Why do domains expand in a way that makes each point equivalent?

In summary: I cannot. I read it too long ago.In summary, the conversation discusses a video on Newgrounds that is a variation of the old Powers of Ten movie. The video presents some inaccuracies about the size of the observable universe and the whole universe. It also mentions the idea of domain walls in inflationary theory and the concept of a center in a finite universe. However, the discussion concludes that domain walls do not have a center and the size of each point in the universe is equivalent due to expansion. The conversation also touches on the idea of time flow inside domains and the lack of a center in our expanding universe.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
FawkesCa said:
I didn't make this, but I think it's one of the coolest things ever.


Cool, a nice variation on the old Powers of Ten movie (itself an adaptation of the neat 1957 book Cosmic View which can be viewed here). I did notice one inaccuracy, though--due to the expansion of space, the size of the observable universe (i.e. the maximum distance some object, at rest relative to the microwave background, could be from us today and for it still be possible to us to today be receiving light from that object when it was younger) is much larger than 14 billion light years--see wikipedia's Observable universe article.

edit: Also, no idea where they got the claim that the size of the whole universe is 93 billion light years! If space is flat it could be infinite. And saying "we're probably not at the center of the universe" in that final image would seem to be meaningless since even a finite universe isn't expected to have any outer boundaries to define a center, unless they're talking about something like the idea of "domain walls" in inflationary theory (beyond which space would continue, but certain basic fields would be in different ground states and thus the high-level laws of physics would appear different)
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  • #3
unless they're talking about something like the idea of "domain walls" in inflationary theory
Domain walls also do not have a center.
  • #4
JesseM said:
And saying "we're probably not at the center of the universe" in that final image would seem to be meaningless since even a finite universe isn't expected to have any outer boundaries to define a center...)

i don't believ that's what they meant. they were pointimg toward the center of the screen and SOME dumbass might believe they were saying "WE ARE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE! WORSHIP ME!" :rolleyes: just as some still believe the Earth is only 6500 years old... (i got into a fist fight on my construction site over this.)
  • #5
haael said:
Domain walls also do not have a center.
Diagrams like the one on http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/public/cs_top.html seem to suggest the structure of the different domains is something like bubbles in foam, and each bubble has a center:


Why do you say they wouldn't have centers? Relative to whatever cosmological coordinate system we find most natural, can't we find the distance between any point inside the domain and any point on the domain wall? There might be different ways to define the "center" of an irregular shape, but we could pick some simple definition, like the point inside the domain that has the largest distance to the closest point on the domain wall...
  • #6
Diagrams like the one on this page seem to suggest the structure of the different domains is something like bubbles in foam, and each bubble has a center:
It's not that easy...

There might be different ways to define the "center" of an irregular shape, but we could pick some simple definition, like the point inside the domain that has the largest distance to the closest point on the domain wall...
Your picture looks like there was some universal time, common for all domains. This is not correct. In domains time flows "inside", that means near the wall the time is near 0 and in the center it is a big number. Actually, the point in the center of a domain corresponds to time infinity.

Domain wall is not something static, it rather moves at the speed of light for any observer.

Also, each domain does expand, so each point of it is equivalent.

can't we find the distance between any point inside the domain and any point on the domain wall?
Maybe it is possible, but I think the line connecting two points from different domains would have to go through singular points, so it would be hard to define its length.

Lol, I read it so long ago, so I don't remember where I saw all of this.
  • #7
haael said:
Your picture looks like there was some universal time, common for all domains. This is not correct. In domains time flows "inside", that means near the wall the time is near 0 and in the center it is a big number. Actually, the point in the center of a domain corresponds to time infinity.
Surely the rate that time "flows" can only be defined relative to some coordinate system? If so, what coordinate system are you using? Can you provide a link or other source that backs up what you're saying here?
haael said:
Domain wall is not something static, it rather moves at the speed of light for any observer.

Also, each domain does expand, so each point of it is equivalent.
Why does expansion imply "each point of it is equivalent"? As an analogy, successive spacelike cross-sections of a future light cone give a light sphere which is also expanding at the speed of light, but relative to any given inertial frame the light sphere does have a center (although there is no frame-independent definition of the center)
  • #8
Why does expansion imply "each point of it is equivalent"?
Domains expand in such a way, so each point is equivalent. There's no preferred point. There's no "closer" and "further" from any particular point to a domain wall. In fact, from the inside of domain point of view, the domain wall is in your past. You would have to go back in time to touch it. Digging deeper - the domain wall is the Big Bang itself, except in this theory the initial state of Universe has finite nonzero size.

As an analogy, successive spacelike cross-sections of a future light cone give a light sphere which is also expanding at the speed of light, but relative to any given inertial frame the light sphere does have a center (although there is no frame-independent definition of the center)
You assume that you are in special relativity flat space. Domains expand in different way, more like cosmological inflation.
Our Universe was once compressed in one point, but we don't have any center today, have we?

Can you provide a link or other source that backs up what you're saying here?
Sorry, I can't. It was too long ago. Perhaps it's time for me to shut up.

FAQ: Why do domains expand in a way that makes each point equivalent?

What is the Scale of the Universe?

The Scale of the Universe is a model that shows the relative sizes of objects in the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest known structures. It helps us understand the vastness and complexity of the universe.

How is the Scale of the Universe measured?

The Scale of the Universe is typically measured in terms of distance, using units such as meters, kilometers, light years, and astronomical units. It can also be measured in terms of mass, with units such as grams, kilograms, and solar masses.

What is the smallest object on the Scale of the Universe?

The smallest object on the Scale of the Universe is the Planck length, which is approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters. It is the smallest length that has any meaning in the universe, and is thought to be the scale at which quantum effects become significant.

What is the largest object on the Scale of the Universe?

The largest object on the Scale of the Universe is the observable universe, which has a diameter of approximately 93 billion light years. Beyond this, we cannot see because the light from those objects has not had enough time to reach us since the beginning of the universe.

Why is the Scale of the Universe important for scientists to understand?

The Scale of the Universe is important for scientists to understand because it helps us make sense of the vastness and complexity of the universe. It also allows us to study and compare objects on a wide range of scales, from subatomic particles to entire galaxies. This understanding helps us advance our knowledge and make new discoveries about the universe.

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