Solving Wave Packet Propagation: Analyzing Group and Phase Velocities

In summary, the given wave packet has a constant amplitude A and dispersion relation ck', and the wave is propagating in the positive direction with a width of 2π/Δk that does not change in time. The phase and group velocities are the same due to the linear dispersion relation.
  • #1
Consider a wave packet represented by

[tex] \Psi (x,t) = \int_{k-\Delta k}^{k+\Delta k} A \cos\left[k'(x-ct)\right] dk' [/tex]

A constant and ck' is the dispersion relation

SOlve th integral and describe teh propogation properties of this wave packet. Assume this means that the phase and group velocities as well as width of the packet. Also explicitly show if/how the width changes in time.its easy to do this integral...

[tex] \Psi (x,t) = \frac{2A \Delta k}{\Delta k (x-ct)} cos[k(x-ct)] \sin[\Delta k (x-ct)] [/tex]

Propogation properties...
WEll it seems that the wave is moving right (positive direction) by virtue of the argument of the cosine.

Width of the packet is [itex] \frac{2 \pi}{\Delta k} [/itex]Does Delta k change in time??

i cnat think of anything to solve here... do they mean DERIVE the formulas for group and pahse velocities??
Physics news on
  • #2
You're right, the wave is moving right since the x,t dependence is x-ct (as opposed to x+ct), and the width doesn't change in time, since this is a wave (time only acts to translate the shape in space). The phase and group velocities are the same here since the dispersion relation is linear.

FAQ: Solving Wave Packet Propagation: Analyzing Group and Phase Velocities

1. What is a wave packet?

A wave packet is a localized group of waves that travel together as a single entity. It is characterized by its group velocity and phase velocity, which determine the speed and shape of the packet.

2. How do you solve for wave packet propagation?

To solve for wave packet propagation, you need to analyze the group and phase velocities of the wave packet. This can be done using mathematical equations such as the Schrödinger equation and the Fourier transform.

3. What are group and phase velocities?

Group velocity is the speed at which the wave packet as a whole is traveling, whereas phase velocity is the speed at which the individual waves within the packet are oscillating. They are both important properties in understanding the behavior of wave packets.

4. What factors affect wave packet propagation?

Several factors can affect wave packet propagation, including the initial shape and momentum of the packet, the medium through which it is traveling, and any external forces or perturbations acting on the system.

5. What applications does wave packet propagation have?

Wave packet propagation has many applications in various fields of science, including quantum mechanics, optics, and acoustics. It is also used in technologies such as lasers, radar, and ultrasound imaging.
