Complex amplitude,Feynman diagrams

In summary, Feynman diagrams are used to represent physical processes, with each diagram having a complex amplitude. When these amplitudes are squared and added together, they give the rate at which the process occurs. This rate can be thought of as a frequency, but before squaring the amplitudes, we are dealing with the square root of a frequency. This raises questions about whether a complex amplitude is simply the square root of a frequency, especially since frequencies are real numbers. However, when considering the formula \omega =|M_{1}+M_{2}|^{2}, where M1 and M2 are complex numbers representing scattering probabilities and \omega is a real number representing frequency, it does not make sense to put radicals
  • #1
A physical process can be represented by Feynman diagrams, each with a complex amplitude.
Squaring the sum of these amplitudes gives the rate at which a process occurs.
Since a rate can be a frequency,doesn't this imply that before the sum of amplitudes is squared, we are dealing with the square root of a frequency?
Is a complex amplitude just the square root of a frequency,and how can it
be when a frequency is a real number?
Physics news on
  • #2
Rothiemurchus said:
A physical process can be represented by Feynman diagrams, each with a complex amplitude.
Squaring the sum of these amplitudes gives the rate at which a process occurs.
Since a rate can be a frequency,doesn't this imply that before the sum of amplitudes is squared, we are dealing with the square root of a frequency?
Is a complex amplitude just the square root of a frequency,and how can it
be when a frequency is a real number?

HINT:Write [itex] \omega =|M_{1}+M_{2}|^{2} [/itex],where M1and M2 are 2 complex numbers (the scattering probabilitiy amplitudes) and omega is a real number (the frequency).Try to see whether it makes any sense the formula implied by the problem (the one obtained putting radicals of order 2 over both sides of the eq.i posted).My guess is not.

  • #3

Complex amplitude and Feynman diagrams are important tools in quantum mechanics to represent physical processes and calculate their probabilities. The complex amplitude represents the probability amplitude of a particular outcome in a given physical process. It is a complex number that combines both magnitude and phase information.

Squaring the sum of these amplitudes is a mathematical operation used to calculate the probability of the entire process occurring. It is not related to frequency in the traditional sense, but rather represents the likelihood of the process happening.

In quantum mechanics, the concept of frequency is not as straightforward as in classical physics. Instead, it is related to the energy of a system and is represented by the frequency of a wave function. This frequency can be a complex number, and therefore, the complex amplitude cannot simply be the square root of a frequency.

The use of complex numbers in quantum mechanics is necessary to accurately describe the behavior of particles at the quantum level. These numbers allow for the representation of both real and imaginary components, which are needed to describe the probabilistic nature of quantum systems.

In conclusion, a complex amplitude is not the square root of a frequency, but rather a complex number representing the probability amplitude of a physical process. Its use in Feynman diagrams and calculations is essential in understanding and predicting quantum phenomena.

FAQ: Complex amplitude,Feynman diagrams

1. What is complex amplitude and how is it used in physics?

Complex amplitude is a mathematical concept that describes the magnitude and phase of a wave. In physics, it is often used to represent the amplitude and phase of a quantum mechanical wave function, which is essential for understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

2. Can you explain Feynman diagrams and their significance in quantum field theory?

Feynman diagrams are graphical representations used to calculate and visualize interactions between particles in quantum field theory. They are based on the principles of quantum mechanics and allow us to understand the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. They are essential in predicting and explaining the outcomes of particle interactions.

3. How do complex amplitudes and Feynman diagrams relate to each other?

Complex amplitudes are used in the calculations for Feynman diagrams, as they represent the probability amplitudes for the different possible outcomes of a particle interaction. In Feynman diagrams, the complex amplitudes are used to determine the probability of a specific particle interaction occurring.

4. Why are complex amplitudes and Feynman diagrams important in particle physics?

Complex amplitudes and Feynman diagrams are crucial tools in understanding and predicting the behavior of particles at the quantum level. They allow us to make precise calculations and predictions about the outcomes of particle interactions, and have been integral in the development of theories such as quantum electrodynamics and the Standard Model of particle physics.

5. Are there any limitations to the use of complex amplitudes and Feynman diagrams in physics?

While complex amplitudes and Feynman diagrams have been incredibly useful in understanding particle interactions, they have their limitations. They are based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which are still not fully understood. Additionally, they are most accurate for low-energy interactions and can become more complex and less accurate at higher energies.

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