Compress Water: Difficult or Not?

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In summary: However, this assumes that the material is free to expand in the third dimension (i.e. no confinement). In summary, water is compressible due to its small molecular size and lack of bonding between molecules. It is also affected by external forces, such as the weight of water above it in the ocean. However, in a confined space, the empty space between molecules can be removed, resulting in a decrease in volume.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Is it true that it is very difficult to compress water in liquid form to a lower density, if so, why? It is not very heavy, and it is not forming into crystals in liquid form, as far as I know of.
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  • #2


I have heard it's almost impoissible to compress water. I really wonder why.
  • #3
As water is compressed, density increases, not decreases. The property is known as "bulk modulus". Water is compressible, but being a liquid it is relatively incompressible. The amount it can be compressed is defined by the bulk modulus. See this hyperphysics link:
  • #4
Thanks for the link, and yes, I meant higher density.
  • #5
I wouldl of assumed, that the compressibility of something would be determined by its initial density, water is more dense than air, so is harder to compress,

steal is more dense still, and even harder to compress, but any diver or submariner will tell you that water is highly compressible. but being fairly dense to start with, its harder to make it 'more' compressed.
and steal is allready very dense.

If when you compress something, (air, water or whatever), what are you doing? if you are forcing the atoms closer together, then i wonder what is in between the atoms or molecules.

if you can compress air, and put more gas molucles closer together, what is between the molecules before you compress it, (normal air pressue).

are the gaps between the moleculoes a vacuum ?
  • #6
Yes Sir

Check this out...
1) The water that is at the bottom of the ocean is compressed by the weight of the water at the top, therefore the water near the ocean floor is denser than the water at the surface.

2) If you compressed water in some type of laboratory setting using a metallic sphere made of copper which was heated to extreme temperature to expand then dumped into a pool of water, the gap left open to fill the sphere with water would close over from the coolness of being dropped into a liquid cooler than the solid which would lead to the sphere shrinking and the water inside becoming compressed when in actuality the atoms of the water would find a way to bond with the copper or subatomic particles in between the atomic particles of the copper.

Basically I think we can all agree "nature will find a way" and the water, although being compressed by method x, y, or z, will find a place to go in our extremely limited 4 dimensional plus space time.

We are only talking about water we can "see" and not the ocean of dark energy or dark matter that takes up more than 99% of what we humans consider the "visible" universe?

---CONTENT APPROVED:approve:---
  • #7
Assuming we are talking about pure water, not a mixed phase with small gas bubbles, then my guess is the following: In liquid form [tex]H_2O[/tex] molequles are very small and close to their neighbours, but they are moving sufficiently to avoid bonding between two molecules. A "perfect" crystal of [tex]H_2O[/tex] would be much easier to compress (I have no idéa of what structure it would take). Note that for example steel or butter is made up of grains with space in between. Compression would then remove this empty space and the volume will shrink.

The numer [tex]\nu=1/2[/tex] is used to describe perfect incompressible materials, which gives [tex]\DeltaV=0[/tex] for any applied force.

FAQ: Compress Water: Difficult or Not?

1. Is it possible to compress water?

Yes, it is possible to compress water. However, it requires a significant amount of pressure to do so. Water is considered incompressible, meaning that it is difficult to compress compared to other substances, but it is not impossible.

2. How much pressure is needed to compress water?

The amount of pressure needed to compress water depends on the initial volume of the water and the desired final volume. For example, to compress a liter of water by just 1%, it would require a pressure of approximately 2200 atmospheres.

3. Why is water difficult to compress?

Water molecules are tightly packed and bonded together through strong hydrogen bonds, making it difficult to compress. As pressure is applied, the molecules are forced closer together, but the hydrogen bonds resist this compression, making it difficult to decrease the volume of water.

4. Can water be compressed into a solid form?

Yes, water can be compressed into a solid form under extremely high pressures. This compressed ice is denser and has a different crystal structure than normal ice. It can only exist under these high pressures and will revert back to regular ice when the pressure is released.

5. Are there any practical applications for compressing water?

There are some practical applications for compressing water, such as in hydraulic systems and waterjet cutting. Compressed water is also used in some industrial processes for cleaning and cutting materials. However, due to the high pressures required, it is not a commonly used method for most purposes.

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