Starting initial value problems when terms are expressed only in x

In summary: B=1/2...Therefore x(t)= (1/2...)(e^2t)+(1/2...)(e^-2t)does this seem correct?Yes, this is correct. You could also use the general solution of the second order homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients: x(t)=e^mt(A cos(wt)+B sin(wt)). The characteristic equation is m^2-4=0, the solutions are m=±2. The general solution is x(t)=e2t(A cos(2t)+B sin(2t)). x(0)=A=1, x'(0)=2A+0B=0. A=0.
  • #1
How should I go about starting the following two problems

solve the following initial value problems

x''-4x=0 ; x(0)=1, x'(0)=0
x''-4x'+4x=0 ; x(0)=1, x'(0)=0

Should i use a general solution with the basis m^2-4=0 for problem one and m^2-4x+4=0 for the second?
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  • #2
metalscot said:
solve the following initial value problems

x''-4x=0 ; x(0)=1, x'(0)=0
x''-4x'+4x=0 ; x(0)=1, x'(0)=0

Should i use a general solution with the basis m^2-4=0 for problem one and m^2-4x+4=0 for the second?

Yes, if you meant the solutions in form exp(mt), and m^2-4m+4=0 for the second problem.

  • #3
ehild said:
Yes, if you meant the solutions in form exp(mt), and m^2-4m+4=0 for the second problem.


Thanks ehild, do I then use x=1 and and t=0 to find constant A and x'=1 and t=0 to find constant B for both questions?
  • #4
The general solution is x=A exp(m1t)+B exp(m2t). Use t=0 x=1 to get one equation for A and B, and t=0, x'=0 in x'(t) to get the other equation for A and B. You get two equations, with two unknown, solve for A and B.

  • #5
ehild said:
The general solution is x=A exp(m1t)+B exp(m2t). Use t=0 x=1 to get one equation for A and B, and t=0, x'=0 in x'(t) to get the other equation for A and B. You get two equations, with two unknown, solve for A and B.


Working through my first problem x''-4x=0 ; x(0)=1 x'(0)=0

characteristic equation is m^2-4=0

solutions m=+/-2i

so complex solution (e^2it, e^-2it)

since (cos2t, sin2t)


For x(0)=1


x'(t)= -2Asin2t-2Bcos2t

for x'(0)=0




does this seem correct?
  • #6
The solutions of the characteristic equation m^2-4=0 are real m=±2.

  • #7
ehild said:
The solutions of the characteristic equation m^2-4=0 are real m=±2.


Im sorry ehild I am confused by this, does this mean that my A and B constants are correct making x(t) = cos2t a solution?
  • #8
cos(2t) and sin(2t) are not solutions.

  • #9
If one solution to the characteristic equation of a linear differential equation with constant, real, coeficients is the complex number a+ bi, then [itex]y= e^{at}cos(bt)[/itex] and [itex]e^{at}sin(bt)[/itex] are solutions.

In particular, if the real number a (+ 0i) is a root then a solution is [itex]y= e^{at}[/itex].

If the imaginary number 0+ bi is a root then two solutions are cos(bt) and sin(bt). (Of course, complex, including imaginary, roots of an equation with real coefficients always come in conjugate pairs: [itex]a\pm bi[/itex].)

Which case applies here?
  • #10
HallsofIvy said:
If one solution to the characteristic equation of a linear differential equation with constant, real, coeficients is the complex number a+ bi, then [itex]y= e^{at}cos(bt)[/itex] and [itex]e^{at}sin(bt)[/itex] are solutions.

In particular, if the real number a (+ 0i) is a root then a solution is [itex]y= e^{at}[/itex].

If the imaginary number 0+ bi is a root then two solutions are cos(bt) and sin(bt). (Of course, complex, including imaginary, roots of an equation with real coefficients always come in conjugate pairs: [itex]a\pm bi[/itex].)

Which case applies here?

the real number is a root, so my solution must be in the form y= e^{at}[/itex]. ?
  • #11
HallsofIvy said:
If one solution to the characteristic equation of a linear differential equation with constant, real, coeficients is the complex number a+ bi, then [itex]y= e^{at}cos(bt)[/itex] and [itex]e^{at}sin(bt)[/itex] are solutions.

In particular, if the real number a (+ 0i) is a root then a solution is [itex]y= e^{at}[/itex].

If the imaginary number 0+ bi is a root then two solutions are cos(bt) and sin(bt). (Of course, complex, including imaginary, roots of an equation with real coefficients always come in conjugate pairs: [itex]a\pm bi[/itex].)

Which case applies here?

the real number is a root, so my solution must be in the form y= e^{at}[/itex]. ?
  • #12
metalscot said:
the real number is a root, so my solution must be in the form [itex]y= e^{at}[/itex]. ?

Yes, and you have two values for the exponent, the solutions of your characteristic equation m^2-4=0. You have written that already, but you said that the solutions are 2i and -2i, which is wrong. m^2-4=0 is equivalent m^2=4. What are the roots?

  • #13
ehild said:
Yes, and you have two values for the exponent, the solutions of your characteristic equation m^2-4=0. You have written that already, but you said that the solutions are 2i and -2i, which is wrong. m^2-4=0 is equivalent m^2=4. What are the roots?


The solutions of the characteristic equation m^2-4=0 are real m=±2.

does the above not mean that -2 and 2 are roots?
So that then m1 and m2 are -2and 2?
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  • #14
metalscot said:
The solutions of the characteristic equation m^2-4=0 are real m=±2.

does the above not mean that -2 and 2 are roots?
So that then m1 and m2 are -2and 2?

