What Is an Electric Field 4-Vector?

In summary, the conversation is about the concept of the electric field 4-vector and its relation to the electric field as commonly understood in introductory classes. The electric field 4-vector is defined as the scalar product of an observer's 4-velocity and the 4-momentum of a particle. It is an invariant scalar and is described as a tensor of rank zero. Due to the antisymmetry of the electric field tensor, it can be adequately described by only three components in the frame of the observer. However, in a general coordinate system, it still requires four numbers to be defined. The same applies to the 4-force, which also requires four quantities to be defined. This concept can be difficult for some people to grasp
  • #1
I made a new web page to describe/define the electric field 4-vector to someone. I thought I'd post a link to that page here. Some of you might find it interesting since most people only think of the electric field as being only the components of a 2-tensor. See


This is similar to the energy measured by observer defined as follows

Let U_obs be the 4-velocity of an observer. Let P be the 4-momentum of a particle. Then the scalar product of the two is called E_obs = energy measured by observer

E_obs = P*U_obs

In some sense of the term this can be viewed as an invariant scalar. In any case E_obs is a tensor of rank zero and is therefore a scalar by definition. Like wise E^a = F^ab U_a is the electric field 4-vector as measured by the observer whose 4-velocity is U.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It might also be helpful to note that since F is antisymmetric, Ea Ua = 0. So E is adequately described by only three components, which makes it more clear how it is related to the electric field vector used in introductory classes.
  • #3
Stingray said:
It might also be helpful to note that since F is antisymmetric, Ea Ua = 0. So E is adequately described by only three components, which makes it more clear how it is related to the electric field vector used in introductory classes.
I do't follow you. Why do you hold that since E*U = 0 that E can be described by three numbers? Take 4-force - F*U = 0 for a rest mass preserving force, yet 4-force requires 4 quantities to be defined.

Anyway ...

FYI - Due to recent observations elsewhere it appears that the notion of an electric field 4-vector is quite difficult, if not impossible, for some people to grasp. They continuosly confuse the electric field 4-vector with the electric field. These are two distinct quantities which are related to each other.

Its similar to 4-momentum. Had one only known of the term "momentum" as in 3-momentum and known of P = m0U only as the energy-momentum 4-vector then these same people might also be confused had they heard the term "momentum 4-vector". Momentum 4-vector is a 4-vector and is a different quantity than "momentum" (i.e. 3-momentum). A similar thing applies to the electric field 4-vector. This is a 4-vector but is a verfy different thing that the electric field 3-vector.

  • #4
pmb_phy said:
I do't follow you. Why do you hold that since E*U = 0 that E can be described by three numbers? Take 4-force - F*U = 0 for a rest mass preserving force, yet 4-force requires 4 quantities to be defined.

In a general coordinate system, it does of course require 4 numbers at each point. But in the frame of the observer, it might as well be a 3-vector. His (naturally defined) time component is always zero. So there are really only three functions. The 4-vector in an arbitrary coordinate system can be written down in terms of these three components by using a coordinate transformation.

Alternatively, E has four unknowns, and E*U=0 is one equation that is given for them. There are therefore three degrees of freedom still remaining once you take into account that constraint.

The same remarks apply for your (rest) mass-preserving force.

FAQ: What Is an Electric Field 4-Vector?

What is an electric field 4-vector?

An electric field 4-vector is a mathematical representation of the electric field in a specific point in space and time. It combines the traditional 3-dimensional vector of electric field strength with the concept of time as the fourth dimension, allowing for the description of electromagnetic phenomena in the context of special relativity.

How is an electric field 4-vector different from a traditional electric field vector?

An electric field 4-vector includes the concept of time as the fourth dimension, while a traditional electric field vector only describes the electric field strength in three dimensions. This allows for the description of electromagnetic phenomena in the context of special relativity, which is necessary for understanding high-speed or high-energy scenarios.

What are the components of an electric field 4-vector?

An electric field 4-vector has four components: Ex, Ey, Ez, and ct. Ex, Ey, and Ez represent the electric field strength in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. ct represents the electric field in the time dimension, where c is the speed of light and t is time.

How is an electric field 4-vector used in physics?

An electric field 4-vector is used in physics to describe the electromagnetic field in the context of special relativity. It allows for the calculation of electric and magnetic fields in scenarios where the speed of objects is close to the speed of light, or in scenarios involving high-energy particles.

What is the relationship between an electric field 4-vector and a magnetic field 4-vector?

An electric field 4-vector and a magnetic field 4-vector are related through the electromagnetic field tensor. The electric field 4-vector is the spatial part of the electromagnetic field tensor, while the magnetic field 4-vector is the time component. Together, they fully describe the electromagnetic field in a given point in space and time.
