Unusual light rising from Martian surface

In summary, the article discusses several NASA photographs of a strange light on Mars near the rover vehicle. Currently, there is no official explanation from NASA, but it is likely a result of cosmic rays hitting the camera. Scientists have also observed similar lights on Earth prior to earthquakes, suggesting it is a natural phenomenon. The rover's imaging specialist believes the light is an artifact and not a real object on the terrain.
  • #1
Gold Member
The following article contains several NASA photographs of light apparently emanating outward from the surface of Mars a short distance from the rover vehicle.

Currently, there is no official explanation from NASA.

But before leaping to the conclusion that the light is artificial and comes from an underground civilization as this article does, it is perhaps better explained as a cosmic ray hitting the camera.

Also recall that scientists have recently affirmed similar lights on Earth originating prior to and during earthquake events. In brief, it is explained that pressures within rock formations cause charge separation and ionization which result in glowing particles releasing into the atmosphere.
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The rover actually shoots images in “stereo,” with one on the left and another on the right, and the right-hand camera captured a similar phenomenon two days in a row while the left-hand camera did not record the strange light.

An imaging specialist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said this suggested cosmic rays caused the mystery light.

“The fact that it’s in one ‘eye’ but not the other means it’s an imaging artifact and not a real ‘thing’ in the terrain. Period,” said Doug Ellison, the NASA expert.

FAQ: Unusual light rising from Martian surface

1. What is causing the unusual light rising from the Martian surface?

The most likely explanation for the unusual light is a phenomena known as "Earthshine", where sunlight reflects off of Earth and onto Mars, creating a bright glow on the Martian surface.

2. Has this type of light been observed on Mars before?

Yes, similar light has been observed before on Mars by both NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. However, the recent observations have shown a significantly brighter and more unusual light.

3. Could this be evidence of alien life on Mars?

While it is always exciting to consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life, the unusual light is most likely a natural phenomenon. Further investigation and data analysis is needed to fully understand the cause of the light.

4. How long has this unusual light been observed?

The recent observations of the unusual light have been ongoing for several weeks, but it is unclear if it has been present for longer periods of time. More data and analysis is needed to determine if this is a temporary or long-term phenomenon.

5. Will this observation impact future missions to Mars?

It is possible that this observation could lead to changes in future missions to Mars, as scientists may want to investigate the cause of the unusual light further. However, it is not expected to significantly impact current or planned missions to the red planet.

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