Understanding Physics: Tips to Master College Course

In summary, the conversation discusses a student's struggles with understanding physics in their college course. The student has difficulty applying concepts to new problems and feels frustrated and depressed. The conversation also includes tips on how to approach studying and suggests practicing problems multiple times and reading lecture notes in intervals. The importance of confidence and repetition in mastering physics is also emphasized.
  • #1
Want to learn
So I am in an intro college physics course, but it is not my cup of tea. The class goes like so, we get lectures, we get reading assignments, we get problem sets. And repeat that for every chapter.

I have a problem with understanding the physics. Yes, that's a little vague, let me explain. I do the reading, sometimes even three times. I work out the examples they give in the books. But when It comes to the problem sets and new types of problems, I freeze and it's like I have not even read the chapter. I can obviously answer the questions that just require you to plug in numbers into an equation but the ones where you kind of have to apply the concept and combine some equations always eludes me. This is very frustrating and depressing at the same time. No matter how many times I read, and really try to understand it, it just doesn't stick. By the way, I failed my first exam but got a perfect result on the problem set.

Any tips on how to deal with this - I really don't want to drop the course, it's very interesting- I just can't seem to master it or get a grasp of it.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
What twofish-quant says can occur after studying the material over two years or more; you need to be willing to repeat what you have studied if you hope to see some of the exercises as being like the same thing but different values. I have been doing this with Rational Equation Applications from Introductory and Intermediate Algebra and I now finally recognize similar forms of these exercises. What is found are many of the same general problems but using different values.

Want To Learn, you described very well how you need to study, so just continue doing that. You are learning to think critically, set up sets of equations, and solve for unknown values. You most likely did not do this to such an extent in other courses.
  • #4
I guess in the end it just comes down to practice and recognizing the different types of problems. What still frustrates me is the readings. When I read the text for the first time, after I am done, it feels like I have not read anything, and much of what I have read I forgot, so that is like a waste of an hour which I can't afford.

How do you guys approach the readings? DO you take notes - that would be superfluous I think because there is so much info that you would be copying down the whole book. Any tips for approaching readings?

Much appreciated.
  • #5
Try doing the examples in the book as you read and before you read the solutions. This goes along way towards learning the material.
  • #6
One way to practice is to do a problem, then do it again tomorrow. Why? Because if you're having trouble you'll struggle over it and get a solution, but the solution comes in pieces and is not very well internalized. Do it again tomorrow, and you'll be much more comfortable doing the problem and will learn the method you're using a lot better.
  • #7
I hardly learn anything reading- it's probably one of the only worse methods of learning than lectures. I personally take notes, but not from textbooks.. I read my lecture notes in maybe 1/2 page intervals, cover it up and try to focus on the main concept, then summarise it in a couple of lines on another sheet. Repeat this over a few days for the course.

The questions you are getting sound hard, but I remember some of the ones I got in my first year, they were intentionally monstrous because some students will spend an hour thinking about it- that hour is basically time dedicated to physics, and when you finally find the answer, you'll find yourself incredibly receptive to the method that was used, and probably never forget it (if you read it carefully and understand it).

Also a lot of it comes down to confidence, which comes from a large amount of practice.

FAQ: Understanding Physics: Tips to Master College Course

1. What makes physics such a difficult subject to understand?

Physics can be challenging because it requires a combination of mathematical and conceptual understanding. It also covers a wide range of topics, from mechanics and electricity to thermodynamics and quantum physics, which can be overwhelming for some students. Additionally, physics requires critical thinking skills and the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations.

2. How can I improve my understanding of physics?

There are several ways to improve your understanding of physics. First, make sure to attend all lectures and take detailed notes. Practice solving problems regularly to reinforce your understanding of concepts. Additionally, seek help from your professor or tutoring services if you are struggling with a particular topic. Finally, actively engage with the material and ask questions to deepen your understanding.

3. Is it important to have a strong math background for studying physics?

Yes, having a strong foundation in mathematics is crucial for understanding physics. Physics is often described as the language of math, and many concepts and equations in physics require advanced math skills. It is recommended to have a solid understanding of algebra, geometry, and calculus before diving into physics courses.

4. How can I prepare for exams in a physics course?

The best way to prepare for exams in a physics course is to continuously review and practice solving problems. Make sure to attend review sessions and seek help from your professor if you have any questions. It is also helpful to create study guides and use flashcards to memorize important equations and concepts. Don't wait until the last minute to study and make sure to get enough rest before the exam.

5. What resources are available for students struggling with physics?

There are many resources available for students struggling with physics. Most universities offer tutoring services where you can get one-on-one help from experienced physics tutors. There are also online resources such as video tutorials, practice problems, and interactive simulations that can help you better understand difficult concepts. Additionally, forming study groups with classmates can be beneficial as you can work together to solve problems and clarify any confusion.

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