What Structure Must G Have for All Aut(G) Elements to Send N to N

In summary, the problem from Lang involves finding the necessary structure of a finite group G and its normal subgroup N for all elements of Aut(G) to send N to N. It is assumed that the order of N is relatively prime to the order of G/N. The solution involves using an arbitrary element f(n) of f(N) and setting the order of f(n) to be k. By observing that (f(n)N)^k = N, it is shown that k divides both |G/N| and |f(N)|, which are coprime. Using Lagrange's theorem, it is concluded that k=1, and thus f(n) must be in N. Therefore, f(N) is a subset of N
  • #1
Here is another problem from Lang.

Let G be a finite group. N a normal subgroup. We want to ask what structure must G have in order for all the elements of Aut(G) to send N to N. It is assumed that the order of N is relatively prime to the order of G/N. I have worked on this problem for a while and must be missing something pretty basic.
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  • #2
In other words, let G be finite, N a normal subgroup of G with the order of N relatively prime to the order of G/N. Prove that if g is in Aut(G)), then g(N)=N.
  • #3
Let's use f instead of g to avoid confusion. First, note that |f(N)|=|N| since f is a bijection. So in particular, |f(N)| and |G/N| are coprime. Next consider an arbitrary element f(n) of f(N) and set k=o(f(n)). Observe that (f(n)N)^k = (f(n)N)^|G/N| = N. So... ?
  • #4
morphism said:
Let's use f instead of g to avoid confusion. First, note that |f(N)|=|N| since f is a bijection. So in particular, |f(N)| and |G/N| are coprime. Next consider an arbitrary element f(n) of f(N) and set k=o(f(n)). Observe that (f(n)N)^k = (f(n)N)^|G/N| = N. So... ?

I guess I would write it a little bit differently. But, yeah, your solution is right. I can't believe how a simply problem can catch me off guard like that.

Assume n is in N and n=/=e. (The case for when n=e is trivial) Let k be the order of f(n). Yes, I think i see: f(n)^k =e and so N = (f(n)N)^k. Therefore, k divides |G/N|, and we get your identity

N = (f(n)N)^k = (f(n)N)^|G/N|.

But, also we have e=f(n)^k=f(n^k). Since f is injective, n^k=e. k must be the order of n (for t<=k and n^t =e implies f(n)^t=e implies k divides t implies k=t). Therefore, k divides |N| also. Therefore, k=1 and your identity reads N=f(n)N whence f(n) is in N. As f is bijective, f(N) must equal N.
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  • #5
oh, I forgot to thank you. Thanks for your help.
  • #6
No problem.

By the way, the reason I wrote my solution the way I did was because I wanted to proceed slightly differently. Here's how I would've continued my post: "So o(f(n)N) divides k and |G/N|. But k divides |f(N)| (by Lagrange), and |f(N)| and |G/N| are coprime. Thus o(f(n)N)=1, and consequently f(n) is in N. It follows that f(N) is a subset of N, and hence all of N since |f(N)|=|N|."

FAQ: What Structure Must G Have for All Aut(G) Elements to Send N to N

1. What are automorphisms of finite groups?

Automorphisms of finite groups refer to bijective group homomorphisms from a group to itself. In simpler terms, they are functions that map elements of a group to other elements of the same group, while preserving the group structure.

2. How are automorphisms of finite groups useful?

Automorphisms of finite groups have numerous applications in mathematics, computer science, and physics. They can be used to study the structure and properties of groups, to prove theorems, and to classify and construct new groups.

3. Are automorphisms of finite groups unique?

No, automorphisms of finite groups are not unique. In fact, there can be multiple automorphisms that map elements of a group to the same element. However, there is always a unique identity automorphism that maps each element to itself.

4. How do automorphisms of finite groups relate to group isomorphisms?

Automorphisms and isomorphisms are closely related concepts. An automorphism is essentially a group isomorphism from a group to itself. In other words, an automorphism is an isomorphism between a group and itself.

5. Can all finite groups have automorphisms?

Yes, all finite groups have automorphisms. In fact, the set of automorphisms of a group forms a group itself, known as the automorphism group of that group. This group can have interesting properties and can provide valuable insights into the structure of the original group.

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