Can two metrics be superposed?

  • Thread starter inottoe
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In summary: I'll try to understand it better and see if I can get a better understanding of how to superpose two metrics.
  • #1
Hi. I can't find a source that shows how to superpose two metrics.

For example, superposing Schwarzschild metric


with de Sitter metric


yields de Sitter-Schwarzschild metric


I've tried letting

[itex]g_{\mu\nu}=g_{\mu\nu}\left(Schwarzschild\right)+g_{\mu\nu}\left(de Sitter\right)-\eta_{\mu\nu}[/itex]​

which works for the time component of the metric but not the radial. Any ideas?
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  • #2
Can you even add them like that? The solutions aren't linear.
  • #3
WannabeNewton said:
Can you even add them like that? The solutions aren't linear.

I'm pretty sure you can - you're just adding matrices.
  • #4
No what I mean is that linear superpositions of two metrics won't result in another solution to the EFEs so why do you want to add them like that.
  • #5
WannabeNewton said:
No what I mean is that linear superpositions of two metrics won't result in another solution to the EFEs so why do you want to add them like that.

I didn't know that. I'm basically stuck as to how to superpose the two metric spaces. Maybe the answer is obvious and I'm being thick.
  • #6
It isn't easy to properly superpose two metrics. Unlike electric fields under maxwell's equations, which linearly superpose, in GR two interacting gravitational fields present a much, much more complicated interaction (release of gravitational waves etc.) because the gravitational field is coupled to itself. You can simply add the two matrices, sure, but that won't give you anything physically relevant; combining two metrics is non - trivial. There is a linearized form of the EFEs under which linear superposition does result in another solution but the linearized EFEs are only valid for weak fields (like low amplitude gravitational waves in vacuum).
  • #7
OK, thanks very much for that.

FAQ: Can two metrics be superposed?

What is the concept of superposing two metrics?

The concept of superposing two metrics refers to the process of combining two different metrics to create a new metric that captures the strengths of both original metrics.

How is superposing two metrics useful in scientific research?

Superposing two metrics can be useful in scientific research as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon by incorporating multiple perspectives or measurements. It can also help to identify patterns or relationships that may not be apparent when using a single metric.

Are there any limitations to superposing two metrics?

Yes, there can be limitations to superposing two metrics. One limitation is that the resulting metric may not accurately capture the full complexity of the phenomenon being studied. Additionally, the process of superposing two metrics may require making assumptions or simplifications that could affect the validity of the results.

How do you determine which metrics to superpose?

The decision of which metrics to superpose depends on the research question and the phenomenon being studied. It is important to carefully consider the strengths and limitations of each metric, and how they may complement each other to provide a more comprehensive understanding.

Can superposing two metrics be used in any field of science?

Yes, the concept of superposing two metrics can be applied in various fields of science, such as biology, physics, psychology, and economics. It can be particularly useful in interdisciplinary research where multiple metrics from different fields may be relevant to the research question.

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