How Does Gas Turn into Plasma and Fuse in a Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor?

In summary, the heat for plasma comes from electrical current, with the initial energy being generated from "I Squared R losses". The magnetic field is responsible for holding the particles in the plasma together, while heat is applied through induced current or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The process involves turning on electromagnets, introducing gas, and ionizing it, followed by applying more heat for fusion to occur.
  • #1
Where does the heat come from? What pushes the atoms together?
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  • #2

I recall the initial energy for heating to plasma is from electrical current. These "I Squared R losses" are I^2 X R where I is current and R is resistance.
  • #3

Oh right, thanks mate. Does the magnetic field push the atoms together?
  • #4

TheJoninator said:
Oh right, thanks mate. Does the magnetic field push the atoms together?

The magnetic fields hold the particles in the plasma together. The heat is applied through either an induced current or something like a laser or other EM radiation I believe. They turn on the electromagnets, introduce the gas, and then ionize and use the magnetic field to hold it together. (They might ionize it first however, I'm not sure.) Applying further heat gives the plasma enough energy to fuse.
  • #5

In a magnetic confinement fusion reactor chamber, the gas is heated to extremely high temperatures, typically around 100 million degrees Celsius. This intense heat causes the gas atoms to collide with each other at high speeds, resulting in the breaking of molecular bonds and the release of electrons. This process is known as ionization and it transforms the gas into a plasma state.

The heat in the reactor chamber is generated by various methods, such as injecting high-energy particles or using intense beams of lasers or microwaves. The heat is necessary to overcome the strong repulsive forces between the positively charged nuclei of the gas atoms, allowing them to fuse together.

The atoms are pushed together by the strong magnetic fields present in the reactor chamber. These fields are created by powerful electromagnets and are carefully controlled to trap and confine the plasma in the center of the chamber. The magnetic fields exert a force on the charged particles in the plasma, causing them to move in a circular or helical path and preventing them from escaping.

Overall, the combination of high temperature, ionization, and magnetic confinement work together to transform the gas into a plasma state and push the atoms together to initiate fusion reactions. This process is still being researched and developed, but it has the potential to provide a clean and abundant source of energy in the future.

FAQ: How Does Gas Turn into Plasma and Fuse in a Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor?

1. How does the gas become heated enough to turn into plasma?

In a magnetic confinement fusion reactor, the gas is heated through a process called ohmic heating. This involves passing an electric current through the gas, which causes it to heat up and eventually reach the high temperatures necessary for plasma formation.

2. What type of gas is used in a magnetic confinement fusion reactor?

The most commonly used gas in these reactors is a mixture of deuterium and tritium, two isotopes of hydrogen. This combination allows for efficient fusion reactions to occur at lower temperatures and pressures compared to other gases.

3. How is the gas contained within the reactor chamber?

The gas is contained within a vessel made of strong, heat-resistant materials such as steel or tungsten. This vessel is lined with powerful electromagnets that create a magnetic field, which prevents the hot plasma from coming into contact with the walls and causing damage.

4. What role do the magnetic fields play in the plasma formation process?

The magnetic fields in a magnetic confinement fusion reactor are crucial for confining and controlling the hot plasma. They shape and guide the plasma, keeping it away from the walls and allowing it to reach the high temperatures and pressures necessary for fusion to occur.

5. How is the plasma maintained in the reactor chamber?

The plasma is maintained through a delicate balance of heating and cooling mechanisms. The gas is continuously heated by the electric current and the magnetic fields, while specialized systems called diverters remove excess heat and impurities from the plasma to keep it stable.
