What if we split the proton and destroy our world?

  • Thread starter atom888
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In summary: But the beauty is, that the theory still works.We have split the proton.Well AFAIK we haven't directly observed them (and it may not be possible) but we definitely have indirectly observed them.When an electron is thrown at a proton, a lot of different particles come out. We have to make up a model and interpretation for what's going on. This world is forever in mystery.
  • #1
We have seen nuclear power when atoms split. Could it be ..the day we split the proton is the day we end our own world? I just hope E=mc^2 holds. :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
We have split the proton.
  • #3
Well AFAIK we haven't directly observed them (and it may not be possible) but we definitely have indirectly observed them.
  • #4
lzkelley said:
We have split the proton.

:eek:I'm missing something.
  • #5
atom888 said:
:eek:I'm missing something.


When high enough momenta is transferred from the electron to one of the quarks in the proton, it breaks up into many other particles.

It was done in the 1960's and 70's


But the nucleons are different objects than the the nucleis, so I don't think you can build bombs and "nucleon-powerplants". You can not use an arbitrary nuclei for making bombs or powerplants, they must fulfill certain needs. So don't panic ;)
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  • #6
malawi_glenn said:

When high enough momenta is transferred from the electron to one of the quarks in the proton, it breaks up into many other particles.

It was done in the 1960's and 70's


But the nucleons are different objects than the the nucleis, so I don't think you can build bombs and "nucleon-powerplants". You can not use an arbitrary nuclei for making bombs or powerplants, they must fulfill certain needs. So don't panic ;)

This is MADNESS! lol thanks for the info

The articles say that when an electron hit the proton, a lot of stuffs come out. We have to make up a model and interpretation. This world is forever in mystery.
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  • #7
atom888 said:
This is MADNESS! lol thanks for the info

The articles say that when an electron hit the proton, a lot of stuffs come out. We have to make up a model and interpretation. This world is forever in mystery.

Could be everything was already there, and the collision just lit up the area so we could see it. I love how everyone thinks space is empty.
  • #8
atom888 said:
This is MADNESS! lol thanks for the info

The articles say that when an electron hit the proton, a lot of stuffs come out. We have to make up a model and interpretation. This world is forever in mystery.

Why make up when it already exist?
  • #9
sirzerp said:
Could be everything was already there, and the collision just lit up the area so we could see it. I love how everyone thinks space is empty.

The stuff that comes out of the proton, is the other two quarks (the ones that are not strucked by the incoming electron) are undergoing hadronisation since only colourless objects can exist in observable states.


  • #10
atom888 said:
This is MADNESS!
In fact, the theory seems to be crazy enough, because it works wondefully.
The articles say that when an electron hit the proton, a lot of stuffs come out. We have to make up a model and interpretation. This world is forever in mystery.
If you throw an electron (lepton) on a hadron, and observe only the electron (lepton) recoiling, you can use a powerful theorem called the optical theorem, which in fact greatly simplify the situation. The total cross-section for the scattering in any non-zero direction is related (equal) to the imaginary part of the amplitude for forward scattering. Forward scattering is a process for which the initial state is the same as the final state. Of course it cannot be measured experimentally. But the wonder is that you can formally write down this forward amplitude in terms of things that depend only on the hadron structure that you wish to invetigate and not on the details of how you investigate it. That means, you can throw an electron or you can throw a muon for instance. You can throw a proton and anti-proton and search for di-lepton events (Drell-Yan). And the beauty of it is that you write down your cross-section in terms of the same universal structure functions describing your hadron and it works wonders. This is called deep inelastic scattering (DIS).

Then you can even go further, and make more elaborate calculations for the probability to produce an additional particle, such as a pion for instance. You make your diagrams, where you take into account all the possibilities that this occurs, introducing new functions dubbed fragmentation functions, giving you the probability to produce such and such meson once you have pulled out such and such partonic configuration. And you invetigate in many different ways with many different reactions and once again it works perfectly fine with the same structure functions as before. This is called semi-inclusive DIS. "Inclusive" refers to the fact that you do not obeserve anything else than the lepton, and can use the optical theorem. "Semi-inclusive" means you observe more than just the lepton, but still sum over all the possible rest.

