Can Fluid Dynamics Explain Non-Vertical Gravity Fields in Fast Rotating Bodies?

In summary: Your Name]In summary, there are solutions available for cases where the gravity vector is not purely down the rotation vector, taking into account the direction and magnitude of the gravity vector and fluid velocity. Fast rotations can be accurately studied using numerical methods, such as computational fluid dynamics. Seeking guidance from experts and researchers in the field may provide further insights and solutions for these challenges.
  • #1
I have found many cases of fluids entering rigid body motion where the gravity vector is purely down the rotation vector. I am curious if there is a soultion for where the gravity vector is in another direction.

I've attempted to solve this myself for a particular rotation, but it is so fast my parabola's vertex is below 0. This itself presents additional problem as most vertical solutions don't even account for this.

If anyone has seen soultions for either of these problems (non-vertical gravity fields and very fast rotations), please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate being pointed in the correct direciton.
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  • #2


Thank you for sharing your findings and questions with us. It is always exciting to see new developments and challenges in the field of fluid dynamics.

In response to your first question, there are indeed solutions for cases where the gravity vector is not purely down the rotation vector. These solutions take into account the direction of the gravity vector and the rotation vector, as well as the magnitude and direction of the fluid velocity. These solutions are often used in simulations and experiments to study the behavior of fluids in non-uniform gravity fields.

As for your second question, I understand that fast rotations can present a challenge in accurately predicting the behavior of fluids. In these cases, it is important to use numerical methods, such as computational fluid dynamics, to accurately capture the complex dynamics of the fluid. These methods take into account all the relevant parameters, including the speed of rotation, and can provide accurate solutions even for very fast rotations.

I would suggest looking into the work of researchers who specialize in fluid dynamics and numerical methods, as they may have solutions or insights that can help you with your specific case. Additionally, consulting with colleagues or experts in the field can also provide valuable insights and potential solutions.

I hope this helps and wish you all the best in your research.
  • #3

There are indeed solutions for fluids in rigid body rotation where the gravity vector is not purely down the rotation vector. This is known as non-vertical fluid rotation and has been extensively studied in fluid mechanics.

One approach to solving this problem is to use the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the motion of fluids, and include the effect of gravity. These equations can be solved numerically to obtain solutions for non-vertical gravity fields and very fast rotations.

Another approach is to use the Euler equations, which are simplified versions of the Navier-Stokes equations and are often used for inviscid fluids. These equations also account for the effect of gravity and can be solved analytically for certain cases.

Some solutions for non-vertical fluid rotation have been found for specific geometries, such as rotating cylinders or spheres. However, for more complex geometries, numerical methods are often required.

In terms of the parabola's vertex being below 0, this could be due to the fast rotation causing the fluid to experience centrifugal forces, which can significantly affect the fluid's behavior. This can be accounted for in the equations used to solve the problem.

I would recommend consulting with a fluid mechanics expert or looking into published literature on the topic for more specific solutions and guidance on how to approach this problem.

FAQ: Can Fluid Dynamics Explain Non-Vertical Gravity Fields in Fast Rotating Bodies?

1. What is the difference between rotational and translational motion?

Rotational motion refers to the movement of an object around an axis, while translational motion refers to the movement of an object from one location to another. In fluids, rotational motion is seen in rigid body rotation, where the entire fluid moves in a circular motion around a fixed axis.

2. How is angular velocity related to rigid body rotation?

Angular velocity is the rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time. In rigid body rotation, the entire fluid moves with a constant angular velocity around a fixed axis, meaning all particles in the fluid have the same angular velocity.

3. What is the Coriolis effect in fluids?

The Coriolis effect is the apparent deflection of an object's path due to the rotation of the Earth. In fluids, this is seen as a deflection of the path of moving particles due to the rotation of the rigid body of fluid.

4. How does the moment of inertia affect the rotation of a rigid body?

The moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. In a rigid body, a larger moment of inertia means a greater force is required to change its rotational motion, resulting in a slower rotation.

5. What is the relationship between torque and angular acceleration in rigid body rotation?

Torque is the measure of the force that causes an object to rotate. In rigid body rotation, the torque applied to the fluid is directly proportional to the resulting angular acceleration, meaning a greater torque will result in a higher angular acceleration.

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