Time dilation in minkowski diagrams

In summary, the reasoning in the diagram is not correct because Minkowski spacetime does not have a corresponding Euclidean geometry.
  • #1
center o bass
Hey! I'm trying to understand time dilation in terms of minkowski diagrams.
Below I've added a diagram showing the two coordinate systems where the primed one
moves relative to the unprimed one with a speed v.


My reasoning in this diagram is that when the observer in the unprimed system compares
the clock in the primed system with his own that corresponds to comparing the space-time coordinates with each other. He therefore assigns (t,x) while the primed observed assigns (t',0). Or in other words, as he sees t on his clock he simultaneously sees t' on the primed observers clock. But from my diagram it clearly seams like t' > t which is not consitent with the result that t = (gamma)t' > t; i.e the unprimed observer should see the moving clock run slow not vice versa.

What is wrong with my reasoning here?
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  • #2
In your spacetime diagram, " t' > t " is not correct because you must
measure intervals (spacetime separations) with Minkowskian spacetime geometry---not Euclidean geometry.
In Minkowski spacetime, " t' < t ".

[Note that in a PHY 101 position-vs-time diagram
(which has an underlying [and underappreciated] Galilean spacetime geometry)
we have " t' = t ".]
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  • #4
Although the spacetime diagram is drawn on a plane (like a familiar Euclidean geometry diagram is), the problem is how to measure "lengths" along worldlines (physically representing durations of elapsed time).

One way is to draw hyperbolas (for Minkowski spacetime) instead of circles (for Euclidean geometry). These represent the locus of points [events] that are "equidistant" from a given point [event] in the corresponding geometry.

Another way is to trace out light-rays from light-clocks [as done in my avatar].
What is interesting about that diagram in my avatar
is that the spacetime-volume enclosed between each tick
[the volume contained inside
the intersection of the future light cone of one tick and
the past light cone of the next tick] is Lorentz invariant.
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  • #5
So could I then conclude that any kind of analysis in such a diagram which really involves lengths or differences in coordinates is invalid? Is for example a similar analysis on length contraction also invalid?

This in contrast to analysis only which involves separate space-time events like this one:

Is that kind of analysis valid because it does not involve distance?

Btw: Could you recommend any material where I could read up on the properties of Minkowski space you're takling about? :)
  • #6
Note that diagrams in the thread you linked to
has scales drawn along each line...
and that those scales are not consistent with Euclidean geometry in the plane.
In other words, along lines through the origin, the points at "1 tick mark from the origin"
do not trace out a circle... but they do trace out a hyperbola.

Can you see your diagram in the diagrams in that posted-thread?
t'=0.8 and t=1.0... thus t' < t.
  • #7
center o bass said:
What is wrong with my reasoning here?
You need to project t' onto the t axis in order to determine how the (x,t) observer views the (x',t') observer's clock. This projection should be taken along the line of simultaneity in the (x',t') observer's frame: draw a line through the event that's parallel to the x' axis. Read off where this line intersects the t-axis.
  • #8
bapowell said:
You need to project t' onto the t axis in order to determine how the (x,t) observer views the (x',t') observer's clock. This projection should be taken along the line of simultaneity in the (x',t') observer's frame: draw a line through the event that's parallel to the x' axis. Read off where this line intersects the t-axis.

Nah? The (x,t) observer must surely compare the two clocks simulatneously occording to him and not to the other observer?

robphy said:
Can you see your diagram in the diagrams in that posted-thread?
t'=0.8 and t=1.0... thus t' < t.

Yes, this starts to make sence. Thank you! How do one arrive at the conclusion to draw hyperbolas relating the points rather than circles? I do know that there are several things in minkowski space that look 'hyperbolic', but could you recommend any good texts or derivations?
  • #9
center o bass said:
Nah? The (x,t) observer must surely compare the two clocks simulatneously occording to him and not to the other observer?
Oops. Got spun around! :cry:
  • #10
center o bass said:
Yes, this starts to make sence. Thank you! How do one arrive at the conclusion to draw hyperbolas relating the points rather than circles? I do know that there are several things in minkowski space that look 'hyperbolic', but could you recommend any good texts or derivations?

Check out
Taylor & Wheeler: http://www.eftaylor.com/download.html#special_relativity [see part two].
Dray: http://www.physics.oregonstate.edu/coursewikis/GSR/
Moore: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0072397144/?tag=pfamazon01-20 or https://www.amazon.com/dp/0070430276/?tag=pfamazon01-20
Ellis & Williams: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0198511698/?tag=pfamazon01-20

I've got something brewing... but it's not quite ready yet.
  • #11
Here are three different frames showing relationship to the hyperbolic calibration curves. I'm showing the event labled "NOW" for each observer such that each observer is located on the same hyperbolic curve (same proper time). Notice that the simlultaneous X1 space for each observer is a line tangent to the hyperbolic curve. So, you can see how the projections from frame to frame give the time dilations.
  • #12
robphy said:
I've got something brewing... but it's not quite ready yet.

Nice. Tell me when you do. I liked the notes by moore. Will be reading up on hyberbolic geometry :)
  • #13
I think it's easier to see the time dilations using a symetric space-time diagram. Have two observers moving in opposite directions with the same speed relative to a rest frame as shown in the diagram below. Then you can see the derivation of the hyperbolic calibration curves.
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FAQ: Time dilation in minkowski diagrams

1. What is time dilation in Minkowski diagrams?

Time dilation in Minkowski diagrams is a concept in special relativity that explains how time appears to pass at different rates for observers in different frames of reference. It is represented by the curved lines on the Minkowski diagram, where the slope of the line indicates the rate at which time is passing for that observer.

2. How does time dilation affect the perception of time?

Time dilation affects the perception of time by causing it to appear to pass slower or faster depending on the relative velocity of the observers. This means that time can appear to pass at different rates for two observers who are moving at different speeds.

3. Can time dilation be observed in everyday life?

Yes, time dilation is a real phenomenon that has been observed and verified through various experiments and observations. However, the effects of time dilation are only noticeable at extremely high speeds or in strong gravitational fields, so it is not something that can be observed in everyday life.

4. How does time dilation relate to the theory of relativity?

Time dilation is a key concept in the theory of relativity, which explains how time and space are relative and can appear differently to different observers. The theory of relativity also predicts the effects of time dilation and provides the mathematical framework to calculate and understand them.

5. Can time dilation be reversed?

No, time dilation cannot be reversed. The rate at which time passes is always relative to the observer's frame of reference and cannot be reversed or manipulated. However, time dilation can be compensated for by adjusting other variables, such as the velocity or gravitational field, to keep time synchronized between two frames of reference.

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