Can Anyone Help Solve This Complex Integral Equality?

In summary: I didn't think about this.In summary, the conversation discusses an attempted proof of an equality involving integrals and gamma functions. The expert suggests using a substitution to simplify the integrals and explains how to evaluate them. The question of changing contours at infinity is also addressed.
  • #1
I attempted to prove the following equality, but to no avail. Anyone is willing to lend a hand?

[tex]\int_0^{\infty} s^{2t-2v} e^{i w s} ds + \int_0^{\infty} s^{2t-2v} e^{-i w s} ds = \left[ \left( \frac{1}{-iw}\right)^{2t-2v+1} + \left( \frac{1}{iw}\right)^{2t-2v+1} \right] \Gamma(2t-2v + 1)[/tex],

where [tex]i = \sqrt{-1}[/tex], [tex]s > 0[/tex], [tex]\Gamma(\cdot)[/tex] is gamma function, [tex]-\pi \leq w \leq \pi[/tex], [tex]0 < t <1[/tex], and [tex]1 \leq v \leq \infty[/tex] is integer.

I got almost all the RHS, except the power terms. It seems strange as IMHO it is only true when [tex]t[/tex] is integer and that [tex]2t-2v+1 \geq 0[/tex].
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  • #2
Try this.

In the first integral, apply this substitution:

Put [itex]u=-iws[/itex] (to make the exponent of e [itex]-u[/itex] so that the integral will look more like the gamma function), which gives [itex]s=\frac{u}{-i w}[/itex]; hence [itex]ds=\frac{du}{-iw}[/itex], and the integral becomes

[tex]\int_0^{\infty} s^{2t-2v} e^{iws} ds = \int_0^{\infty} \left( \frac{u}{-i w}\right) ^{2t-2v} e^{-u} \frac{du}{-iw}= \left( \frac{1}{-iw}\right) ^{2t-2v+1}\int_0^{\infty}u^{2t-2v} e^{-u} du = \left( \frac{1}{-iw}\right) ^{2t-2v+1} \Gamma\left( 2t-2u+1\right) [/tex]

The second integral can be evaluated by a similar substitution, try it.
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  • #3
Gosh! Is it that simple? I did integration by parts that was 3 pages long and yet got nothing!

I have one question though. Since [tex]u = -iws[/tex], so [tex]u = -i\infty[/tex] for [tex]s = \infty[/tex] and [tex]u = 0[/tex] for [tex]s = 0[/tex]. Wouldn't it be

[tex]\left( \frac{1}{-iw}\right)^{2t-2v+1} \int_0^{-i\infty}u^{2t-2v} e^{-u} du[/tex]

My question is, will

[tex]\int_0^{-i\infty}u^{2t-2v} e^{-u} du = \Gamma\left( 2t-2v+1\right)[/tex]


p/s: I am assuming [tex]w > 0[/tex] for the sake of this discussion.
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  • #4
I have asked this question before, and yes, it is legitimate. In the extended complex plane, the point at infinity is the common "terminal point" of any ray eminating from the origin, or, if you will, the north pole of the Riemann sphere. So, in the common English: "infinity is infinity."
  • #5
The contours may have the same "infinity" endpoint in the extended complex plane, but that doesn't mean you can change contours at a whim. Consider [itex]\int_0^\infty e^{-u}du[/itex] and change the contour of integration to [itex]\int_0^{i \infty} e^{-u}du[/itex], the first integral converges, the second does not.

This question is a little strange, you need [tex]0> 2t-2v> -1[/tex] for convergence- the upper bound needed as you approach infinity, the lower bound as you approach 0. So I'm not sure about their allowed values of v and t? Anyways, if you satisfy this inequality then you can show this change of contours is permissible by considering the contour with four pieces, the line segment from r to R, the quarter circle from R to iR with center 0, the line from iR to ir, and finally the quarter circle from ir to r with center 0. Show that as r->0 and R->infinity (independantly) that the integrals over these semicircles both vanish. (also consider any possible residues inside this contour!)

Or you can look this up in a table. You can combine the two integrals and look for the Mellin transform of cos (which can be derived by rotating the contour to the imaginary axis as above).
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  • #6
Thank you shmoe.

FAQ: Can Anyone Help Solve This Complex Integral Equality?

1. What is a complex integral equality?

A complex integral equality is an expression that equates two complex integrals, which are mathematical calculations that involve both real and imaginary numbers. It is a fundamental concept in calculus and is used to solve a variety of mathematical problems.

2. Why is solving complex integral equality important?

Solving complex integral equality is important because it allows us to find solutions to a wide range of mathematical problems, including those in physics, engineering, and economics. It also helps us understand the behavior of complex systems and make predictions about their future behavior.

3. What are the steps for solving a complex integral equality?

The steps for solving a complex integral equality can vary depending on the specific problem, but generally involve breaking down the integral into simpler parts, using known integration techniques, and applying algebraic manipulations to simplify the expression. It is also important to carefully consider the domain of the integral and any applicable theorems or formulas.

4. What are some common challenges when solving complex integral equality?

Some common challenges when solving complex integral equality include dealing with complex numbers and functions, determining the appropriate integration techniques to use, and identifying the correct domain of the integral. It is also important to watch out for potential errors in algebraic manipulations and to check the solution for accuracy.

5. How can I improve my skills in solving complex integral equality?

To improve your skills in solving complex integral equality, it is important to have a strong foundation in calculus and complex analysis. Practice solving various types of complex integral equality problems and seek help from resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and tutoring services. It is also helpful to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and to familiarize yourself with common integration techniques and theorems.

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