Symbolic represenation of the unit vector and the vector

In summary: It is simply a convention that has been established over time and is now commonly used in textbooks and other materials. It serves as a quick visual indicator for readers to know that the vector being discussed has a magnitude of 1.In summary, the use of hats to denote unit vectors, regardless of the basis, is a widely accepted convention in physics to quickly distinguish them from general vectors. This notation has been established over time and is commonly used in textbooks and materials.
  • #1
1. Is v-hat a unit vector or a vector?

If it is a unit vector how do you symbolically represent a vector?
If it is a vector how do you symbolically represent a unit vector?

2. Is v-hat the same thing as v with an arrow over it?
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  • #2
usually things with a hat are unit vectors, bolded letters or letters with arrows on top are regular vectors
  • #3
Helicobacter said:
1. Is v-hat a unit vector or a vector?

To be a bit flip, yes. A unit vector is a vector. Specifically, it is a vector with unit length.

In terms of vector analysis, the hat symbol place over some other symbol almost exclusively denotes that the quantity in question is a unit vector. Since a unit vector is a special kind of vector, you don't really need to be verbose and say it is a vector as well. That said, some use bold symbols to represent vectors, and a unit vector is a represented as a bold symbol with a hat over it.

If it is a unit vector how do you symbolically represent a vector?
If it is a vector how do you symbolically represent a unit vector?

These two statements indicate you are having a bit of a confusion regarding what constitutes a vector. A vector is some thing with a magnitude and a direction. A unit vector is a vector with unit magnitude.

2. Is v-hat the same thing as v with an arrow over it?

No. A v with an arrow over it connotes a vector, period. It might have magnitude 20, 1/20, whatever.
  • #4
Thanks for your responses!

My textbook uses only boldface w/o hats to denote unit vectors :/

Why don't they standardize these things? Derivative symbol, vectors,...-it's a total chaos
  • #5
Helicobacter said:
My textbook uses only boldface w/o hats to denote unit vectors :/

I've seen many schemes before, but never that one. I suppose the authors have their reasons. Personally, yech.

Why don't they standardize these things? Derivative symbol, vectors,...-it's a total chaos

People can get downright religious regarding nomenclature. For example, the authors of your text must love this scheme. People tend to abandon their idiosyncratic ways when they are ridiculed enough. Having enough instructors stop using their texts because of the idiosyncratic notations helps. Until then, the poor students are stuck with it.
  • #6
I wanted to know why shall we give a hat over a vector?why shall we change our arrow?what is the need?
  • #7
Is your text using the "hat" for all unit vectors or is it using that notation specifically to distinguish basis vectors? That would make a lot more sense. In any case, there is no deep mathematical distinction between vectors in general and "unit" vectors or "basis" vectors. There may be some convenience in a particular application in distinguishing them.
  • #8
Of course, if you are in front of a class, you don't have the option of bold-face chalk. So [itex]\vec u[/itex] and [itex]\hat u[/itex] are pretty convenient notations.
  • #9
no,u didn't understood me.I wanted to know that why are unit vectors are given a hat over them?i.e. We were using vectors by giving an arrow over it then why suddenly a hat was introduced for unit vectors?what if we use the same arrow for unit vectors also.
  • #10
I have never seen a text use a "hat" to distinguish unit vectors. I have seen that used (mostly in physics texts) to distinguish vectors in a particular basis. And they do that, of course, to make it clear that these are basis vectors, as opposed to general vectors.
  • #11
HallsofIvy said:
I have never seen a text use a "hat" to distinguish unit vectors. I have seen that used (mostly in physics texts) to distinguish vectors in a particular basis. And they do that, of course, to make it clear that these are basis vectors, as opposed to general vectors.

I think that notation is a bit more common. A quick google search finds this text: vector symbol&f=false
  • #12
HallsofIvy said:
I have never seen a text use a "hat" to distinguish unit vectors. I have seen that used (mostly in physics texts) to distinguish vectors in a particular basis. And they do that, of course, to make it clear that these are basis vectors, as opposed to general vectors.
The usage of hats to denote unit vectors, regardless of the basis, is widely used among physicists.

FAQ: Symbolic represenation of the unit vector and the vector

1. What is a unit vector?

A unit vector is a vector with a magnitude of 1, which is used to represent direction without any associated length or scale.

2. How is a unit vector represented symbolically?

A unit vector is typically represented using a hat symbol (^) above the vector symbol, such as ^v to indicate a unit vector in the direction of the vector v.

3. What is the purpose of representing a vector using a unit vector?

Representing a vector using a unit vector allows for a more concise and consistent way of expressing direction, as the length or magnitude of the vector does not affect the direction.

4. How is a vector expressed in terms of its unit vector components?

A vector can be expressed in terms of its unit vector components using the formula v = vx^i + vy^j + vz^k, where vx, vy, and vz are the components of the vector in the x, y, and z directions respectively, and i, j, and k are the corresponding unit vectors.

5. Can a unit vector have a negative value?

No, by definition, a unit vector has a magnitude of 1, so it cannot have a negative value. However, the direction of a unit vector can be negative, indicating that it is pointing in the opposite direction of the corresponding positive unit vector.

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