What are the Extra Dimensions in the LHC experiment?

In summary: MWI.In summary, the "extra dimensions" in the LHC experiment are additional dimensions of space that are curled up into tiny circles and can only be entered by gravity. They do not belong to another universe, but rather exist within our own universe. The concept of "parallel universes" is not just a concept in science fiction, but has been thought about by respectable physicists in the context of quantum mechanics. While it is just a theory and may never be proven, the existence of extra dimensions would radically alter our concept of the universe and is an exciting prospect to be explored by the LHC experiment.
  • #1
What are the "Extra Dimensions" in the LHC experiment?

First of all, I'd like you people to know that I'm a 10th grader. So yes, silly questions may follow.

As the topic says, I want to have an idea of what the 'extra dimensions', that might possibly be discovered in the LHC experiment according to the CERN report, really are.

-Are those something like "Parallel universes", the things we see in comics and sci-fi stuff? Different people, or our doubles, living in the same space, which is not actually the same. Is it something -roughly- like that?

I tried to google it but most of the stuff there just went right over my head. Also, I request you to be as simple as possible, as I'm yet learning the basics.
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  • #2

The extra dimensions, should they exist, are not part of another universe. They belong to our universe, though we are not able to see or percieve them (that's all I understand about them, sorry...)

By the way, the "parallel universes" are not only a concept of science fiction. Respectable physicists have thought about them, in the context of an interpretation of quantum mechanics:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation Don't feel bad if you can't understand all that stuff, neither can I. Just wanted to show you that people are seriously thinking about it. However, it is just a theory, and it will probably never be possible to prove it, so don't get too excited about it.
  • #3

Oberst Villa said:
The extra dimensions, should they exist, are not part of another universe. They belong to our universe, though we are not able to see or perceive them (that's all I understand about them, sorry...)
I see. So basically the total 'space' is the same, inside which there are multiple worlds. Wow, this stuff has to be complicated. I can't even find words to describe it. Matter that's somehow hidden from our view, doesn't occupy space, yet exists in the same place?

By the way, the "parallel universes" are not only a concept of science fiction. Respectable physicists have thought about them, in the context of an interpretation of quantum mechanics
Now that was exactly what I was looking for. I can't imagine something so fictitious actually having substance in it.
But when you say 'respectable scientists' you imply that that the majority either doesn't believe in it or has some alternative to this theory. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Don't feel bad if you can't understand all that stuff, neither can I. Just wanted to show you that people are seriously thinking about it.
Yeah, but it would've been much more convenient if you could just look up Wiki and understand everything in first read. :(
And scientists actually believing this concept is indeed news to me.

However, it is just a theory, and it will probably never be possible to prove it, so don't get too excited about it.
Okay, you just gave me a reason NOT to be excited about the LHC experiment. X(
But regardless, such an interesting concept not being refuted is good enough for me.
  • #4

DarkStalker said:
I see. So basically the total 'space' is the same, inside which there are multiple worlds. Wow, this stuff has to be complicated. I can't even find words to describe it. Matter that's somehow hidden from our view, doesn't occupy space, yet exists in the same place?

The "extra dimensions" are simply extra dimensions of space, in addition to the usual three (x,y,z). There are a few differences, though. First, they are not "straight" dimensions, but are curled up into tiny circles. Second, only gravity can enter these extra dimensions. Light and other particles can't, which is why we can't readily see them.

Okay, you just gave me a reason NOT to be excited about the LHC experiment. X(
But regardless, such an interesting concept not being refuted is good enough for me.

Don't lose your enthusiasm! IF the LHC finds evidence that extra dimensions really exist, that would be the most exciting result possible to come out of the experiment! The other expected results -- finding the Higgs boson, or possibly supersymmetry -- will merely show us that new particles exist. But finding extra dimensions would radically alter our concept of the universe. You can't help but be excited about that!
  • #5

Oberst Villa said:
By the way, the "parallel universes" are not only a concept of science fiction. Respectable physicists have thought about them, in the context of an interpretation of quantum mechanics:
DarkStalker said:
Now that was exactly what I was looking for. I can't imagine something so fictitious actually having substance in it.
The MWI doesn't talk about sci-fi-style parallel universes; the similarities are only superficial (although probably the origin of the terminology).
  • #6

A/4 said:
The "extra dimensions" are simply extra dimensions of space, in addition to the usual three (x,y,z). There are a few differences, though. First, they are not "straight" dimensions, but are curled up into tiny circles. Second, only gravity can enter these extra dimensions. Light and other particles can't, which is why we can't readily see them.

Untill the nature of those dimensions and the nature of gravity can be discovered, that remains speculation though

A/4 said:
But finding extra dimensions would radically alter our concept of the universe. You can't help but be excited about that!

Or maybe finding extra dimensions confirms our concept of the universe instead of altering it ;)

Either way, it is indeed exciting stuff ^^
  • #7

Hurkyl said:
The MWI doesn't talk about sci-fi-style parallel universes; the similarities are only superficial (although probably the origin of the terminology).

Many cosmologists and string theorists maintain that the MWI applies to superpositions of universes.

FAQ: What are the Extra Dimensions in the LHC experiment?

1. What are extra dimensions in the LHC experiment?

Extra dimensions refer to additional spatial dimensions beyond the three dimensions (length, width, and height) that we are familiar with. These dimensions are theorized to exist in some models of physics, such as string theory, and could be explored through experiments like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

2. How many extra dimensions are being searched for in the LHC experiment?

The LHC is primarily searching for one extra dimension, but some theories suggest there could be up to seven additional dimensions. However, the existence of these extra dimensions has not been confirmed and is still being investigated.

3. Why are scientists interested in studying extra dimensions?

Studying extra dimensions could provide a better understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. It could also help reconcile inconsistencies between the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Additionally, if extra dimensions are found, it could have implications for concepts like dark matter and dark energy.

4. How are extra dimensions being searched for in the LHC experiment?

The LHC experiment involves accelerating particles to high energies and then colliding them together. Scientists analyze the particles and their interactions to look for any deviations from the expected patterns, which could indicate the presence of extra dimensions. Researchers also use computer simulations and theoretical models to predict the effects of extra dimensions on the particles produced in the collisions.

5. What are the potential implications if extra dimensions are discovered in the LHC experiment?

If extra dimensions are found, it could revolutionize our understanding of the universe and lead to new technologies and advancements. It could also open up new avenues for research and potentially lead to new theories and discoveries in physics. However, it is important to note that the existence of extra dimensions is still a theoretical concept and has not been confirmed by experiments like the LHC.

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