How to Derive the Lagrangian for an Inverted Pendulum with Vertical Motion?

In summary, the conversation discusses an inverted pendulum composed of a particle of mass m supported by a rigid massless rod of length l. The pivot O has a vertical motion given by z=Asin\omega t. The group discusses obtaining the Lagrangian and finding the differential equation of motion. There is some confusion about obtaining the kinetic and potential energies, and whether the time dependency will affect the Euler-Lagrange equation. The concept of an inverted pendulum is clarified with the help of a YouTube video. The group also discusses the effects of a rheonomic constraint and the treatment of time in the problem. Suggestions are requested for the kinetic and potential energies.
  • #1
An inverted pendulum consists of a particle of mass [tex]m[/tex] supported by a rigid massless rod of length [tex]l[/tex]. The pivot [tex]O[/tex] has a vertical motion given by [tex]z=Asin\omega t[/tex]. Obtain the Lagrangian and find the differential equation of motion.

I'm not sure how to obtain the kinetic and potential energies. For the potential energy, would it just be
[tex]V=mglcos\theta+Asin\omega t[/tex]?

And is the kinetic energy
[tex]T=\frac{1}{2}m(l^{2}\dot{\theta}^{2}+A^{2}\omega^{2}cos^{2}\omega t)[/tex]?

Since the Lagrangian wouldn't be time-independent, would this in any way affect the Euler-Lagrange equation, or would it remain the same?

Thanks, all.
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  • #2
Also, when the problem says 'inverted pendulum', does this mean that there's some kind of force preventing the pendulum from rotating to an equilibrium position (i.e. hanging straight down)? When I think of it, I visualize something like a metronome... does this sound right?
  • #3
I saw this video on YouTube, and I just understood what it means by "inverted pendulum":

I guess the one in the problem is identical to this one, exact that the motion is vertical and given by the equation above.

So any ideas on the kinetic and potential energies, or on how the Euler-Lagrange equation changes if they're explicitly time-dependent?
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  • #4
Well, as far as I can see in derivations, a rheonomic constraint shouldn't really matter. But what should I do with the time? Should I just ignore it and use the Euler-Lagrange equation normally, or should I treat it as a generalized coordinate?

And does anyone have any suggestions for the kinetic and potential energies?

FAQ: How to Derive the Lagrangian for an Inverted Pendulum with Vertical Motion?

1. What is the Lagrangian for an inverted pendulum?

The Lagrangian for an inverted pendulum is a mathematical function that describes the energy of the system. It is derived from the kinetic and potential energy of the pendulum and is used to determine the equations of motion for the system.

2. Why is the Lagrangian used for an inverted pendulum?

The Lagrangian is used for an inverted pendulum because it provides a more elegant and efficient way to describe the system's dynamics compared to using Newton's laws of motion. It takes into account both the kinetic and potential energy of the system and simplifies the equations of motion.

3. How is the Lagrangian derived for an inverted pendulum?

The Lagrangian for an inverted pendulum is derived by applying the principle of least action, which states that the system will always follow the path that minimizes the action integral. This involves taking the partial derivatives of the kinetic and potential energy with respect to the generalized coordinates and their derivatives.

4. Can the Lagrangian be used for any type of inverted pendulum?

Yes, the Lagrangian can be used for any type of inverted pendulum, including single and double pendulums, as long as the system can be described by a set of generalized coordinates and their derivatives.

5. How is the Lagrangian used to find the equations of motion for an inverted pendulum?

The Lagrangian is used to find the equations of motion for an inverted pendulum by taking the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the generalized coordinates and setting it equal to the generalized forces acting on the system. This results in a set of differential equations that describe the motion of the pendulum.