This consistent picture has its own limitations, and today more and more people focus on exculsive reactions, where you observe everything. Those are significantly more challenging both experimentally and theoretically, but the reward is worth the additional trouble : this is the only way beyond DIS and brings you to measure instead of just probability distributions (structure functions), non-diagonal matrix element parameterizing quantum-correlations between partonic configurations in the hadrons. You can extract from those objects for instance the complete energy-momentum tensor of quarks/gluons inside the hadrons, leading you to understand how the spin is made from them (an outsdanding problem in hadronic physics), or even the distribution of forces/generalized pressure underwent by the partons, a concept which simply would not make sens a decade ago or so.
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  • #11
malawi_glenn said:
Why make up when it already exist?

If you haven't notice. Feyman call it "partrons". That means he somewhat disagree with the quarks theory. I mean we do know something exist, we just do not know exactly what it is.
  • #12
humanino, i need some times to digest your post. lol
  • #13
atom888 said:
If you haven't notice. Feyman call it "partrons". That means he somewhat disagree with the quarks theory. I mean we do know something exist, we just do not know exactly what it is.

And if you haven't noticed, Feynman is dead long ago. The quark model of the protons and so on has been rewarded by nobel prize.



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parton_(particle_physics )

Yesterday, you had no idea that one splitted the nucleons over 40years ago, and today you are telling me that we don't know what it is and that we have to make model and so on. That is quite strange..

Partons was just a suggestion from feynman et al. wheras the quark theory was dealing with another side of hadron spectroscopy. Later, when QCD was borned and so on, one realized that the partons and quarks are the same thing.

If you want a good intro book about elementary particle physics, I can recommend "Particle physics" by Martin & Shaw
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  • #14
malawi_glenn said:
And if you haven't noticed, Feynman is dead long ago. The quark model of the protons and so on has been rewarded by nobel prize.



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parton_(particle_physics )

Yesterday, you had no idea that one splitted the nucleons over 40years ago, and today you are telling me that we don't know what it is and that we have to make model and so on. That is quite strange..

Partons was just a suggestion from feynman et al. wheras the quark theory was dealing with another side of hadron spectroscopy. Later, when QCD was borned and so on, one realized that the partons and quarks are the same thing.

If you want a good intro book about elementary particle physics, I can recommend "Particle physics" by Martin & Shaw

It's base on the info you gave me. The diagram show that a bunch of stuff come when collide. Next to the picture is Feynman and some other guy theory and model. I thought that quark theory come out long before that.
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  • #15
atom888 said:
It's base on the info you gave me. The diagram show that a bunch of stuff come when collide. Next to the picture is Feynman and some other guy theory and model. I thought that quark theory come out long before that.

Then you could have asked: "what is the difference between quarks and partons?" You just found out that one has splitted the nucleons, so perhaps take it piece by piece? ;)
  • #16
Oho, now I have to ask that question. Please, do the honor. hehe
  • #17

FAQ: What if we split the proton and destroy our world?

1. What is a proton and why is it important?

A proton is a subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom. It has a positive charge and is important because it determines the element and properties of the atom. Without protons, matter as we know it would not exist.

2. Can we split a proton and destroy the world?

Currently, there is no known method to split a proton. Even if we were able to split a proton, it would not result in the destruction of the world. Protons are incredibly small and their splitting would not have any significant impact on the Earth or the universe.

3. Is it possible to create a chain reaction by splitting protons?

No, it is not possible to create a chain reaction by splitting protons. This is because protons are held together by strong nuclear forces that prevent them from splitting easily. Additionally, the energy required to split a proton is much greater than the energy released from the split, making it an inefficient process.

4. Are there any potential benefits to splitting protons?

Splitting protons is currently not a feasible or beneficial process. However, scientists are researching the potential of using proton beams for medical treatments, such as proton therapy for cancer. This involves accelerating protons to high speeds and directing them at targeted cancer cells.

5. What would happen if all protons in the universe were to be split?

If all protons in the universe were to be split, it would result in the complete breakdown of matter as we know it. This would lead to the destruction of all living beings and the universe as we know it. However, this scenario is highly unlikely and not possible with current technology.

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