Car's Trajectory on a Roller Coaster Track

In summary, the conversation discusses the motion of a car on a roller coaster track, with a specific focus on a certain section of the track in the time interval from t=0 to t=4s. The trajectory of the car is given by a vector equation with a constant A, and the speed is found by taking the derivative of the vector equation. To find the maximum value of A allowed by safety regulations, the speed of the car should not exceed 20m/s. The maximum value of A can be determined by finding the magnitude of the velocity vector function and setting it equal to 20m/s. This can be done using the unit vectors along the x, y, z axes.
  • #1
A car in a roller coaster moves along a track that consists of a sequence of ups and downs. Let the x-axis be parallel to the ground and the positive y-axis point upward. In the time interval from t=0 to t=4 s, the trajectory of the car along a certain section of the track is given by

(look at attachment)

where [tex]A[/tex] is a positive dimensionless constant.

I have two questions that i don't get:

1.) Derive a general expression for the speed [tex]v[/tex] of the car.
Express your answer in meters per second in terms of [tex]A[/tex] and [tex]T[/tex].

if i get the derivate of r, respect to time, that would get me the velocity right? so... 3at^2-12t+a

2.) The roller coaster is designed according to safety regulations that prohibit the speed of the car from exceeding 20m/s . Find the maximum value of [tex]A[/tex] allowed by these regulations.

V = V(0) + at
20 = 0 + a(4)
a= 5

did i get any of this right? if not, please give me a hand


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  • #2
in general,, if [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] is a vector equation s.t.

[tex] \vec{r} (t) = f(t) \vec{x} + g(t) \vec{y} + h(t) \vec{z} [/tex]

then the derivative of [itex] \vec{r} (t) [/itex] wrt t is given by,

[tex]\frac{d}{dt}\vec{r} (t) = [ \frac{d}{dt} f(t) ] \vec{x} + [ \frac{d}{dt} g(t) ] \vec{x} + [ \frac{d}{dt} h(t) ] \vec{z} [/tex]

where [itex] \vec{x}, \ \vec{y}, \ \vec{z} [/itex] are the unit vectors along the x, y, z, axis respectively.

if [itex] \vec{r}(t) [/itex] is a vector vlalued function for the position of a particle, then [itex] \frac{d}{dt} \vec{r} (t) [/itex] gives you a vector function for the velocity. To find the speed, you just need to find the magnitude of the velocity function. This is done the same way you find the magnitude of a vector only now the componets are functions.
( This is usually taught in multivariable calculus )
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  • #3

1) Yes, you are correct in that the derivative of the position function with respect to time will give you the velocity function. So, the general expression for the speed v of the car would be: v(t) = 6at - 12, in meters per second.

2) To find the maximum value of A allowed by the safety regulations, we need to set the maximum speed of the car (20m/s) equal to the speed function we derived in part 1. So, we have: 20 = 6at - 12. Solving for A, we get A = (20 + 12)/6t = 32/6t. Since t is a positive value (time cannot be negative), the maximum value of A allowed by the regulations would be when t is at its minimum value of 0. So, A = 32/6(0) = 0. Therefore, A should be less than or equal to 0 for the car to stay within the safety regulations.

FAQ: Car's Trajectory on a Roller Coaster Track

What factors affect a car's trajectory on a roller coaster track?

The trajectory of a car on a roller coaster track is affected by several factors including the design of the track, the speed and weight of the car, and the force of gravity.

How does the shape of a roller coaster track impact a car's trajectory?

The shape of a roller coaster track plays a crucial role in determining a car's trajectory. Curves, drops, and loops can all affect the speed and direction of the car, creating a thrilling and dynamic experience for riders.

What role does gravity play in a car's trajectory on a roller coaster track?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, and it plays a significant role in determining a car's trajectory on a roller coaster track. The force of gravity helps to accelerate the car down hills and through loops, creating the feeling of weightlessness for riders.

How does the speed of a roller coaster car impact its trajectory?

The speed of a roller coaster car is another crucial factor in determining its trajectory. The faster the car is moving, the more force it will experience, which can affect its path on the track. Higher speeds can also create a more intense and thrilling ride for passengers.

What precautions are taken to ensure the safety of a roller coaster car's trajectory?

Roller coaster designers and engineers take several precautions to ensure the safety of a car's trajectory on the track. This includes rigorous testing and inspections, use of safety restraints, and implementation of emergency braking systems. Regular maintenance and upkeep are also essential for ensuring a smooth and safe ride.

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