Design of a simple fence post remover

  • Thread starter qasimdada
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In summary, a farmer needs to remove several fence posts buried 18 inches in the ground with a maximum force of 175lb. The only materials available are a strong rope and various pieces of wood. The proposed solution is to use two planks of wood as supports, with the rope tied to one plank and passing through the post and above the other plank, and then tied to a truck. However, there are concerns about the distribution of force and moments in this design.
  • #1
Design of a simple fence post remover

I have been given an assignment of designing a simple fence post remover. Here is what the question says.
“A farmer wishes to remove several fence posts. Each post is buried 18 inches in the ground and will require a maximum force of 175lb to remove it. He can use his truck to develop the force but he needs to devise a method for their removal without breaking the posts. Design a method considering that the only material available is a strong rope and various pieces of wood of different size and length.”
I am allowed to neglect the friction.
I have planned to use two planks of wood as a support. The planks will be place on equal distances from the post and that distance will be of their height. The rope will be tied to one plank and will pass through the fence post (using a hole or hook in the post) and above the second plank and tied to the truck. But I am confused about 2 issues.
1. Distribution of Force in the rope.
2. Moments
Please help A.S.A.P.
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  • #2
Attached is the idea sketch


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  • #3

I would suggest considering a lever and fulcrum system for the design of a simple fence post remover. This would distribute the force evenly and also minimize the risk of breaking the posts. Here's how it could work:

1. Start by digging a small hole next to the fence post, deep enough to accommodate a fulcrum (a sturdy piece of wood or metal).

2. Place the fulcrum in the hole and make sure it is securely anchored.

3. Use two planks of wood, one on each side of the post, and position them evenly on the fulcrum. The distance between the planks should be equal to the height of the post.

4. Tie a strong rope to the bottom of the post, near the ground, and pass it over the top of the planks.

5. Attach the other end of the rope to the back of the truck, making sure it is securely tied.

6. Slowly drive the truck forward, using the rope to pull the post out of the ground. The fulcrum and planks will act as a lever, distributing the force evenly and making it easier to remove the post without breaking it.

As for the issue of moments, the placement of the fulcrum and the length of the planks can be adjusted to create a balanced system and minimize the potential for moments that could cause the post to break.

In conclusion, a lever and fulcrum system using a strong rope and sturdy planks can be an effective and simple design for removing fence posts without breaking them. Additionally, it is important to take safety precautions and carefully distribute forces to avoid any potential accidents.

FAQ: Design of a simple fence post remover

1. What materials are needed to make a simple fence post remover?

The materials needed to make a simple fence post remover include a metal rod or pipe, a metal bracket, a hammer, and a shovel.

2. How do you use a simple fence post remover?

To use a simple fence post remover, you first need to dig around the base of the fence post with a shovel. Then, place the metal bracket over the top of the fence post and position the metal rod or pipe inside the bracket. Use a hammer to hit the top of the metal rod or pipe, which will push the fence post out of the ground.

3. What type of fence posts can a simple fence post remover be used on?

A simple fence post remover can be used on most types of fence posts, including wooden, metal, and PVC posts. However, it may not be suitable for extremely heavy or large posts.

4. How much weight can a simple fence post remover lift?

The weight that a simple fence post remover can lift depends on the strength and durability of the materials used. However, most simple fence post removers can lift posts up to 100 pounds.

5. Can a simple fence post remover be used on posts that are cemented in?

No, a simple fence post remover is not suitable for use on posts that are cemented in. It is designed to remove posts that are stuck in the ground without additional cement or concrete. For cemented posts, you may need to use a different type of post remover or consult a professional for assistance.

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