Unveiling the Mysteries of Gravity at the Centre of the Earth

In summary, the acceleration due to gravity and weight both decrease as we move towards the Earth's center. At the center, g is zero and a body in freefall will continue towards the other pole. Assuming a perfectly symmetrical, hypothetical Earth, g will decrease as the body falls but it will always be non-zero except at the center point. The time is also dilated at the center due to gravitational potential. Any straight tunnel through the Earth will have the same period of oscillation and it would take approximately 42 minutes to go through the tunnel. If conditions are perfect, this is also the time it would take to go halfway around the Earth in an orbital trajectory at very low altitude.
  • #1
khurram usman
gravity at centre of earth...?

first of all as we move towards the Earth centre does the gravity and the acceleration due to it increase?
secondly what is the affect on weight as we move towards the centre?
is 'g' zero at centre?
if we dig a tunnel across the Earth passing through the centre from one pole toward the other and let a body freefall through it what will happen?will the body accelerate or not? will it stop at center or continue on towards other pole?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Do you want to assume a hypothetical Earth with perfect spherical symmetry and uniform density or do you want to discuss the actual Earth which is non spherical and non uniform density?
  • #3

DaleSpam said:
Do you want to assume a hypothetical Earth with perfect spherical symmetry and uniform density or do you want to discuss the actual Earth which is non spherical and non uniform density?

assume a perfectly symmetrical hypothetical earth
  • #4

khurram usman said:
first of all as we move towards the Earth centre does the gravity and the acceleration due to it increase?
secondly what is the affect on weight as we move towards the centre?
is 'g' zero at centre?
if we dig a tunnel across the Earth passing through the centre from one pole toward the other and let a body freefall through it what will happen?will the body accelerate or not? will it stop at center or continue on towards other pole?


  • #5

khurram usman said:
assume a perfectly symmetrical hypothetical earth
Then g will decrease as you go down and it will be 0 at the center. If a body free-falls in a tunnel then when it reaches the center it will have some velocity and no force acting on it (assuming no air resistance) therefore it will continue towards the other pole.
  • #6

first of all as we move towards the Earth centre does the gravity and the acceleration due to it increase?

As Dalespam notes, g decreases. It's not difficult to visualize since as you proceed closer to the center there is less gravitational mass pulling you to the center...because as you descend increasing amounts of mass are attracting you in other directions. At the very center you are being pulled equalled in all directions and so the forces all cancel.

However, gravitational potential is not zero at the center, so time IS dilated...it passes more slowly than on the surface.
  • #7

DaleSpam said:
Then g will decrease as you go down and it will be 0 at the center. If a body free-falls in a tunnel then when it reaches the center it will have some velocity and no force acting on it (assuming no air resistance) therefore it will continue towards the other pole.

ok...i see now how g varies
as the body falls g decreases till the centre...so i don't suppose the body will acelerate during this fall?
  • #8

Naty1 said:
As Dalespam notes, g decreases. It's not difficult to visualize since as you proceed closer to the center there is less gravitational mass pulling you to the center...because as you descend increasing amounts of mass are attracting you in other directions. At the very center you are being pulled equalled in all directions and so the forces all cancel.

However, gravitational potential is not zero at the center, so time IS dilated...it passes more slowly than on the surface.

by gravitational potential you mean that work will need to be done in order to make the body move ...right?
and how is time dilated?
  • #9

khurram usman said:
ok...i see now how g varies
as the body falls g decreases till the centre...so i don't suppose the body will acelerate during this fall?
The body will accelerate as long as g is non-zero (neglecting air resistance), which is everywhere except at the very center point.
  • #10

Inside the Earth (assuming it is a sphere of uniform density):

[tex]g = g_0 \frac{r}{R}[/tex]


[itex]g_0 = -GM / R^2[/itex] which is the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth ([itex]M[/itex] is Earth's mass)
[itex]r[/itex] is the distance from the center of the earth
[itex]R[/itex] is the radius of the earth.
  • #11

DaleSpam said:
The body will accelerate as long as g is non-zero (neglecting air resistance), which is everywhere except at the very center point.

There is less and less acceleration as you go down but there is always some, until you are at the centre - then you are at your maximum speed and the force is then against your motion. The situation is actually the same as for a mass on a spring. The restoring force to the centre of the Earth is proportional to the distance away from the centre in exactly the same way as the restoring force towards the equilibrium position for a mass on a spring. In both cases, you get what is called simple harmonic motion. Interestingly, the period of oscillation is exactly the same for large or small amplitudes of oscillation and, in the case of the hole through the Earth, the time is the same as the time for a satellite in low Earth orbit to go round the Earth once.
  • #12

Also interestingly, any straight tunnel that goes through the Earth (but not necessarily through the center) will also have the same period of oscillation. So, if you dug a tunnel straight to China and jumped in, you will come out in China at the same time (about 42 minutes...42 minutes and 12 seconds if Earth was a perfect sphere) no matter where you dug that tunnel from.

Assuming perfect conditions, of course...
  • #13

Yep. Interestingly enough, that's also the time it would take to go halfway around the Earth in an orbital trajectory at very low altitude (such that Rorbit ~ Rearth).
  • #14

cjl said:
Yep. Interestingly enough, that's also the time it would take to go halfway around the Earth in an orbital trajectory at very low altitude (such that Rorbit ~ Rearth).

If an astronaut wants to commit suicide on the Moon he could shoot his railgun horizontally away from himself and just wait a while...

FAQ: Unveiling the Mysteries of Gravity at the Centre of the Earth

1. How strong is the force of gravity at the center of the Earth?

The force of gravity at the center of the Earth is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared, which is the same as the force of gravity on the surface.

2. Why is the force of gravity stronger at the center of the Earth?

The force of gravity is stronger at the center of the Earth because of the mass of the Earth pulling towards its center. As you move closer to the center, there is more mass below you, resulting in a stronger gravitational pull.

3. If gravity is strongest at the center of the Earth, why don't objects fall towards the center?

Objects don't fall towards the center of the Earth because they are already being pulled towards the center by the force of gravity. This force is balanced by the centrifugal force created by the Earth's rotation, keeping objects in orbit or in place on the surface.

4. Does gravity at the center of the Earth affect the Earth's rotation?

Yes, the force of gravity at the center of the Earth affects the Earth's rotation. The Earth's rotation is constantly changing due to the gravitational pull of the Moon and other planets, causing small variations in the Earth's rotation speed.

5. Is there any difference in the force of gravity at the center of the Earth compared to other points inside the Earth?

No, the force of gravity at the center of the Earth is the same as at any other point inside the Earth. This is because the Earth's mass is evenly distributed, creating a uniform gravitational pull throughout the interior of the Earth.
