Beginner: Strings and space-time supersymmetry

In summary, beginner level understanding of strings and space-time supersymmetry involves studying the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact with each other. This includes exploring the concept of supersymmetry, which proposes a symmetry between particles and their corresponding superpartners. String theory, on the other hand, suggests that the tiny strings vibrating at different frequencies are the fundamental particles of the universe. These theories aim to provide a unified explanation for the laws of physics and the four fundamental forces. However, further research and experimentation are needed to fully understand and validate these theories.
  • #1
I was wondering, OK it is a gedakenexperiment because it is beyond
observation, but... how is space-time supersymmetry (no worldsheet
susy) supossed to appear from the point of view of states of the
fundamental string? Do we observe entities with spin 0 and spin 1/2
having the same mass? And what happens for highly excited levels of the
string? If they mimic the QCD string, these excited levels have higher
spin. Do we have multiplets for, say, Spin 10 and spin 10 +- 1/2 ? Do
all these particles follow regge trajectories?

[Moderator's note: Yes, Alejandro, spacetime supersymmetry also has an
action on the worldsheet. Its existence is manifest in the Green-Schwarz
formalism - see chapter 5 of Green-Schwarz-Witten - while its existence
depends on seemingly miraculous identities such as Jacobi's obscure
formula - see chapter 4 of Green-Schwarz Witten. You can also see the
beginning of 2nd volume of Joe Polchinski's textbook, or many other
sources. Yes, spinning modes of the string with an arbitrarily high
spin have their superpartners whose spin differs by +-1/2 - or up to
+-2 in the case of maximal supersymmetry. Such superpartners lie
on the same Regge trajectory moved by +-1/2 or +-2 in the J direction.
Only one of these trajectories is really "leading" - one with maximal
J. Best wishes, LM]
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  • #2

Thank you for your interesting question about space-time supersymmetry and its appearance from the point of view of states of the fundamental string. First of all, it is important to note that space-time supersymmetry is a theoretical concept that has not yet been confirmed by experimental observation. It is currently a subject of ongoing research in theoretical physics.

However, according to current theories, space-time supersymmetry is believed to manifest itself through the existence of superpartners - particles with the same mass but different spin. This means that for every particle with integer spin, there is a corresponding superpartner with half-integer spin and vice versa.

In the case of the fundamental string, the existence of these superpartners is expected to follow the same pattern. This means that we would observe entities with spin 0 and spin 1/2 having the same mass. As for highly excited levels of the string, they are expected to follow regge trajectories, just like the QCD string.

Furthermore, as the moderator mentioned, these spinning modes of the string with an arbitrarily high spin would have superpartners whose spin differs by +-1/2 or up to +-2 in the case of maximal supersymmetry. These superpartners would also lie on the same Regge trajectory, but shifted in the J direction.

In summary, the existence of space-time supersymmetry is expected to be reflected in the properties of the fundamental string, including the existence of superpartners with different spins and the behavior of highly excited string states on Regge trajectories. However, further research and experimental evidence are needed to fully understand and confirm the role of space-time supersymmetry in the fundamental string. I hope this helps answer your question.
  • #3

I am intrigued by the concept of strings and space-time supersymmetry. It is a fascinating area of research that has the potential to greatly advance our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of our universe.

From the perspective of states of the fundamental string, space-time supersymmetry can manifest itself through the existence of particles with spin 0 and spin 1/2 having the same mass. This is known as superpartners, and they are predicted by supersymmetric theories.

For highly excited levels of the string, these superpartners can have higher spins, such as Spin 10 and spin 10 +- 1/2. This is because they mimic the behavior of the QCD string, which also has higher spin states. These superpartners would follow Regge trajectories, just like their non-supersymmetric counterparts.

The existence of space-time supersymmetry is supported by various mathematical identities, such as Jacobi's formula, and can be seen in the Green-Schwarz formalism. It is a fundamental aspect of supersymmetric theories and is a key factor in understanding the relationships between particles with different spins.

Overall, the concept of strings and space-time supersymmetry is a complex and fascinating area of research that has the potential to greatly expand our understanding of the universe.

FAQ: Beginner: Strings and space-time supersymmetry

1. What is the concept of strings in space-time supersymmetry?

Strings are one-dimensional objects that are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe. In space-time supersymmetry, strings are thought to vibrate at different frequencies and create different particles, resulting in the variety of matter and forces that we observe.

2. How does space-time supersymmetry differ from traditional theories of space and time?

Space-time supersymmetry is a theoretical framework that attempts to combine the concepts of space and time with the principles of supersymmetry, which posits that every known particle has a counterpart with different spin properties. This theory goes beyond traditional models of space-time, such as Einstein's theory of general relativity.

3. What evidence supports the existence of space-time supersymmetry?

There is currently no direct evidence for space-time supersymmetry, but it is a popular area of research in theoretical physics due to its potential to solve some of the unanswered questions in modern physics, such as the hierarchy problem and the unification of the four fundamental forces.

4. How does string theory relate to space-time supersymmetry?

String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It is closely related to space-time supersymmetry, as it incorporates supersymmetry and postulates that particles are actually tiny strings vibrating in multiple dimensions.

5. What implications does space-time supersymmetry have for our understanding of the universe?

If space-time supersymmetry is proven to be true, it would provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe and could potentially lead to the development of a unified theory of physics. It could also have practical applications, such as in the development of new technologies and energy sources.

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