Dealing with Non-Differentiable Paths in Path Integrals

In summary, path integrals allow for non-differentiable paths, which are computed by calculating the action for each path and summing over all possible paths. The measure on the space of possible paths is a problem in QFT and has not been fully defined. However, the non-differentiability of paths does not affect the integration due to the cancelling out of contributions caused by the lagrangian involving derivatives. This is shown in the case of a Euclidean path integral, where the integrand for a non-differentiable path is equal to zero.
  • #1
In path integrals, how does one deal with non-differentiable paths? Obviously non-differentiable paths are allowed, but with Feymann's formulation, one has to calculate the action for a path, and then sum over all possible paths. How is the action defined (if it is defined at all) for a non-differentiable path?

Also, is it possible to construct path integral vigorously by constructing a measure on the space of possible paths?
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  • #2
Since you are integrating, differentiability of the path doesn't matter. You can compute the length of the perimeter of a square, although the path becomes nondifferentiable at the corners.
  • #3
The nondifferentiabality of the paths is not so much a problem (in fact in general one expects that). However the measure is a problem in QFT. No one knows really what exactly *that* is, and is more or less poorly defined mathematically (but curiously, you *can* do a few things with it).

People seem to have more or less given up on that problem for the general case, as its exceedingly hard.
  • #4
Thanks for your replies!

To selfAdjoint,
Maybe you mistakably thought that I was talking about the ordinary path integral? Or did I miss something?

To Haelfix,
Path integrals are new to me. May you explain why the non-differentiability of paths does not matter? I can imagine that there are many continuous yet everywhere non-differentiable paths (Brownian motion's deterministic counterparts?) that are allowed. I am not sure that they are of measure zero (if the measure is defined at all)?
  • #5
Inquisitive_Mind said:
Path integrals are new to me. May you explain why the non-differentiability of paths does not matter? I can imagine that there are many continuous yet everywhere non-differentiable paths (Brownian motion's deterministic counterparts?) that are allowed. I am not sure that they are of measure zero (if the measure is defined at all)?
They don't have measure zero. Their contributions cancel out, because the lagrangian involves derivatives, and the action diverges. Its easiest to show that in the case of a Euclidean path integral, where the integrand is [itex]e^{-\infty}=0[/itex] for a non differentiable path.

FAQ: Dealing with Non-Differentiable Paths in Path Integrals

1. What is a quick path integral?

A quick path integral is a mathematical technique used in quantum mechanics to calculate the probability of a particle transitioning from one state to another in a given time frame. It involves breaking down the trajectory of the particle into infinitesimally small steps and calculating the probability of each step to determine the overall probability of the particle's path.

2. How is a quick path integral different from a regular path integral?

A quick path integral is a simplified version of a regular path integral, which involves calculating the probability of a particle's path over a continuous time interval. Quick path integrals only consider the probability of the particle's path at specific time points, making the calculation faster and more efficient.

3. What are the applications of quick path integrals?

Quick path integrals have many applications in physics, particularly in quantum mechanics. They are used to calculate the probability of particle interactions, study the behavior of quantum systems, and simulate complex physical processes.

4. How is a quick path integral calculated?

To calculate a quick path integral, the trajectory of the particle is divided into small time steps. The probability of each step is calculated using the Schrödinger equation and then multiplied together to determine the overall probability of the particle's path. This calculation can be done using various numerical methods such as Monte Carlo simulations or the Feynman-Kac formula.

5. Are there any limitations to using quick path integrals?

While quick path integrals are a useful tool in quantum mechanics, they have some limitations. They are most accurate for systems with simple dynamics and can become increasingly inaccurate for more complex systems. Additionally, they can only be used for systems with finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces and cannot be applied to relativistic systems.

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