What is the maximum mass a planet can reach?

In summary, if a planet has more mass than about .05 times the mass of the sun (which is about 50 times the mass of Jupiter), then it is massive enough to ignite nuclear fusion in its core.
  • #1
My son asked me "what is the maximum size a planet can reach". I told him that it depends on its constituents; If it is a gas planet or a solid planet.

Can someone answer this question for me?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
The simple answer to your question is that if a planet has more mass than about .05 times the mass of the sun (which is about 50 times the mass of Jupiter), then it is massive enough to ignite nuclear fusion in its core. In this case, it radiates its own light, and we call it a star and not a planet.
  • #3
Thank you for the answer. However does this take into account rock planets as opposed to gas planets? Nuclear fusion of heavier elements such as iron (core of planets) might require much higher pressures and temperature than light elements such as Hydrogen!
  • #4
Based on our solar system, once a planet gets to be the size of Jupiter or so, then it has enough gravity to hold on to hydrogen and helium, so it is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, since they make up the bulk of the material in the collapsing pre-solar cloud. So I think that any planet larger than Jupiter will be mostly hydrogen and helium. I just don't think there is enough of the heavier elements to build a Jupiter-sized rocky planet. However, we're learning rapidly about exoplanets, so maybe I'm wrong.
  • #5
tanzanos said:
Thank you for the answer. However does this take into account rock planets as opposed to gas planets? Nuclear fusion of heavier elements such as iron (core of planets) might require much higher pressures and temperature than light elements such as Hydrogen!
Yes - it would depend on it's composition. One would have to determine the conditions for fusion (pressure or nuclear density and temperature) to determine at what point fusion might initiate.

Jupiter's Core

Down deep, it's hot in there! The temperature at the core of Jupiter is estimated to be 30,000 degrees Celsius (~K) (about 55,000 degrees Fahrenheit). This heat makes its way up through Jupiter and shines through cloud-free holes in the clouds, which are appropriately named "hot spots". Possibly solid, Jupiter's core is estimated to be about one-and-a-half times Earth's diameter, yet ten to thirty times more massive. If there is a solid surface, one could not stand on it without being crushed by the incredible weight of the atmosphere above.
Ref: http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/jupiter/interior.html

30,000 K is pretty hot for us, but for fusion it's cold. 1 ev is equivalent to 11605 K, so 30,000K is less than 3 eV and fusion usually requires temperatures (or equivalent kinetic energies) on the order of a few keV, or 10's of millions K.

Here's a slightly different model for Jupiter's core - http://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/4376.aspx

See this rather dated page on Brown Dwarf Stars
Stellar models had suggested that a true star must have a m *** at least 80 times that of Jupiter to kindle the stable fusion of hydrogen.

But then this article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_dwarf - indicates a slightly lower mass threshold for fusion [1]. The threshold would depend on composition since it would be possible to initiate d+d fusion at lower temperature than p+p fusion.

[1] http://www.carnegieinstitution.org/News4-3,2001.html
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FAQ: What is the maximum mass a planet can reach?

1. What is the maximum mass that a planet can have?

The maximum mass that a planet can have is uncertain and varies depending on factors such as composition and distance from its parent star. However, the largest known planet, Jupiter, has a mass of approximately 318 times that of Earth.

2. How does the maximum mass of a planet affect its ability to sustain life?

The maximum mass of a planet can greatly impact its ability to sustain life. Planets with a mass too large may have a thicker atmosphere, making it difficult for life to exist on the surface. It also affects the planet's gravity, making it difficult for organisms to evolve and survive.

3. Can a planet's maximum mass change over time?

Yes, a planet's maximum mass can change over time. This can occur through collisions with other objects or through the gradual accumulation of material from its surrounding environment. Planets can also lose mass through various processes such as atmospheric escape.

4. How does the maximum mass of a planet compare to its size?

The maximum mass of a planet does not necessarily correlate to its size. A planet's composition, density, and distance from its parent star are all factors that contribute to its maximum mass. For example, a smaller planet made mostly of heavy elements may have a higher maximum mass than a larger planet made mostly of light elements.

5. Are there any known planets that have exceeded the maximum mass?

Yes, there have been several known cases of planets exceeding the maximum mass. These are typically referred to as "super-Jupiter" or "super-Earth" planets. However, these planets are often found in close proximity to their parent star and have extreme atmospheric conditions, making them unlikely candidates for sustaining life.
