Free Schematic Drawing Software for Posting on PF: Recommendations and Tips

In summary, gEDA is a free open-source program that is suitable for schematic drawing, and costs nothing. Eagle light edition is a program that is easy to learn and can be used for drawing pretty pictures, but has limitations when it comes to capturing schematics to be used in a computer. However, CAM-processed schematics are much nicer.
  • #1
What is a half decent schematic drawing s/w suitable for posting on PF? --and costs nothing? :smile:
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  • #3
I use Eagle and like the free version of it. The schematic to PC board capture has limitations but it is free so I don't complain. I found it easy to learn.
  • #4
It would just be for drawing pretty pictures, so the capture option is a don't-care.

But I failed to mention that the output would have to be compatable with PF, or acceptable to something like Excel for pasting into a cell.
  • #5
you can always printscreen, paste into a freebie image editor like irfanview, crop, save as jpg/gif, and upload to tinypic/imageshack/photobucket.
  • #6
Proton Soup said:
you can always printscreen, paste into a freebie image editor like irfanview, crop, save as jpg/gif, and upload to tinypic/imageshack/photobucket.

But CAM-processed stuff is so much nicer! I also recall being able to copy and paste PSPICE student edition stuff directly from the program and into Word for lab reports. Speaking of old undergrad days, I had a prof who just drew his diagrams (for problem sets and what not) in Adobe Illustrator from a set of template parts (resistors, BJTs, etc.) that he had made. I believe you can also do something similar in AutoCAD.
  • #7
MATLABdude said:
But CAM-processed stuff is so much nicer! I also recall being able to copy and paste PSPICE student edition stuff directly from the program and into Word for lab reports. Speaking of old undergrad days, I had a prof who just drew his diagrams (for problem sets and what not) in Adobe Illustrator from a set of template parts (resistors, BJTs, etc.) that he had made. I believe you can also do something similar in AutoCAD.

you could probably do that with a lot of programs, like maybe Vizio or something similar. keep all your drawing primitives on a grid and you could just snap things together.
  • #8
Proton Soup said:
you can always printscreen, paste into a freebie image editor like irfanview, crop, save as jpg/gif, and upload to tinypic/imageshack/photobucket.

Printscreen never occurred to me. But you are right. I've a host of image editors to choose to get a gif format.

I've been balking at using autoCad. Everytime I use it I need retraining. :rolleyes: But I need something --electronics is very pictorial in the context of communicating here.
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  • #9
If you're willing to go the PrintScreen route, there's also LTSpice

Here's an example drawing:

FAQ: Free Schematic Drawing Software for Posting on PF: Recommendations and Tips

What is schematic drawing software?

Schematic drawing software is a tool used by scientists, engineers, and designers to create digital diagrams and technical illustrations. It allows for the creation of accurate and detailed representations of complex systems and processes.

Why is it important to use free software for posting on PF?

Posting on online platforms, such as PF (Physics Forums), often requires the sharing of visuals and diagrams to effectively communicate ideas and concepts. By using free schematic drawing software, you can ensure that everyone has access to the tools needed to understand your posts and engage in discussion.

What are some recommended free schematic drawing software options?

Some commonly recommended free schematic drawing software options include Fritzing, KiCad, and CircuitMaker. These programs offer a range of features and tools for creating professional-looking diagrams and illustrations.

What are some tips for using free schematic drawing software effectively?

Here are a few tips for using free schematic drawing software effectively:

  • Take the time to familiarize yourself with the software and its features before creating your diagrams.
  • Utilize tutorials and guides to learn advanced techniques for creating clear and accurate diagrams.
  • Save your work regularly and export your diagrams in multiple file formats to ensure they can be easily shared.
  • Consider using a drawing tablet or stylus for more precise control when creating diagrams.

Are there any limitations to using free schematic drawing software?

While free schematic drawing software can be a valuable tool, it may have some limitations compared to paid software. These limitations can include fewer features, less support, and a steeper learning curve. However, with practice and research, it is possible to create professional-quality diagrams using free software.

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