Alternating Power Series - Limits

In summary, the conversation discusses an alternating power series and its convergence interval, with one person disagreeing with the teacher's given interval. The ratio test is used to determine the interval, and it is found to be x = <-2,2]. The conversation then delves into a discussion about the series and its behavior for different values of x, with one person questioning whether the series is conditionally convergent. It is later explained that the series can be extended using analytic continuation, but it still diverges for x > 2.
  • #1
1. Alternating power series question on convergence interval.

I'm wrestling a bit with an alternating power series, the teacher has the convergence interval to be
[tex]x = <-2,2][/tex] and I don't agree.

Homework Equations

Without further adue, here is the alternating power series in question:
Ratio test says;
and end at the fruity limes below
now I understand that, [tex]\lim_{n=\infty}|\frac{n}{(n+1)}| \approx 1[/tex]

and in order to satisfy the criteria, ratio < 1, the limits for x must lie in <-2,2>.

Inserting limits for x in the original series i got:

[tex]x=2: \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}(-1)^{n-1}\frac{1}{n}, converges[/tex]
[tex]x=-2: \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}(-1)^{2n-1}\frac{1}{n}, diverges[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

This far I agree with the limits stated by the teacher, but something bugs me, I computed the series with many different values for x>2 in maple and the result was a finite real number every time. For positive x values the series seems to alternate and converge, even though it brakes the ratio < 1. Is it possible that this series is conditionally convergent, or am I on the wrong mind track?

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  • #2
HINT: Maybe it is worth to think about "Leibniz Criterion"?
  • #3
estro said:
HINT: Maybe it is worth to think about "Leibniz Criterion"?

In other words, the terms of (x/2)^n/n do not approach 0 as n->infinity if x>2. Show that if it will help. Sure they alternate, but that's not enough.
  • #4
Yes, but for other values root test decides right away. [almost trivial]
  • #5
estro said:
Yes, but for other values root test decides right away. [almost trivial]

Absolutely, so does the ratio test. I wasn't disagreeing with your answer in any way. I was just pointing out the part of the alternating series test that fails. If ellynx is picking values like x=2.01 the series will appear to decrease at first but if you get out past n=200 (I think), they will start increasing.
  • #6
Thank you for the replies and for shedding some light on this series business for me. I think I got it. I just have to pick the tests with care.
  • #7
ellynx said:
Ratio test says;
and end at the fruity limes below
"end at the fruity limes...?"
ellynx said:
now I understand that, [tex]\lim_{n=\infty}|\frac{n}{(n+1)}| \approx 1[/tex]
No, the limit isn't approximately 1. It's true that for large n, n/(n + 1) is approximately 1, but in the limit, this ratio is exactly 1.
  • #8
Yes of course, it should say equal to one, thank you for correcting me Mark44.

as goes for "end at the fruity limes," its just a silly pun on "limes" as the fruit lime and of course as in limes or limit.
  • #9
ellynx said:
1. Alternating power series question on convergence interval.

I'm wrestling a bit with an alternating power series, the teacher has the convergence interval to be
[tex]x = <-2,2][/tex] and I don't agree.

Homework Equations

Without further adue, here is the alternating power series in question:
Ratio test says;
and end at the fruity limes below
now I understand that, [tex]\lim_{n=\infty}|\frac{n}{(n+1)}| \approx 1[/tex]

and in order to satisfy the criteria, ratio < 1, the limits for x must lie in <-2,2>.

Inserting limits for x in the original series i got:

[tex]x=2: \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}(-1)^{n-1}\frac{1}{n}, converges[/tex]
[tex]x=-2: \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}(-1)^{2n-1}\frac{1}{n}, diverges[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

This far I agree with the limits stated by the teacher, but something bugs me, I computed the series with many different values for x>2 in maple and the result was a finite real number every time. For positive x values the series seems to alternate and converge, even though it brakes the ratio < 1. Is it possible that this series is conditionally convergent, or am I on the wrong mind track?

Maple computes the sum exactly as log(1 + x/2), which, of course, is true if |x| < 1. The series diverges for x > 2, but the *analytic continuation* of the series continues to make sense for x > 2. This type of thing is not at all uncommon: we start with a series that is valid definition of a function in a certain region, then can extend the function outside that region by changing the series.

For example, in your case we can expand f(x) = log(1 + x/2) about x = a to get
[tex] \displaystyle f(x) = log(1 + \frac{a}{2}) + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^{(n-1)}}{n} \frac{(x-a)^n}{(a+2)^n} [/tex] If we set a = 1/2 we have two convergent series for f(x) near x = 1/2: the original one, and the new one. The new series converges for |x - 1/2| < 5/2, so converges for x out to 3.


FAQ: Alternating Power Series - Limits

1. What is an alternating power series?

An alternating power series is a mathematical series where the terms alternate between positive and negative values. It is written in the form of ∑(-1)^n a_n x^n, where a_n is the coefficient and x is the variable.

2. What is the purpose of finding the limit of an alternating power series?

The limit of an alternating power series is used to determine the range of values for which the series will converge. It is also used to determine the value at which the series will converge, if it does converge.

3. How do you find the limit of an alternating power series?

To find the limit of an alternating power series, you can use the Ratio Test or the Root Test. These tests help determine the convergence or divergence of the series by comparing the ratio or root of the terms to a known value.

4. What is the significance of the alternating series test in determining convergence?

The alternating series test is a special case of the Ratio Test, used specifically for alternating power series. It states that if the absolute value of the terms of the series decrease as n increases and the limit of the terms is 0, then the series will converge.

5. Can an alternating power series diverge?

Yes, an alternating power series can diverge. This can happen if the terms of the series do not approach 0 as n increases, if the absolute value of the terms do not decrease as n increases, or if the series does not satisfy the conditions of the alternating series test.

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