Are AC and DC parameters related linearly?

In summary, the conversation discusses the creation of an embedded system to measure the output of a wind turbine. The turbine produces AC voltage but has an internal rectifier converting it to DC. The individual is looking into using programmable ICs and external current transformers, but they wonder if they can simply measure the DC parameters. They discuss the relationship between AC and DC parameters and plan to use multimeters to plot a mathematical relationship between the two. The individual's ultimate goal is to display AC voltage on their system.
  • #1
I've a small wind turbine that is rated at about 24V. The turbine produces AC voltage but it's got an internal recifier converting this to DC. I need to create an embedded system that measures the output of this turbine displaying AC voltage, current and power output.

I did some research online and have come to the conclusion that I might need specific programmable IC's (Microchip for example has one). However, they need external current transformers to tap into the main output of the turbine. Also, they need to be programmed separately (apart from the microcontroller that I'll be using). At least, that is how I understood.

I was wondering, since the turbine has an internal rectifier(unfiltered) converting the output to DC, can I not simply measure the DC parameters? Voltage is easy (an ADC should do). Current? Current sensors are easy to find. So, power = voltage * current.

But, this is under the assumption that AC parameters (voltage and current) are linearly related to DC paremeters after passing through a bridge rectifier. Is this correct?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
If it is really just a rectifier - then it won't be producing DC.
Hook it up to an oscilloscope and see.

Also see:

But certainly - P=VI in DC and P=VrmsIrms for AC
If the output is really DC you will have lost the frequency and phase information though. If you don't need that, then why do you need to work in AC at all?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Welcome to PF;
Thanks, this forum seems to be a wonderful place.
If it is really just a rectifier - then it won't be producing DC.
Hook it up to an oscilloscope and see.
Yes, my mistake. However, using a large value capacitor should fix this right?

If the output is really DC you will have lost the frequency and phase information though. If you don't need that, then why do you need to work in AC at all?
I do not need frequency or phase information. Also, I do not need instantaneous voltage or current. As you said, Vrms and Irms is all I need. I need this because my system has to show AC output (voltage, current and power).

So, if I use a capacitor to filter the output, then measure voltage and current, can I get an approximation of the AC voltage and current being produced by the turbine?
  • #4
I need this because my system has to show AC output (voltage, current and power).
But why?

Do I understand you that you must somehow get the rms values of the voltage and current from the generator before it is rectified?

The DC values are related to the rms values - but the relationship depends on the physical electronics in the rectifier circuit - eg. it has resistances in it which will reduce the DC voltage. Presumably the voltage also varies with the speed of rotation?

So I guess I don't understand which AC values you need.
  • #5
Do I understand you that you must somehow get the rms values of the voltage and current from the generator before it is rectified?
The DC values are related to the rms values - but the relationship depends on the physical electronics in the rectifier circuit - eg. it has resistances in it which will reduce the DC voltage. Presumably the voltage also varies with the speed of rotation?
This is what I'm looking for. I want to know if I can find a relationship b/w AC voltage and DC voltage and similarly for current too. Definitely the numbers might not be the same, I can plot the AC voltage versus DC voltage to find a relation. I can then use this relation in my code to "correct" the measured DC voltage to find the AC voltage.

So I guess I don't understand which AC values you need.
Just Vrms and Irms before rectification.

I hope I'm clear with my problem.
  • #6
This is what I'm looking for. I want to know if I can find a relationship b/w AC voltage and DC voltage and similarly for current too.
You will have to open it up and see what components are being used.
Definitely the numbers might not be the same, I can plot the AC voltage versus DC voltage to find a relation.
If you compute the AC Vrms and then plot it against the DC voltage, you will just get the relationship you used to calculate it in the first place though.
I can then use this relation in my code to "correct" the measured DC voltage to find the AC voltage.
Does not make sense!

You can find a relation between the RMS voltage before AC-DC conversion to the DC voltage after conversion by studying the electronics of the AC-DC converter circuit. The details depend on the actual circuit being used.
  • #7
I think I've caused unnecessary confusion. What I meant was, I'll use two multimeters, one to measure the AC voltage right before rectification and the second multimeter to measure DC voltage after rectification. I'll vary the RPM of the turbine to generate different voltages. I'll use this data to plot AC voltage versus DC voltage. This will give me a mathematical relationship between the two which I can use in my microcontroller code to display AC voltage even though it measures only DC voltage. I hope this makes sense. :)
  • #8
Fair enough... a moving coil voltmeter displays rms volts on AC iirc.
Digital voltmeters may do something special.

Since you plan to measure everything, what was it you wanted to know?
  • #9
Simon Bridge said:
Since you plan to measure everything, what was it you wanted to know?

Ah, I just wanted to know if this plan of mine was not flawed in some way. Thanks a lot for your help. I'll go ahead with this now.
  • #10
Oh right... empirically determining a relationship is usually best. The relationship need not be strictly linear though, so you'll want enough data to draw in a curve. OTOH I wouldn't expect a complcated relationship either.
  • #11
Is this alternator a single phase device? Afaik, they are usually three phase with full wave rectificaton for each winding (as in motor car alternators). This tends to give a pretty steady raw DC output voltage when they all add up. It would be worth while checking this out before you get started.

FAQ: Are AC and DC parameters related linearly?

1. How are AC and DC parameters related?

AC and DC parameters are related through their mathematical relationship, which is known as the impedance. Impedance is the measure of how much a circuit resists or allows the flow of electrical current. It is affected by both AC and DC parameters, and the relationship between them is linear.

2. What is the difference between AC and DC parameters?

AC (alternating current) parameters describe the behavior of an electrical circuit when the current is constantly changing direction. DC (direct current) parameters, on the other hand, describe the behavior of a circuit when the current flows in only one direction. AC parameters include measures such as frequency and phase, while DC parameters include measures such as voltage and current.

3. How does the linearity of AC and DC parameters affect circuit analysis?

The linearity of AC and DC parameters allows for a simplified analysis of electrical circuits. This is because linear relationships between parameters allow for the use of mathematical techniques such as superposition and Thevenin's theorem, which greatly simplify circuit analysis and design.

4. Can AC and DC parameters be used interchangeably?

No, AC and DC parameters cannot be used interchangeably. While they are related through the impedance, they represent different aspects of an electrical circuit. Attempting to use one set of parameters in place of the other could result in incorrect analysis and design of the circuit.

5. How can the linearity of AC and DC parameters be verified experimentally?

The linearity of AC and DC parameters can be verified experimentally by plotting a graph of the parameter values against each other and observing if the relationship is a straight line. If the relationship is linear, the slope of the line will be constant, indicating a linear relationship between the parameters. Additionally, various mathematical techniques can be used to verify the linearity of a circuit's parameters.

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