Calculating Residues of Reciprocal Polynomials

In summary, the conversation is about calculating the residues of functions with polynomial denominators. The speaker has already calculated the residues of \frac{1}{x^2+a^2} and is now asked to calculate the residues of \left(\frac{1}{x^2+a^2}\right)^2 and \frac{z^2}{x^2+a^2}. They are having trouble splitting the fraction into a series and asks for general tips. The expert suggests applying the Cauchy theorem and provides a detailed explanation using an example. They also mention that there are many ways to solve these types of problems in a textbook on complex analysis.
  • #1
I have need to calculate the residues of some functions of the form [itex]\frac{f(x)}{p(x)}[/itex] where p(x) is a polynomial. To be more specific I have already calculated the 2 residues of [itex]\frac{1}{x^2+a^2}[/itex]. That one was quite easy. Now I'm asked to calculate the residues of
[itex]\left(\frac{1}{x^2+a^2}\right)^2[/itex] and [itex]\frac{z^2}{x^2+a^2}[/itex]
How would I do that? I have trouble splitting the fraction up into a series. Is there any general tips for calculating residues of functions with polynomials in the denominator?
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  • #2
NewGuy said:
I have need to calculate the residues of some functions of the form [itex]\frac{f(x)}{p(x)}[/itex] where p(x) is a polynomial. To be more specific I have already calculated the 2 residues of [itex]\frac{1}{x^2+a^2}[/itex]. That one was quite easy. Now I'm asked to calculate the residues of
[itex]\left(\frac{1}{x^2+a^2}\right)^2[/itex] and [itex]\frac{z^2}{x^2+a^2}[/itex]
How would I do that? I have trouble splitting the fraction up into a series. Is there any general tips for calculating residues of functions with polynomials in the denominator?

You just try to apply the Cauchy theorem. It's not so hard. For example, the function
[itex]f(z) = \left( \frac{1}{z^2 + a^2}\right) ^2 [/itex]​
has two singular point [itex]z_{1,2} = \pm \, a i [/itex], where [itex] i^2 = -1[/itex]. As the definition of residue, we have
[itex] Res \left[ f , z = ai \right] = \frac{1}{ 2 \pi i } \oint _{|z-ai| = \epsilon} \frac{1}{(z^2 + a^2)^2} dz [/itex]​
with [itex] \epsilon [/itex] small enough. We write
[itex] \frac{1}{ 2 \pi i } \oint _{|z-ai| = \epsilon} \frac{1}{(z^2 + a^2)^2} dz = \frac{1}{ 2 \pi i } \oint _{|z-ai| = \epsilon} \frac{1/(z+ai)^2}{(z - ai)^2} dz [/itex]​
and , by applying the Cauchy theorem, we have
[itex] Res \left[ f , z = ai \right] = \frac{1}{ 2 \pi i } \oint _{|z-ai| = \epsilon} \frac{1/(z+ai)^2}{(z - ai)^2} dz = \left. \frac{1}{1!} \frac{d}{dz} \left( \frac{1}{(z+ai)^2}\right) \right|_{z=ai} = \frac{1}{4a^3 i} [/itex]​
the first one
[itex]Res [ f , z = - ai] = \frac{1}{ 2 \pi i } \oint _{|z + ai| = \epsilon} \frac{z^2/(z-ai)}{(z+ai)} dz = \left. \left( \frac{z^2}{(z-ai)^2}\right) \right|_{z=-ai} = \frac{a}{2i} [/itex]​
In fact, there're so many way to defeat these problems in textbook of complex analysis.

FAQ: Calculating Residues of Reciprocal Polynomials

1. What is the definition of a reciprocal polynomial?

A reciprocal polynomial is a polynomial whose coefficients are symmetric about its central term. In other words, if the polynomial is represented as anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x + a0, then an = a0, an-1 = a1, an-2 = a2, and so on.

2. How do you calculate the residues of a reciprocal polynomial?

To calculate the residues of a reciprocal polynomial, we first need to factor the polynomial into its linear factors. Then, we can use the formula Resα(f) = f(α)/f'(α), where α is a root of the polynomial and f'(α) is the derivative of the polynomial evaluated at α. We repeat this process for each root of the polynomial to find all the residues.

3. Can we use the residue theorem to calculate residues of reciprocal polynomials?

Yes, the residue theorem can be used to calculate residues of reciprocal polynomials. This theorem states that the residue of a function at a pole is equal to the coefficient of the term with the highest power in the Laurent series expansion of the function at that pole. Since reciprocal polynomials can be written as Laurent series, we can use the residue theorem to calculate their residues.

4. What is the significance of calculating residues of reciprocal polynomials?

Calculating residues of reciprocal polynomials is important in the study of complex analysis and in solving certain types of integrals. Residues can help us determine the behavior of a function at its poles and can be used to evaluate complex integrals using the residue theorem.

5. Are there any specific techniques for calculating residues of reciprocal polynomials?

Yes, there are a few techniques that can be used for calculating residues of reciprocal polynomials. These include factoring the polynomial, using partial fractions, and using the residue theorem. Sometimes, it may also be helpful to use techniques from calculus, such as integration by parts, to simplify the calculation process.
