The Future of Air Travel: A Survey on Pilotless Planes and Passenger Perceptions

In summary, many respondents fear taking a plane, but would do so if there is only one pilot in the cockpit or if there is no pilot in the cockpit. Respondents who have taken an airplane in the past year say that they do so 2-5 times on average. Respondents would not change their minds about taking a plane in 2025 if all cargo aircrafts were fully atomized with 0 crashes in 10 years of operation.
  • #1
I am working on a project and more precisely about aeronautics in 2040, can you please provide me with your feedback on this survey:
0. Age : [20-30] / [30-40] / [40-50] / [50-60] / [ 60 ...]
1. Do you fear taking a plane? Yes/ No
2. How often do you take an airplane per year ( 2 way travel = 2 times) :
0/ 2-5 / 5-10 / 10 and more
3. Will you take a plane if there is only 1 pilot in the cockpit? Yes/No
4. Will you take a plane if there is no pilot in the cockpit? Yes/No
5. If we are in 2025 and all cargo aircrafts are fully atomized with 0 crashes in 10 years of operation. Would you change your mind?
Yes/No for 1 Pilot
Yes/ No for 0 Pilot

Many thanks in advance for your participation.
Engineering news on
  • #2
0. Age : [40-50]
1. Do you fear taking a plane? No
2. How often do you take an airplane per year ( 2 way travel = 2 times) : 2-5
3. Will you take a plane if there is only 1 pilot in the cockpit? Yes
4. Will you take a plane if there is no pilot in the cockpit? No
5. If we are in 2025 and all cargo aircrafts are fully atomized with 0 crashes in 10 years of operation. Would you change your mind?
Yes 1 Pilot
No for 0 Pilot
  • #3
0. Age : [20-30]
1. Do you fear taking a plane? No
2. How often do you take an airplane per year ( 2 way travel = 2 times) : 2-5
3. Will you take a plane if there is only 1 pilot in the cockpit? Depends on the system, probably yes
4. Will you take a plane if there is no pilot in the cockpit? Depends on the system, probably yes
5. If we are in 2025 and all cargo aircrafts are fully atomized with 0 crashes in 10 years of operation. Would you change your mind?
Depends on the answers to 3./4. (assuming 3/4 are answered with "yes", there is no reason to change my mind).
  • #4
0. [20-30]
1. No
2. 1
3. Yes
4. No
5. yes for 1 pilot
No for 0 pilot
  • #5
aero2040 said:
I am working on a project and more precisely about aeronautics in 2040, can you please provide me with your feedback on this survey:
0. Age : [20-30] / [30-40] / [40-50] / [50-60] / [ 60 ...]
aero2040 said:
1. Do you fear taking a plane? Yes/ No

aero2040 said:
2. How often do you take an airplane per year ( 2 way travel = 2 times) :
0/ 2-5 / 5-10 / 10 and more

aero2040 said:
3. Will you take a plane if there is only 1 pilot in the cockpit? Yes/No

aero2040 said:
4. Will you take a plane if there is no pilot in the cockpit? Yes/No
Probably not. We're not quite at the point where autopilots are robust enough to handle extreme situations.

aero2040 said:
5. If we are in 2025 and all cargo aircrafts are fully atomized with 0 crashes in 10 years of operation. Would you change your mind?
Yes/No for 1 Pilot
Yes/ No for 0 Pilot
I think you mean "autonomous"...only if there were controls that would allow me to take manual control in the event of an emergency. (As it is, most commercial flights run on autopilot during the cruise phase; the pilots fly manually during takeoff and approach and landing.)
  • #6
I would like to remark that "there is no pilot in the cockpit" (or anywhere else in the airplane) does not mean that no pilot could fly the machine in case of an emergency.
  • #7
Thank you all for your answers
  • #8
I can't answer your survey because a lot of the questions don't allow for my answers. That's one reason that I hate surveys. My information is possibly relevant, but I can't enter it because the parameters of the questions don't allow it.
I will tell you what I think about the situation, though, and perhaps you can use that if there's an essay section to your project. So... I'm going to address each of your questions in order, but with the proper answers that are not allowed by the test.
0) Okay, that one is legit. I'm 57.
1) No in principle, but yes in practicality. Aeroplanes are the safest way to travel. I was a pilot and fully intended to do that for a living, and the only times that I have ever been truly happy in my entire life were when I was in the air. I got grounded for being diabetic in 1976, before that ever started, so the rest of my flying was as a passenger. Now... what causes me concern, but not fear, is that I require a constant oxygen supply even in my sleep to be comfortable, but I can survive without it as long as I don't try to move. At a high altitude, I would probably die if there was an equipment failure. If it was a last-minute thing, though, I would rather die in the air than in my bed.
2) Never. Even if I were mobile, I can't afford it. If I could do it, I would be flying constantly.
3) Of course. I used to be that only pilot in the cockpit.
4) Not based upon current technology, unless there is a remote pilot who can take over.
5) A plane that is atomized can't fly because it no longer exists as a coherent mechanism.
If you mean "automated", then no... my opinion would not change from the previous question but the circumstances would. Given the specified safety record, I wouldn't hesitate to board a computer-operated flight as long as the aforementioned oxygen requirements are guaranteed.
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FAQ: The Future of Air Travel: A Survey on Pilotless Planes and Passenger Perceptions

1. What advancements in technology will be seen in aircraft in 2040?

By 2040, we can expect to see major advancements in aircraft technology, including more efficient engines, advanced materials for construction, and increased use of automation and artificial intelligence in flight operations.

2. Will there be any changes in the design of aircraft in 2040?

Yes, there will likely be changes in aircraft design in 2040 to accommodate for the advancements in technology. This may include more streamlined and aerodynamic shapes, as well as new features such as winglets and blended wing bodies.

3. How will aircraft in 2040 address environmental concerns?

In 2040, aircraft are expected to be much more environmentally friendly. This may include the use of alternative fuels, such as biofuels or hydrogen, and the implementation of technologies to reduce carbon emissions and noise pollution.

4. What safety measures will be in place for aircraft in 2040?

Safety will continue to be a top priority in the aviation industry in 2040. We can expect to see advanced safety systems, such as collision avoidance technology, as well as improvements in pilot training and monitoring systems.

5. Will there be any changes in the way people travel by air in 2040?

It is likely that there will be changes in the way people travel by air in 2040. With advancements in technology, we may see the introduction of supersonic or hypersonic flights, as well as increased use of drones for cargo delivery. Additionally, there may be changes in the overall travel experience, such as more efficient check-in and security processes.
