In what direction should I be looking for publication?

In summary, The speaker recently finished writing a paper on the subject of parallel worlds and is seeking guidance on how to publish it. They believe the arguments made are strong enough for peer review and the subject is interesting, but they are having trouble finding a suitable journal as it may fit better in either theoretical physics or philosophy. The paper includes both a thought experiment and a real experiment, with a main focus on the latter. While no new formulas or calculations are involved, the existence of parallel worlds and part of the argument is based on formulas from quantum mechanics. The speaker is asking for suggestions on where the paper might fit.
  • #1
Hello, recently I've finished writing a paper which I would like to see published somewhere. Unfortunately I am not associated with universities or anyone who is familiar with the publication process and have found myself stuck without any guidance.

I am convinced that the arguments made are strong enough to pass peerreviews and that the subject is interesting enough for a publication (and the results and the argument are new). However, the subject is very unusual and does not really seem to fit anywhere. To be more precise, it's about the results of an experiment and the thought experiment behind it which both deal with parallel worlds. The results put constraints on the possibility of communication between parallel worlds, something which is hardly groundbreaking but the method in which these constraints have been found is interesting nonetheless.
While I think that theoretical physics is the field in which it fits best, some might argue that it is better fitting within some discipline of philosophy. Unfortunately, for neither I could find a journal in which it would fit. Besides the unusual subject, the merit of the paper might also lie more in its ability to be interesting/thoughtinspiring than its scientific value (although it should not be dismissed).

So, where do I go from here? Does anyone have an idea where it might fit?
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  • #2
Did you only do a thought experiment or are you doing real experiments as well?? Are you using any mathematical and physical formula's, do you derive any formula's??

Without having seen the paper, I think you might want to publish it in a philosophy journal.
  • #3
I've done a real experiment as well. The thought experiment already shows the main conclusions, but the real experiment aids to eliminate loopholes. The real experiment is given the main focus in the paper as it's a more direct link to the conclusions.

No new formulas or calculations are involved, the existence of parallel worlds and part of the main argument is however based on formulas from quantum mechanics. Currently the formulas themselves are not actually stated as what is needed out of them is 'common knowledge'.

FAQ: In what direction should I be looking for publication?

1. What factors should I consider when deciding on a publication direction?

When looking for a publication direction, you should consider the relevance of your research to the scientific community, the impact factor of the journal, the scope and audience of the journal, the turnaround time for publication, and the open access policies of the journal.

2. Is it better to publish in a high impact factor journal or a more specialized journal?

It ultimately depends on your research goals and the target audience for your work. Publishing in a high impact factor journal may increase the visibility and prestige of your research, but publishing in a specialized journal may reach a more targeted audience and have a higher chance of being cited by other researchers in your field.

3. How important is the peer-review process in choosing a publication direction?

The peer-review process is a crucial aspect of publication and should be taken into consideration when selecting a publication direction. It ensures the quality and accuracy of your research and can also provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement.

4. Should I prioritize open access journals when looking for a publication direction?

Open access journals allow for free and immediate access to your research, potentially increasing its visibility and impact. However, these journals may also have publication fees and may not have the same level of prestige as traditional subscription-based journals. Consider your research goals and budget when deciding on an open access publication direction.

5. How can I determine if a publication direction is reputable and trustworthy?

You can research the journal's reputation and credibility by checking its impact factor, indexing in reputable databases, and researching its editorial board and publication policies. Additionally, you can seek recommendations from colleagues and mentors in your field.

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