look for any free-medical clinics around you, there should definitely be some. You might also want to ask your questions on web MD.
  • #3
cancer treatment

My mom died of ovarian cancer after fighting it for 11 years. She took some kind of tea that she found in a health magazine, and was convinced it helped her to stick around as long as she did. Sorry but I don't know what it was exactly. I saw/heard about something recently called 'SeaSilver'. It's a liquid vitamin/mineral supplement to strengthen the immune system. Sounded fascinating. After seeing solid vitamin pills come out of my dogs' rear-end, I've been wondering what benefit I'm actually getting from my supplements,so I ordered some for myself. You might want to check into it. Some hospitals have doctors that specialize in natural medications - that's where I'd start. Good luck.
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  • #4
I wish your friend's wife luck, but there's very little they can do once it has metastasized extensively (final stage.)

Here's the emedicine article on breast cancer:

The National Cancer Insitute's info on alternative therapies:

And their page on benzaldehyde:
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  • #5
Sorry to hear about your friend's wife. My mother died from Breast cancer and my sister had it and survived.

My sister is convinced that her mental attitude played a major role in fighting this disease. She had a rather negative attiude going in then she underwent an amazing transformation of character during her fight. She became determined not to let it win. This was not easy for her to do, because our mother died after she was diagnosed with the same disease, she had to distance herself from this realization and wasn't even able to allow herself to mourn as she would have until years later. She also was trained as an opera singer and some of the treatments made her lose her voice. She was told she may never sing again.

My sister also followed all of the doctor's recommendations and underwent surgery, reconstruction surgery, a bone marrow transplant and chemo therapy.

Your friend should try and not feel sorry for herself, she needs to keep her hopes high and not give into dispair. This is not easy to do, but the mind does have amazing powers to cure the body. My sister is a deeply religious person and also believes that prayer played a role in her recovery.

Take it for what it's worth, but my sister is clear of cancer today (nearly ten years later) and she sings professionally part time.
  • #6
Originally posted by damgo
I wish your friend's wife luck, but there's very little they can do once it has metastasized extensively (final stage.)

Here's the emedicine article on breast cancer:

The National Cancer Insitute's info on alternative therapies:

And their page on benzaldehyde:

Thank you, damgo.
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  • #7
Originally posted by Artman
Sorry to hear about your friend's wife. My mother died from Breast cancer and my sister had it and survived.

My sister is convinced that her mental attitude played a major role in fighting this disease. She had a rather negative attiude going in then she underwent an amazing transformation of character during her fight. She became determined not to let it win. This was not easy for her to do, because our mother died after she was diagnosed with the same disease, she had to distance herself from this realization and wasn't even able to allow herself to mourn as she would have until years later. She also was trained as an opera singer and some of the treatments made her lose her voice. She was told she may never sing again.

My sister also followed all of the doctor's recommendations and underwent surgery, reconstruction surgery, a bone marrow transplant and chemo therapy.

Your friend should try and not feel sorry for herself, she needs to keep her hopes high and not give into dispair. This is not easy to do, but the mind does have amazing powers to cure the body. My sister is a deeply religious person and also believes that prayer played a role in her recovery.

Take it for what it's worth, but my sister is clear of cancer today (nearly ten years later) and she sings professionally part time.

So that's why they are doing "positive linguistics" with her. Hmm. Interesting.

Yeah, I guess it does make sense that your attitude should play a large role in how easily you overcome the sickness.
  • #8
To help her, those close to her should feed the positive thoughts and refrain from adding to, or even avoid acknowledging, the negative thoughts.

It's hard, but it could help.

Related to Help Requested: Cures for Final Stage Inflammatory Breast Cancer

1. What is inflammatory breast cancer?

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare but aggressive form of breast cancer that affects the skin and lymph vessels of the breast. It typically presents with symptoms such as redness, swelling, and warmth in the breast, and can progress quickly to advanced stages.

2. What are the final stages of inflammatory breast cancer?

The final stage, or stage IV, of inflammatory breast cancer is when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the bones, lungs, or brain. This means the cancer is no longer confined to the breast and is considered advanced.

3. Is there a cure for final stage inflammatory breast cancer?

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for final stage inflammatory breast cancer. However, there are treatments available that can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. These may include chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies.

4. What research is being done to find a cure for final stage inflammatory breast cancer?

Scientists and researchers are constantly studying and conducting clinical trials to find new and effective treatments for all stages of breast cancer, including inflammatory breast cancer. Some areas of research include immunotherapy, targeted therapies, and combination therapies.

5. How can I support the search for a cure for final stage inflammatory breast cancer?

You can support the search for a cure by donating to reputable organizations that fund research for breast cancer, participating in fundraising events, and raising awareness about the disease. You can also support those with inflammatory breast cancer by offering emotional and practical support to patients and their families.

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