Can Relativity be Applied to the Motion of Atoms and Intermolecular Forces?

In summary, there are relativistic effects at the atomic scale, but they are different from what one would expect. The velocity of molecules relative to each other is the determining factor, not acceleration. Relativistic corrections are routinely considered in high atomic orbitals, but the non-relativistic approximation is often sufficient for macroscopic objects. Inside the atom, relativistic effects are important.
  • #1
Can you think about relativity in terms of the motions of atoms as they are subject to intermolecular forces? Is time moving slower for the atom which is accelerating with respect to another? Or, would the macroscopic averaging negate the individual motion of the atoms?

Or, is this a ridiculous question to be asking?
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  • #2
avocadogirl said:
Can you think about relativity in terms of the motions of atoms as they are subject to intermolecular forces? Is time moving slower for the atom which is accelerating with respect to another? Or, would the macroscopic averaging negate the individual motion of the atoms?

The determining factor is velocity. When an object is hot the molecules it consists of move faster. The molecules in the highest accuracy time measuring devices are cooled to close absolute zero. (The main reason for that, I think is to make the spectrum as narrow as possible)

Acceleration of molecules relative to each other does not elicit relativistic effects; it's relative velocity that counts. When molecules in a sample have (averaged over time) a larger velocity than the lab it is located at, then for those molecules less proper time will elapse than for the lab.

A very, very farfetched scenario (but in principle possible):
You have a sample of a radio-active isotope with a short half-life, and you want to prolong the life of the sample. Heat it up to plasma temperature and beyond, and if you get it so hot that the nuclei reach relativistic velocities the life will be significantly prolonged. Containing that plasma might be tricky, though.

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  • #3
avocadogirl said:
Can you think about relativity in terms of the motions of atoms as they are subject to intermolecular forces? Is time moving slower for the atom which is accelerating with respect to another? Or, would the macroscopic averaging negate the individual motion of the atoms?

Or, is this a ridiculous question to be asking?

There are relativistic effects at the atomic scale, but not in ways that you are thinking of. Relativistic corrections for high atomic orbitals, such as the d and f orbitals, are routinely considered. Furthermore, why do you think" ?

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  • #4
avocadogirl said:
Can you think about relativity in terms of the motions of atoms as they are subject to intermolecular forces? Is time moving slower for the atom which is accelerating with respect to another? Or, would the macroscopic averaging negate the individual motion of the atoms?

Absolutely you can think about relativity when looking at a collection of atoms that feel forces (you *generally* have to also deal with quantum mechanics too). Anyway, even if a macroscopic object is just sitting on a table, the atoms are moving with respect to each other, so they will indeed each have their own Lorentz frame: They will not generally agree on distance and time measurements of events they might witness, which includes seeing time dilation. However, as mentioned in the previous post, the non-relativistic approximation is often good enough for these situations because the relative speeds of the atoms are not high enough. Inside the atom, relativistic effects become very important, though.

FAQ: Can Relativity be Applied to the Motion of Atoms and Intermolecular Forces?

1. What is relativity on an atomic scale?

Relativity on an atomic scale refers to the application of Einstein's theory of relativity to the behavior and interactions of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. This theory explains how these particles move and interact with each other at high speeds, as well as how they are affected by gravity.

2. How does relativity on an atomic scale differ from classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics, which was developed by Isaac Newton, explains the behavior of objects on a macroscopic scale, such as planets and everyday objects. Relativity on an atomic scale takes into account the effects of high speeds and gravity, which are not accounted for in classical mechanics.

3. What is the significance of relativity on an atomic scale?

Relativity on an atomic scale is significant because it helps us understand the fundamental nature of matter and the universe. It has also led to important technological advancements, such as the development of nuclear energy and GPS systems.

4. Can relativity on an atomic scale be observed in everyday life?

Yes, relativity on an atomic scale can be observed in everyday life. For example, the GPS system that we use to navigate relies on the principles of relativity to function accurately. Additionally, nuclear power plants and medical technologies, such as PET scans, also rely on the principles of relativity.

5. How does relativity on an atomic scale impact our understanding of time and space?

Relativity on an atomic scale has shown that time and space are not absolute, but instead are relative to the observer's frame of reference. This means that time and space can be affected by factors such as speed and gravity, leading to phenomena such as time dilation and length contraction.

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