How important is chemistry for this major?

In summary, if you want to major in Nuclear Engineering at a university, you will need to take 3 semesters of introductory chemistry.
  • #1
If I take general chemistry 1 and 2 is that enough?
I want to take more higher chemistry but in order to do that my school requires I need to take 3 semesters of organic chemistry -_-

So how important is chemistry for this major?
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  • #2
Undergraduate nuclear engineering majors would have perhaps two semesters of introductory chemistry. Mathematics and phyiscs would be more relevant.

Chemistry would be more important if one would wish to specialize in nuclear chemistry (radiochemistry), effects of radiation on materials, or corrosion in nuclear systems.
  • #3
Well... I would have to say it's not that important. I'm a first year grad student in Nuclear Engineering, and I haven't taken a chemistry class since 10th grade. You have to know basics (like how to convert things from moles, etc)... but you already know that from chem I. I did physics and math as an undergrad.
  • #4
Astronuc said:
Chemistry would be more important if one would wish to specialize in nuclear chemistry (radiochemistry), effects of radiation on materials, or corrosion in nuclear systems.

I would also say that it depends on what one will do afterwards, but chemistry is anyhow an important part of the nuclear activity overall ; I'd say, mainly physical and inorganic chemistry (because organic on the other hand, doesn't play a big role).
As astronuc said, there's a lot of material science close to chemistry in everything nuclear.
  • #5
nuclear85 said:
Well... I would have to say it's not that important. I'm a first year grad student in Nuclear Engineering, and I haven't taken a chemistry class since 10th grade. You have to know basics (like how to convert things from moles, etc)... but you already know that from chem I. I did physics and math as an undergrad.

I'm the same. Then again, my specialty is radiation protection.
  • #6
nuclear85 said:
Well... I would have to say it's not that important. I'm a first year grad student in Nuclear Engineering, and I haven't taken a chemistry class since 10th grade. You have to know basics (like how to convert things from moles, etc)... but you already know that from chem I. I did physics and math as an undergrad.

How did you get into Engineering without taking the higher up high school chemistry courses?
In Canada, you have to take all the way up to grade 12 Chem. just to apply to an Engineering school...
  • #7
Chemistry is very important, currently the U.S. NRC is hiring chemical engineers and training them to be nuclear engineers, for inspecting the power plants. For inspecting or working at the enrichment plants and nuclear fuel manufacturers, knowledge of chemistry is very valuable, probably more so than nuclear engineering.

FAQ: How important is chemistry for this major?

1. How important is chemistry for a major in biology?

Chemistry is extremely important for a major in biology. Many biological processes involve chemical reactions, and understanding these reactions is crucial for understanding how living organisms function. In addition, chemistry is also essential for studying the structure and function of biological molecules, such as DNA and proteins.

2. Is chemistry necessary for a major in environmental science?

Yes, chemistry is necessary for a major in environmental science. Environmental science involves studying the interactions between living organisms and their environment, which often involves chemical processes. Understanding chemistry is important for analyzing the effects of pollutants on the environment and developing solutions for environmental issues.

3. Do I need a strong background in chemistry for a major in engineering?

Yes, a strong background in chemistry is necessary for a major in engineering. Many engineering fields, such as chemical engineering and materials engineering, heavily rely on chemical principles and processes. Having a solid understanding of chemistry is essential for solving engineering problems and designing new technologies.

4. How important is chemistry for a major in medicine?

Chemistry is crucial for a major in medicine. Medical professionals need to understand the chemical processes that occur in the human body in order to diagnose and treat diseases. They also use chemistry to develop new drugs and treatments. In addition, chemistry is important for understanding the chemical properties of drugs and how they interact with the body.

5. Is chemistry a required course for a major in psychology?

While chemistry may not be a required course for all psychology majors, it is still important for those interested in pursuing certain areas of psychology, such as neuropsychology. Understanding the chemical processes in the brain can help explain certain behaviors and mental health disorders. In addition, many graduate programs in psychology require at least some coursework in chemistry.

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