Beta Rad & Positron/Electron - Radioactive Decay

In summary: However, the EC process is more efficient, as more protons are converted into neutrons.Electron capture determines if a nuclei is radioactive, i.e. will decay spontaneously.
  • #1
During radioactive decay, what determines if the emission of a beta particle will be positronic or electronic?
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  • #2
It depends on which of the two final nuclei has a smaller mass than the initial nucleus. The mass difference provides the energy for the electron and antineutrino (or positron and neutrino).
  • #3
For beta-minus decay the following condition must be fulfilled:
[tex]Q \approx [m_{at}(Z,A)-m_{at}(Z+1,A)]c^2 > 0[/tex]

[tex]Q[/tex]: Q-value
[tex]m_{at}(Z,A)[/tex]: mass of the atom before beta-minus decay
[tex]m_{at}(Z+1,A)[/tex]: mass of the atom after beta-minus decayFor beta-plus decay the following condition must be fulfilled:

[tex]Q \approx [m_{at}(Z,A)-m_{at}(Z-1,A)]c^2-1.022 \rm{MeV} > 0[/tex]

[tex]Q[/tex]: Q-value
[tex]m_{at}(Z,A)[/tex]: mass of the atom before beta-plus decay
[tex]m_{at}(Z-1,A)[/tex]: mass of the atom after beta-plus decay
[tex]1.022 \rm{MeV}[/tex]: two times the electron (or positron) mass

Thus, for beta-plus decay the mass of the atom before decay
must be at least two electron masses greater than after the decay.
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  • #4
3trQN said:
During radioactive decay, what determines if the emission of a beta particle will be positronic or electronic?
The mass defect determines if a nuclei is radioactive, i.e. will decay spontaneously.

If one looks at a chart of the nuclides arranged with mass on the abscissa and nuclear charge (atomic number, Z) on the ordinate, then the positron emitters are above the stability line, while the beta emitters are below the stability line. The positron emitters have an excess of protons, while the beta emitters have an excess of neutrons, or conversely a deficiency of protons.

At a certain mass, the process (phenomenon) of electron capture (EC)becomes more likely than positron emission. In EC, an K-shell (1s) electron is 'captured' by the nucleus and a proton is transformed into a neutron. The effect is the same as positron emission - Z decreases by 1.

FAQ: Beta Rad & Positron/Electron - Radioactive Decay

1. What is beta radiation?

Beta radiation is a type of radioactive decay where an unstable nucleus emits a beta particle, which is either an electron (beta minus decay) or a positron (beta plus decay). This process results in the nucleus becoming more stable.

2. How does beta decay occur?

Beta decay occurs when an unstable nucleus has too many or too few neutrons compared to protons. The nucleus will then attempt to stabilize itself by either converting a neutron into a proton (beta minus decay) or a proton into a neutron (beta plus decay), and releasing a beta particle in the process.

3. What is the difference between beta minus and beta plus decay?

In beta minus decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton, and an electron and an antineutrino are emitted. In beta plus decay, a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron, and a positron and a neutrino are emitted. The end result is that the nucleus becomes more stable.

4. How does beta radiation affect living organisms?

Beta radiation can have harmful effects on living organisms by damaging cells and DNA. However, the degree of harm depends on the amount of radiation exposure and the type of beta particles emitted. In small doses, beta radiation can be used for medical purposes such as cancer treatment, but in larger doses it can be harmful.

5. How can beta radiation be detected and measured?

Beta radiation can be detected and measured using a Geiger counter or a scintillation detector. These devices can detect the presence of beta particles and measure their energy levels. Additionally, beta radiation can also be detected through imaging techniques such as PET scans, which use positrons emitted during beta plus decay to create images of internal body structures.

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