Ideas for product to help physically challenged

In summary, a group of engineers from The University of Mississippi's Design Division are seeking ideas to help benefit the physically challenged in participating in common activities. Some potential solutions discussed include a mechanical exoskeleton that mimics a person's movements without resistance, similar to technology being developed by DARPA and other companies. Another idea is a pocket-sized speaking OCR device that would assist visually impaired individuals. While this technology exists, it is currently too expensive for many to access.
  • #1
We all know some one that has a medical condition that is physically challenged, or even have been ourself. A group of engineers part of The University of Mississippi's Design Division are trying to begin a project that can help benefit the physically challenged. The request is for ideas that would allow these people to participate in common activities such as work, sports, hobbies and even leisure activities. Please reply to this forum if you think you may have a design or idea that could benefit the physically challenged (ex. all terrain wheel chair, better design for crutches, etc.). Thanks for your time.
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  • #2
well DARPA and other companies are working on a mechanical exoskeleton that will sense the persons movements and mirror those movements without creating any resistance. it will make a person much much stronger and they can run around all day effortlessly. I read this in popular science magazine, they brought up this article because it is relevant to the Iron Man movie that is coming out.

the japaneze already have an exoskeleton that nurses use to help them lift patients and different things. and i remember they did mention that this idea will be used to replace the wheel chair. it is still a developing technology though.

the mechanical exoskeleton is the only idea that i can think of, right now, that would allow a physically disabled person to be involved in sports
  • #3
Our neices and nephew are all blind (hereditary retinitis pigmentosa). If someome could come up with a cheap, pocket-size speaking OCR device, it would certainly make their lives easier. I know that the basic technology exists, but it's way out of their reach.

FAQ: Ideas for product to help physically challenged

1. What are some considerations when designing a product for physically challenged individuals?

Some key considerations when designing a product for physically challenged individuals include accessibility, usability, and safety. It is important to ensure that the product can be easily used by individuals with a variety of physical abilities, and that it does not pose any potential hazards. Additionally, incorporating feedback and input from individuals with disabilities during the design process can greatly improve the overall functionality and effectiveness of the product.

2. How can a product help individuals with physical disabilities in their daily lives?

A product designed specifically for individuals with physical disabilities can greatly enhance their daily lives by increasing their independence, improving their mobility, and reducing the barriers they face. This can include assistive devices such as wheelchairs or walkers, as well as more specialized products such as communication aids or adaptive kitchen tools.

3. What are some important features to consider when creating a product for individuals with physical disabilities?

Some important features to consider when creating a product for individuals with physical disabilities include durability, adjustability, and versatility. The product should be able to withstand frequent use and be easily adjustable to accommodate different physical abilities. It should also have the ability to be used in a variety of settings and situations to meet the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities.

4. How can technology be used to assist individuals with physical disabilities?

Technology can be a powerful tool in assisting individuals with physical disabilities. This can include the use of specialized software or apps to improve communication, motor skills, or cognitive abilities. Additionally, advancements in assistive technology have made it possible to create more innovative and effective products for individuals with disabilities, such as exoskeletons and prosthetics.

5. Are there any regulations or guidelines that need to be followed when designing a product for individuals with physical disabilities?

Yes, there are regulations and guidelines that need to be followed when designing a product for individuals with physical disabilities. These include accessibility standards, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States, as well as specific guidelines for certain types of products (e.g. medical devices). It is important to thoroughly research and understand these regulations to ensure that the product meets all necessary requirements.

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