How Does a Split Ring Commutator Enhance Motor Speed?

In summary, the conversation is about someone seeking help with a science project involving constructing an electric motor. They mention researching a split ring commutator and not fully understanding its function and placement in the motor. They also ask about the role of brushes in the motor. Another person shares their knowledge and explains how the motor works, mentioning the use of permanent magnets and electromagnets. They also mention the split ring commutator and how it controls the flow of current. They provide a link to a Wikipedia article for more information. The conversation ends with a curiosity question about the teacher who assigned the project.
  • #1
hey there if anyone can help i'd be very grateful.
i have a science project :cry: and i have to construct a working electric motor. i have to make it spin as fast as possible so i did some research and found out about something called a split ring commutator. i still don't understand what it looks like and where it is positioned in the armature. Also what are the brushes and their role? :confused: any help or tips u can give will be helpful.
thank you to anyone who helps :smile:
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  • #2
Incidentally I did the exam same project in grade 12 and I still remember enough of how it works. I'll start with the whole reason why the motor works. You have two permanent magnets spaced apart with opposite polarizations (north or south) and a set of electromagnets rotating between them. The point is to make the electromagnets rotate continuously. It's rather simple in principle to do this: when the electromagnets are rotating towards the permanent magnets, they must have an attractive force (so opposite polarizations), and when they have passed them, they must have an opposing force (same polarizations).

To do this, you have to be able to adjust the flow of the current. That's what the split ring commutator does. It's basically a circle with the surface covered in a conductive material (I found that aluminum foil worked well). However, the conducting material is not of one piece but of two pieces each wrapped halfway around the ring. The brushes are two wires (essentially) that are set-up to bridge contact between the conducting material and the electromagnets. What should happens is as the motor rotates, each brush for each electromagnet switches between the two conducting materials on the ring, thereby changind the direction of current, thereby changing the polarizations of the electromagnet.

If you don't like my explanationg (it's a little wordy) try this one from wikipedia .

and just a curiosity question, is the teacher who assigned this project names Mr Mildon?
  • #3

Hi there! It sounds like you have a challenging project ahead of you. First of all, don't worry too much about the split ring commutator and the brushes - they are just parts of the electric motor that help it to function properly. The split ring commutator is a type of commutator (a device that helps to switch the direction of current in the motor) that is made up of two halves that are separated by an insulating material. It is usually positioned at the end of the armature (the rotating part of the motor) and helps to reverse the direction of current as the armature spins. The brushes, on the other hand, are small pieces of conductive material that make contact with the commutator and allow the current to flow through the motor. Their role is to transfer electrical energy from the power source to the armature, which causes it to spin.

If you're still having trouble understanding these components, there are plenty of resources online that can provide visual aids and further explanations. You can also try reaching out to your teacher or a classmate for help. As for making your motor spin as fast as possible, one tip would be to make sure all the parts are securely attached and there is minimal friction between moving parts. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: How Does a Split Ring Commutator Enhance Motor Speed?

What is an electric motor?

An electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It works by using the principles of electromagnetism to produce a rotating motion, which can then be used to power various machines and devices.

What is the purpose of an electric motor?

The purpose of an electric motor is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, which can then be used to power machines and devices such as fans, pumps, and vehicles.

How does an electric motor work?

An electric motor works by using a series of coils and magnets to create a rotating magnetic field. This magnetic field interacts with the current flowing through the coils, causing a force that produces motion.

What are the different types of electric motors?

There are several different types of electric motors, including DC motors, AC motors, and synchronous motors. Each type has its own unique characteristics and is used in different applications.

What are some common uses for electric motors?

Electric motors are used in a wide variety of applications, including industrial machinery, household appliances, electric vehicles, and more. They are also commonly used in HVAC systems, power tools, and robotics.

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