Yes, 2 and -2 are the roots.

You got the characteristic equation originally by assuming that the solution of the differential equation x''-4x=0 is of the form x(t)=emt.
The second derivative is x''(t)=m2emt.
Substituting x(t) and x''(t) back into the DE, you get


factoring out the exponent :

(m2-4)emt=0, which can be true for all t if

m2-4 =0.

This is true for m=2 and m=-2, so the solutions of the DE can be written really in the form of x(t)=emt, and we have two independent solutions, x1(t)=e2t and x2(t)=e-2t.

The general solution is a linear combination of these two functions,


Find A and B so that x(0)=1 and x'(0)=0.

  • #15
ehild said:
Yes, 2 and -2 are the roots.

You got the characteristic equation originally by assuming that the solution of the differential equation x''-4x=0 is of the form x(t)=emt.
The second derivative is x''(t)=m2emt.
Substituting x(t) and x''(t) back into the DE, you get


factoring out the exponent :

(m2-4)emt=0, which can be true for all t if

m2-4 =0.

This is true for m=2 and m=-2, so the solutions of the DE can be written really in the form of x(t)=emt, and we have two independent solutions, x1(t)=e2t and x2(t)=e-2t.

The general solution is a linear combination of these two functions,


Find A and B so that x(0)=1 and x'(0)=0.


I think ehild I have finally arrived at the correct solution

when x(t) = Ae^2t + Be^-2t


Ae^2t + Be^-2t=1

and x'(0)=0

2Ae^2t - 2Be^2t =0

so with simultaneous equations A = 1/2 AND B = 1/2

I arrive at

x(t)=1/2 e^2t + 1/2 e^-2t

I hope you can tell me this is correct?
  • #16
metalscot said:
x(t)=1/2 e^2t + 1/2 e^-2t

I hope you can tell me this is correct?

Yes, it is correct. Nice work! Now solve the other problem.

  • #17
ehild said:
Yes, it is correct. Nice work! Now solve the other problem.


Thank you ehild. I believe I have now managed the other problem, can you confirm the solution to be x(t) = e^2t - 2te^2t

I really appreciate all the help you have given me.
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  • #18
metalscot said:
Thank you ehild. I believe I have now managed the other problem, can you confirm the solution to be x(t) = e^2t - 2te^2t

I really appreciate all the help you have given me.

Good, it is the solution! But use parentheses in the exponent!

  • #19

I too am trying to solve the second of your problems.

I have used the characteristic equation to find ou that m = 2

I have then used the general solution:

x(t) = Ae^m0t + Bte^m0t

This has given me the following:

x(0) = Ae^2t + Bte^2t = 1

Ae^2(0) + B(0)e^2(0) = 1

A(1) + B(0)(1) = 1

A + 0 = 1

Therfore A = 1

For B:

x'(0) = 2Ae^2t + 2Bte^2t = 0

This is where I am getting confused. Plugging in the 0 value for t:

2Ae^2(0) + 2B(0)e^2(0) = 0

2A(1) + 2B(0)(1) = 0

As A = 1

2(1)(1) + 2B(0)(1) = 0

2 + 2B(0)(1) = 0

2B(0)(1) = -2

Now from your final answer I see that A = 1 and B = -2 to give x(t) = e^2t - 2te^2t

When I multiply out the RHS of the above equation does B remain even though it has been multiplied by zero? I can't see this as in the equation to solve A as 1 the B side equals 0 and the sum is the same. I am sure I am missing something obvious but the more I look at it the more clouded it becomes!
  • #20
ollyfinn said:

I too am trying to solve the second of your problems.

I have used the characteristic equation to find ou that m = 2

I have then used the general solution:

x(t) = Ae^m0t + Bte^m0t

This has given me the following:

x(0) = Ae^2t + Bte^2t = 1

Ae^2(0) + B(0)e^2(0) = 1

A(1) + B(0)(1) = 1

A + 0 = 1

Therfore A = 1

For B:

x'(0) = 2Ae^(2t) + 2Bte^(2t) = 0

x(t) = Ae^(2t) + Bte^(2t)

The second term is a product of t and e^(2t), apply the product rule!

x'(t) = 2Ae^(2t) + 2Bte^(2t)+Be^(2t).

  • #21
Aah that's it! Thank you very much for your help.

FAQ: Starting initial value problems when terms are expressed only in x

1. What is an initial value problem?

An initial value problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding a function or equation that satisfies a given set of conditions or constraints. These conditions often include an initial value, which is the value of the function at a specific point or time.

2. How are initial value problems related to terms expressed in x?

Initial value problems often involve functions or equations that are expressed in terms of a variable, such as x. This variable represents the independent variable in the problem and is used to determine the value of the function at different points or times.

3. Can initial value problems be solved without knowing the initial value?

No, the initial value is a crucial part of an initial value problem and is necessary for finding the solution. Without the initial value, the problem is considered incomplete and cannot be solved.

4. What are some common methods for solving initial value problems when terms are expressed only in x?

Some common methods for solving initial value problems include the separation of variables, using Euler's method, and using Laplace transforms. Each method may be more or less suitable depending on the specific problem and the desired level of accuracy.

5. How can initial value problems be applied in real-world situations?

Initial value problems have many real-world applications, such as in physics, biology, and economics. They can be used to model and predict the behavior of various systems, such as populations, chemical reactions, and electrical circuits.

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