So, in string theory, is there such a thing as matter?

In summary, according to string theory, there is matter and there is energy, but the distinction between the two is not as clear as it might seem at first. Matter can be composed of energy in different forms, and energy can manifest as matter in different ways.
  • #1
This might be a noob question, so excuse me if I'm beating a dead horse. I'm trying to wrap my head around string theory. If it is how the universe operates, is there such a thing as matter? It seems that everything at its most basic form is just energy.

Is this true? Or am I missing a piece of this puzzle?

Thanks guys.
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  • #2
You could say that as a start, but things seem more complex so far. I'd rather note that some forms of energy manifest as matter and other vibrational patterns manifest as energy...says quarks vs photons...which is more "basic" or what is "real" has many forms of interpretation and a number have been discussed here in other threads. I do not believe we yet have an experimental test to detect one versus the other.

You can perhaps offset your interpretation by noting that big bang interpretations require some exotic matter to start things off...not a desirable situation in my opinion, but it's there nevertheless. Strand theory, which is just recently discussed, might offer a "neater" view of things...but all these require some experimental confirmation.

An analogy might be that atoms were once thought "indivisible"; then protons, neutrons and electrons when they were discovered; then quarks were found as constitutents of protons and neutrons, and so forth..often Maybe strings are common to we often make progress piecemeal getting new glimpses as we go.
  • #3
Naty1 said:
You could say that as a start, but things seem more complex so far. I'd rather note that some forms of energy manifest as matter and other vibrational patterns manifest as energy...says quarks vs photons...
Quarks are Fermions, Photons are bosons. In low energy, not supersymmetric world, probably this is the best way to identify "matter": the elementary fermions of the theory. It has sense from the point of view of classical interpretation, matter "atoms" as a thing occupying some place with exclusivity, while wave "idols" do not claim such exclusivity (The name "idols" appears in Lucretius "De Rerum Nature" to refer to this property). In field theory, we recognize the difference because fermions have a plank constant factor, so that when h goes to zero a fermion field has not existence, while a boson field can stay and appear classically: electromagnetism, for an example (An ancient thinker could have thought that there is some relationship between "idols" and "vacuum" or "extension" in the sense that they can add to fill it. Remember that such thinker would consider "vacuum" as a "no-thing" in duality with the "thing" that atoms are, so the whole scheme becomes more complex).

Problem is, other people calls "matter" to anything with mass, so to anything with energy, both bosons and fermions. It has sense from the point of view of general relativity, where matter is anything you couple via the stress-energy tensor.

Personally I adhere to your view, but it is better to clarify the context. Still, the question about string theory has an affirmative answer in both cases: there are fermions, and there is a stress-energy tensor.

Note also that most of the mass of Nature comes from an elementary boson field with happens to be confined in two non elementary fermions: protons and neutrons, holding the energy of QCD colour force. So if we keep with the first interpretation, the mass of the universe is only "matter" of the "effective theory" of nuclear forces and particles, but not of the "elementary theory" of quarks and colour.
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FAQ: So, in string theory, is there such a thing as matter?

1. What is string theory and how does it relate to matter?

String theory is a theoretical framework that aims to unify all of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. It proposes that the most basic building blocks of matter are tiny, vibrating strings rather than point-like particles. These strings have different vibrational patterns, which determine their properties and interactions, ultimately giving rise to all known forms of matter.

2. Is string theory a proven concept?

No, string theory is still a highly debated and speculative concept in the scientific community. It has yet to be experimentally proven, but it has shown promise in providing a theoretical framework for understanding the fundamental nature of the universe.

3. How does string theory explain the existence of matter?

String theory proposes that matter is made up of tiny, vibrating strings. These strings interact with each other and with space-time, giving rise to the properties and behaviors of matter. String theory also suggests the existence of extra dimensions, which could help explain the origin of mass and the nature of gravity.

4. Does string theory have any implications for our understanding of the universe?

Yes, string theory has the potential to provide a unified and consistent framework for understanding all of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. It also has implications for the study of black holes, the nature of space-time, and the possibility of multiple universes.

5. Are there any current experiments or observations that support string theory?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence that directly supports string theory. However, there are ongoing experiments and observations, such as the search for supersymmetric particles and the study of gravitational waves, that could provide indirect evidence for string theory.
