Creating a High Voltage Spark with 24V Supply Voltage

  • Thread starter jaap de vries
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In summary, the conversation discusses the easiest way to create a high voltage spark for an experiment. The suggestion is to use inductive kickback and a flyback topology transformer to generate the spark. A Wikipedia link is provided for more information.
  • #1
jaap de vries
Dear electrical engineers,

I'm a mechanical engineer and I tried building a capacitance ignition system which didn't work does anybody know what the easiest way is to create a high voltage spark??

My supply voltage is 24 volt.
I just need to press a button and ignite my experiment.

Engineering news on
  • #2
The easiest way is to use inductive kickback. Have you learned how to use an inductor to store energy in a current and convert it to a high voltage?
  • #3
NO sorry I'm not an electrical engineer.
The trick will be that we need to know how much energy will be released at the spark
  • #4
This wikipedia link should get you going. You would basically use a flyback topology tranformer to generate the high voltage spike that jumps the spark gap. The energy in the arc is similar to the energy that is stored in the transformer right before the main switching element (transistor or points) opens up.

FAQ: Creating a High Voltage Spark with 24V Supply Voltage

1. How is it possible to create a high voltage spark with only a 24V supply voltage?

It is possible to create a high voltage spark with a 24V supply voltage through the use of a voltage multiplier circuit, which utilizes capacitors and diodes to increase the voltage. Another method is to use a step-up transformer to increase the voltage.

2. What materials are needed to create a high voltage spark with a 24V supply voltage?

The materials needed may vary depending on the method used, but commonly include a power supply (24V), capacitors, diodes, and a spark gap. A step-up transformer may also be needed in some cases.

3. Is it safe to create a high voltage spark with a 24V supply voltage?

Safety precautions should always be taken when working with high voltage. While a 24V supply voltage may seem low, the resulting high voltage spark can still be dangerous. It is important to follow proper safety protocols and use insulated tools when working with high voltage.

4. What is the purpose of creating a high voltage spark with a 24V supply voltage?

Creating a high voltage spark with a 24V supply voltage can be used for various purposes, such as in scientific experiments or for ignition in spark plugs. It can also be used in practical applications such as in welding or in the ignition of gas engines.

5. Are there any risks associated with creating a high voltage spark with a 24V supply voltage?

There are some risks associated with creating a high voltage spark, such as electrical shock or damage to electronic components. It is important to follow safety precautions and use proper equipment when working with high voltage. Additionally, care should be taken to avoid creating sparks near flammable materials.
