Different Methods for Physics Experiments?

In summary, the speaker is seeking help with designing experiments to answer questions related to various physics concepts, such as initial velocity, constant motion, and centripetal force. They have already come up with some ideas, but are looking for more methods to use. They have also listed the materials they are allowed to use for the experiments.
  • #1
Hi, I'm new on this forum and don't really know how to use it, but I really need help

I need to figure our 2 different experiment methods to answer these questions:
-if an object is launched vertically, what was the initial velocity?
-if an object is launched horizontally, what was the initial velocity?
-what is the speed of a vehicle moving in constant motion? (already thought of the kinematics method, so I only need 1 other method)
-if an object is attached on a string and is being spun in a vertical circle, what is the minimum speed to keep it moving in a circle?
-if an object is on a turntable, what is the max speed without it slipping off?

I need to make 2 experiments (different methods) each in order to answer these questions. Please help! Thanks!
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  • #2
njuice8 said:
Hi, I'm new on this forum and don't really know how to use it, but I really need help

I need to figure our 2 different experiment methods to answer these questions:
-if an object is launched vertically, what was the initial velocity?
-if an object is launched horizontally, what was the initial velocity?
-what is the speed of a vehicle moving in constant motion? (already thought of the kinematics method, so I only need 1 other method)
-if an object is attached on a string and is being spun in a vertical circle, what is the minimum speed to keep it moving in a circle?
-if an object is on a turntable, what is the max speed without it slipping off?

I need to make 2 experiments (different methods) each in order to answer these questions. Please help! Thanks!

Welcome to the PF.

What are the various "experimental methods" that you can choose from?

Please tell us your best answers for each experiment, and we can offer tutorial hints. When you show no effort, we cannot help you (that's in the PF Rules link at the top of the page).
  • #3
Hi, sorry I should have listed my ideas
We have learned kinematics, Newton's laws, work, centripetal force, friction in class
(These are the methods we are allowed to use)

My ideas so far (i'm not sure if they will work though):
-if an object is launched vertically, what was the initial velocity?
shooting a projectile from a spring cannon vertically, and measuring the time it takes to reach the ground. Use kinematics to determine initial velocity

-if an object is launched horizontally, what was the initial velocity?
Place a ramp at the end of the table with a clamp, measure the height of a table, drop a ball from the ramp and record the time it takes to reach the floor. Use kinematics.

-what is the speed of a vehicle moving in constant motion? (already thought of the kinematics method, so I only need 1 other method)
measure distance traveled, use a stopwatch to time the amount of seconds it takes toreach the end point. use kinematics to determine velocity.

-if an object is attached on a string and is being spun in a vertical circle, what is the minimum speed to keep it moving in a circle?
measure the radius, and use Fg=Fc to determine velocity

-if an object is on a turntable, what is the max speed without it slipping off?
measure radius, use Fc=Fg to determine velocity

Materials allowed to be used:
meter stick, ruler, balls, block of wood with hook, clamps, constant motion vehicle, curved ramp, spring cannon, balance, tape, weights, pulley, force sensor, motion sensor, photogates, plumb line, protractor, ring stand, item attached to string, spring scale, turntable
  • #4
njuice8 said:
Hi, sorry I should have listed my ideas
We have learned kinematics, Newton's laws, work, centripetal force, friction in class
(These are the methods we are allowed to use)

My ideas so far (i'm not sure if they will work though):
-if an object is launched vertically, what was the initial velocity?
shooting a projectile from a spring cannon vertically, and measuring the time it takes to reach the ground. Use kinematics to determine initial velocity

-if an object is launched horizontally, what was the initial velocity?
Place a ramp at the end of the table with a clamp, measure the height of a table, drop a ball from the ramp and record the time it takes to reach the floor. Use kinematics.

-what is the speed of a vehicle moving in constant motion? (already thought of the kinematics method, so I only need 1 other method)
measure distance traveled, use a stopwatch to time the amount of seconds it takes toreach the end point. use kinematics to determine velocity.

-if an object is attached on a string and is being spun in a vertical circle, what is the minimum speed to keep it moving in a circle?
measure the radius, and use Fg=Fc to determine velocity

-if an object is on a turntable, what is the max speed without it slipping off?
measure radius, use Fc=Fg to determine velocity

Materials allowed to be used:
meter stick, ruler, balls, block of wood with hook, clamps, constant motion vehicle, curved ramp, spring cannon, balance, tape, weights, pulley, force sensor, motion sensor, photogates, plumb line, protractor, ring stand, item attached to string, spring scale, turntable

Your answers sound fine to me. Do you need more experiments?
  • #5
Yes, I need two methods for each question.
I would be grateful if you would be able to help!
  • #6
njuice8 said:
Yes, I need two methods for each question.
I would be grateful if you would be able to help!

What are your thoughts? You are doing great so far!

FAQ: Different Methods for Physics Experiments?

1. What is the scientific method?

The scientific method is a systematic approach used by scientists to conduct experiments and gather evidence in order to answer a research question or test a hypothesis. It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.

2. How do scientists choose which method to use in an experiment?

The method used in an experiment depends on the research question being investigated. Scientists must consider factors such as the type of data needed, the resources and equipment available, and ethical considerations. They may also use a combination of different methods to ensure the most accurate results.

3. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data in physics experiments?

Qualitative data is descriptive and non-numerical, while quantitative data is numerical and can be measured and analyzed. In physics experiments, qualitative data may include observations of the appearance or behavior of objects, while quantitative data may involve measurements of physical properties such as mass, velocity, or temperature.

4. How do scientists ensure the accuracy and reliability of their experimental results?

Scientists use various methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their experimental results, such as controlling variables, repeating experiments, and using standardized procedures and equipment. They also use statistical analysis to identify and eliminate any errors or biases in the data.

5. What is the role of peer review in the scientific method?

Peer review is a process in which fellow scientists evaluate the quality and validity of a research study before it is published. This helps to ensure that the study is based on sound methodology and that the results are accurate and reliable. Peer review also allows for the improvement and advancement of scientific knowledge through constructive criticism and feedback.

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