Two masses sliding down a slope-help with the different forces.

In summary: In the situation where there is no friction, the masses will slide down the slope due to the force of gravity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

two masses sliding down a slope[slope can't move] like in the attached picture.
there is a static friction 'c' between the two masses. and between mass a and the slope there isn't any friction.
so I am trying to figure out the equation of each mass , please tell me whether I am right or wrong.

Ma=mass of body a f=static friction force= Nb*c
Mb=mass of body b
Na=normal force of body a
Nb=normal for of body b
a= mass A and mass B acceleraiton

Homework Equations

forces on mass b :
forces on mass a:
Ma*g*sin(alpha) - f =Ma*a

The Attempt at a Solution

thanks for the help
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  • #2
Consider the situation where there is no friction between mass a and b. Is there any relative motion between the two?
  • #3
no, they'll both have the same accelaration of g*sina(alpha),
but here u do have friction..
so my equations arent correct?
  • #4
Friction only acts when there will be relative motion between the two objects.
  • #5
i don't that true with static friction...
static friction is when there arent relative motion between the two objects..
so any1 else please?
  • #6
nadavg54 said:
i don't that true with static friction...
static friction is when there arent relative motion between the two objects..
so any1 else please?

OK, I think the distinction trying to be made is that when you a frictionless surface, you will get no friction force, no matter what is happening.

When we have a surface where static friction is possible, we need to consider if it is needed or not.

If you place a block on a table while tilting the table a few degrees, you will soon see if there was the possibility of friction.
If yes, a friction force will probably stop the block sliding down the slope.
If no, there will be no friction force holding the block back, and the block will accelerate down the slope.If we now adjust the table to be level:

No matter what the surface, there will be no friction force, as there is no friction force needed - the block is going to just sit there anyway.

With the two blocks in your problem, although there is the potential for a friction force between the two blocks, there is no necessity for a frictional force, so there will be no frictional force
  • #7
ok , let's say we add an additional force on mass A with the same directions as its movment[someone pushes it..],
so what would be the equations now on each masses? would it be the same equations that I written plus the additional components of the new force?
  • #8
nadavg54 said:
ok , let's say we add an additional force on mass A with the same directions as its movment[someone pushes it..],
so what would be the equations now on each masses? would it be the same equations that I written plus the additional components of the new force?

I couldn't actually follow your original equations nor comment on their validity.

In you original post you said "im trying to figure out the equation of each mass"

I wondered exactly what equations you may have meant??

  • #9
the Newton force equations ...
the two masses will slide down the slope because of forces [ gravity , friction ...]
so did i get the equations right?
  • #10
nadavg54 said:
the Newton force equations ...
the two masses will slide down the slope because of forces [ gravity , friction ...]
so did i get the equations right?

Clearly body A won't be moving due to friction, as the surface is frictionless.

Which force(s) does "..." stand for?

List the force, and the reason for it this time.

eg: gravity - the Earth pulls the mass vertically down.

now the rest.

I am not sure what you mean by Newton force equations.

All force equations involve Newtons as that is the unit of force. Or did you mean Newton force equations - meaning equations based on Newtons laws of motion?
  • #11
umm nevermind this question. I'll try to ask about something more simple .
[which help me understand my original question]
lets say there are two boxes with masses m1 and m2 , m2 sits on tops of m1.
and m1 let's say sits on a table . they arent moving . no friction between m1 and m2 and between m1 and the table.
and newtwos laws of motion equations are :
m2 : N2 - m2*g=0
m1 : N1 - m1*g -N2 =0
this is from physics textbook, and what I really don't get is why they put N2 into consideration in m1 equation? isn't the equation suppose to be :
N1- m1*g-m2*g = 0?
i really don't get it.
  • #12
nadavg54 said:
umm nevermind this question. I'll try to ask about something more simple .
[which help me understand my original question]
lets say there are two boxes with masses m1 and m2 , m2 sits on tops of m1.
and m1 let's say sits on a table . they arent moving . no friction between m1 and m2 and between m1 and the table.
and newtwos laws of motion equations are :
m2 : N2 - m2*g=0
m1 : N1 - m1*g -N2 =0
this is from physics textbook, and what I really don't get is why they put N2 into consideration in m1 equation? isn't the equation suppose to be :
N1- m1*g-m2*g = 0?
i really don't get it.

Your first equation can be rearranged to read

m2 : N2 - m2*g=0 so N2 = m2*g

So presumably either could be listed in the expression for m1??

FAQ: Two masses sliding down a slope-help with the different forces.

1. What are the different forces involved when two masses are sliding down a slope?

The main forces involved in this scenario are gravity, normal force, and friction. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, normal force is the force exerted by the surface of the slope on the masses, and friction is the force that opposes the motion of the masses.

2. How does the angle of the slope affect the forces on the sliding masses?

The angle of the slope affects the normal force and friction force. As the slope becomes steeper, the normal force decreases while the friction force increases. This is because the normal force is proportional to the cosine of the angle, while the friction force is proportional to the normal force.

3. What is the relationship between the masses and the acceleration of the sliding masses?

The relationship between the masses and the acceleration of the sliding masses is described by Newton's second law of motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that the heavier the masses are, the greater the force required to accelerate them, and the slower their acceleration will be.

4. Can you calculate the acceleration of the sliding masses using the forces involved?

Yes, the acceleration of the sliding masses can be calculated using Newton's second law of motion. By knowing the mass of the objects and the net force acting on them, the acceleration can be calculated using the formula a=F/m, where a is acceleration, F is the net force, and m is the mass of the objects.

5. How can friction be minimized in this scenario?

Friction can be minimized in this scenario by reducing the roughness of the surface of the slope or by using lubricants to reduce the contact between the sliding masses and the surface. Additionally, reducing the weight of the masses can also decrease the amount of friction acting on them.

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